Who Are the Voice Actors in Rusty Rivets?

Discover the talented voice actors behind Rusty Rivets, bringing beloved characters to life in this exciting animated series for all ages.

Who Are the Voice Actors in Rusty Rivets?

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Have you ever wondered who voices the Rusty Rivets characters? You're in luck! We're going to show you the talented folks behind the voices. They help make Rusty Rivets fun for all ages. You'll meet the main and supporting cast, and even those with smaller roles.

Meet the Main Cast of Rusty Rivets

Get ready to meet the talented voice actors of Rusty Rivets. This show is loved by kids and grown-ups for its fun adventures. Let's explore the main cast and their amazing characters together.

Kyle Harrison Breitkopf as Rusty

Kyle Harrison Breitkopf voices Rusty with energy and excitement. He captures the spirit of this heroic character well. Rusty is all about solving problems and never giving up, which is great for kids to watch.

Ava Preston as Ruby

Ava Preston brings Ruby to life with her upbeat voice. Ruby is Rusty's loyal friend, and Ava's voice makes their friendship shine. You can feel the warmth in their adventures through Ava's performance.

Rob Tinkler as Ray, Botasaur, and Bytes

Rob Tinkler does three voices in Rusty Rivets: Ray, Botasaur, and Bytes. Ray adds lots of laughs to the show, thanks to Rob's fun performance. He also makes the robot friends sound cool. They help Rusty and Ruby with all kinds of cool gadgets.

Julie Lemieux as Whirly and Crush

Julie Lemieux makes Rusty Rivets extra fun with Whirly and Crush. She makes the characters full of life with different voices. Thanks to Julie, Whirly is peppy, and Crush is super strong.

Ron Pardo as Jack

Ron Pardo brings Jack's supportive character to life. He makes Jack sound like a great friend you'd want to have. Ron's voice work adds a wonderful feeling of togetherness to the show.

The main cast of Rusty Rivets takes us on a lively adventure. Their hard work gives us rich characters we love. Rusty Rivets is a show that brings joy to all its watchers, young and old.

Get to Know the Supporting Cast of Rusty Rivets

Rusty Rivets has more than just the main characters. It has a whole team of talented actors too. They bring the show to life in special ways.

Samuel Faraci as Liam McLoud and Additional Voices

Samuel Faraci voices Liam McLoud and other characters in Rusty Rivets. He gives each one a special touch. This makes them interesting and fun to watch.

Jonathan Potts as Officer Carl and Additional Voices

Jonathan Potts makes Officer Carl really funny on the show. His jokes and timing are perfect. No wonder people love the character he plays!

Helen King as Ranger Anna

Helen King is the voice of Ranger Anna. Her voice is full of life and adventures. She makes watching the show really exciting.

Joshua Graham as Sammy Scoops

Joshua Graham is Sammy Scoops on Rusty Rivets. He brings a lot of energy and fun to the series. Watching him is always a joy.

Novie Edwards as Chef Betty

Novie Edwards brings Chef Betty to life with her voice. Chef Betty becomes someone we all love. Novie's role is full of creativity and passion.

James Rankin as Mr. Higgins

James Rankin is Mr. Higgins, a wise and kind role in Rusty Rivets. His voice is gentle yet firm. He plays a big part in the show with his advice.

The talented supporting cast makes Rusty Rivets a top show for everyone. They use their voice skills to make the show awesome. It's a must-watch for its exciting and immersive stories.

The Mystery of the Minor Cast in Rusty Rivets

The main characters of Rusty Rivets are well loved and known. But, there's a big mystery about the teammates. The people who do their voices have not been named yet.

The people who voice the small parts in Rusty Rivets are very important. They help make the show fun and real. Kids and grown-ups both enjoy Rusty Rivets because of these voices.

Rob Tinkler made Rusty Rivets. He tells great stories with fun characters. He's worked on many shows, including "Sam & Max Freelance Police," "X-Men," and "Sailor Moon."

Besides voice acting, Tinkler has written for other shows. His work in cartoons is wonderful and loved by many.

The small character voices in Rusty Rivets will soon be heard. Fans are excited to learn more about them.

Rusty Rivets is a big hit because of its amazing characters. Both the main and small roles are very special. They make a world that children adore.

The Importance of Child Actors in Rusty Rivets

Rusty Rivets is a favorite animated series. It shines a light on its main cast's talent. It also shows the value of child actors. Samuel Faraci is one such child star who shines bright.

Samuel Faraci and other kids in Rusty Rivets bring special energy. Their real voices and acting connect well with kids. This makes the show truly fun to watch.

Samuel stands out, even if not in the main cast. For episode 103, he's at the top of the credits. This shows how important child actors are in Rusty Rivets.

Having kids in Rusty Rivets makes its stories richer. It also gives kids on-screen heroes. This is great because it lets young ones see themselves as heroes too.

Rusty Rivets is great for child actors too. It showcases their skills and helps them grow. This is a positive step that sets a good example for the acting world.

In short, child actors in Rusty Rivets do a lot. They make the show special for kids. They also make the world of animation more diverse and welcoming.

Rusty Rivets and the Talented Voiceover Artists

Rusty Rivets is a hit show thanks to talented voiceover artists. They make the characters real with their amazing voices. One such star is Robb Moreira.

Robb Moreira is a skilled actor with ten years of experience. He learned at the Fame School of the Arts and the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. Because of this, he can give us great and true performances.

What's cool is he can speak English and Spanish well. This makes him great for jobs that need different languages. He has worked on phone systems and medical videos in both languages too.

Robb has worked with big brands like McDonald's and Pepsi. This shows how much they value his voice. He's very popular in the voiceover world.

Robb is also super quick. He can finish voice work in 24 hours. So, he makes sure the work is good and on time.

To sound the best, Robb uses top-of-the-line equipment. He has a great microphone and audio gear. This makes his recordings sound super clear.

Experts love how Robb can turn his voice into real, special characters. A coach, a producer, and a casting director all think he's amazing.

Robb also teaches voice acting. He shares what he knows with new actors. This shows his love for the job.

In Rusty Rivets, Robb is just one of the great voices. Many others, like Melanie Liatsis and James Hartnett, have added their talents. Ron Rubin, a star from many cartoons, also joined. As did Anthony Sardinha, known for his anime work, and Richard M. Dumont, a famous gamer voice. Julie Lemieux, with lots of animated shows under her belt, has also brought her skill.

With Robb and others, Rusty Rivets keeps us all loving the characters. Their voices make the show feel real and exciting. It's fun for everyone to watch.

Bringing the Characters to Life in Rusty Rivets

Rusty Rivets has many characters that people love. They each have their own special traits. The actors who give them their voices are a big part of this.

Julie Lemieux is a key voice actor. She's worked in cartoons for more than 35 years. Lemieux has acted in lots of shows and movies. She's won big prizes for her work in shows like Spliced and Numb Chucks.

In Rusty Rivets, Lemieux gives voices to many roles. For example, she's Cali in PAW Patrol and Funshine Bear in Care Bears. Her skill makes each character special.

Lemieux is a big part of the show's success. She's part of a great team. Their work makes the show fun for everyone.

Rusty Rivets is coming back for more episodes. Fans will see new inventions and fun stories. With Julie Lemieux and the other actors, it's sure to be a hit.

Recognizing the Talent of the Rusty Rivets Voice Cast

The Rusty Rivets voice cast is a talented group. They help bring the show's characters to life. Their amazing work makes the show loved by many.

Elley Ray is one great voice in Rusty Rivets. She has 40 years of experience. You might know her voice from My Little Pony and Hotel Transylvania.

Deb Munro has voiced characters for over 30 years. She is famous for her work in DragonBall. You also hear her in the Pirates of the Caribbean games.

J. Michael Collins is known for his voice work and teaching others. He helps new talents shine in the industry. He's won awards for his work and teaching.

Cliff Zellman has over 40 years in production. He worked on shows like The Power Rangers. His work helps make Rusty Rivets great.

Devyn Dalton has done a lot in her career. She started with Barbie and moved into movies. She's known for her work in The BFG and Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

Liz Atherton runs CastTalent to connect voice actors with jobs. She's proud of the work she does to make Rusty Rivets sound amazing.

Erik Sheppard understands the voiceover world very well. He supports his clients with over 30 years of experience. His agency helps voice actors find great work.

Andia Winslow brings her Emmy and Telly award-winning talent to Rusty Rivets. She's not just in TV and film. She's also known for her work in fitness.

Dave Fennoy is known for his voice in over 400 games. You may know his work from The Walking Dead and Fortnite. His talent makes him stand out in the field.

The Rusty Rivets voice cast is special. Their hard work and skill make the show great. They make it fun and magical for everyone watching.

The Impact of Voice Actors in Rusty Rivets

The voice actors in Rusty Rivets bring the characters to life. They make the show a hit with the audience.

Rusty Rivets has aired 78 episodes over three seasons. It started on November 8, 2016, and ended in May 2020. People of all ages love the show for its exciting story.

The rescue robots team in the series is very cool. They come in different colors like red, green, and pink. All these robots have their own special charm, thanks to the voice actors.

The actors make the robots feel like real friends. They add personality and make the viewers love these characters.

In its second season, Rusty Rivets added more robots. Now, kids could enjoy new friends like Botarilla and TigerBot. The voice actors showed how talented they are by playing all these roles.

Frankie Fritz is Rusty's main rival, introduced in the second season. The actor who plays Frankie gives a strong performance. Their work makes the story more interesting and lively.

In the third season, Rusty's voice changed a bit. This was because his actor was growing up. This change made Rusty seem more real, showing character growth.

The actors help make the show mainly about learning to fix things. They talk about the importance of science and technology for solving problems.

The show's theme song is very popular. People love to sing along, saying "Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, put it together, Rusty Rivets!". The actors' way of singing this makes the song special.

The voice actors are really important for Rusty Rivets. Their hard work and talent make the show great. Viewers remember and love the characters they bring to life.

Behind the Scenes of Rusty Rivets - Voiceovers.com

Animation like Rusty Rivets needs great voice actors to make characters real. The voices behind Rusty Rivets have a lot of experience. For over 40 years, they've given voices to 800 characters in movies, TV shows, games, and ads.

The actor is known for voicing Fred Jones (since 1969), Megatron, and Scooby-Doo (since 2002). They're also famous for animal and monster sounds.

They’ve voiced characters in Transformers, Scooby-Doo, and several other big shows. But it doesn't stop there. They’ve also worked in Jurassic Park, DC Comics, Beauty and the Beast, and more.

The actor has also voiced lesser-known characters. Including principal Peterson, and even roles like Santa's Little Helper from The Simpsons. This shows their wide range and skill.

Voice actors on Rusty Rivets work closely with the team. They ensure characters sound just right. Their efforts make every episode amazing for viewers of all ages.

The Rusty Rivets voice cast is key to the show's success. Their work turns characters into something special. This makes Rusty Rivets a hit around the world.


Voice actors in Rusty Rivets do important work. They make the show's characters real. Andrew Jackson stands out. He's been in the show business since 1987. You might know him from shows like All My Children and Criminal Minds. He also does voices in video games. His role as Botarilla in Rusty Rivets shows how good he is.

Andrew Jackson has also been in movies. Like Scooby-Doo 2 and The Apostle Peter: Redemption. He does voices in anime, too. His work in Beyblade and Bakugan shows his many talents.

The voice acting world prizes great talent. The BTVA Voice Acting Awards honor the best. They cover shows and games. Nickledeon actors, including Rusty Rivets, are often nominated. This shows how important their work is.

Israel is another amazing voice in Rusty Rivets. She also stars in Paw Patrol and Star Wars Rebels. Her singing and solo work show her range. Israel brings characters to life with her voice.

Andrew Jackson and Israel do more than Rusty Rivets. They show the power of voice acting. Their work in many projects is important. They make stories come alive. They are key in the world of voice acting.