Who Are the Voice Actors in The Dragon Prince?

Discover the talented voice actors behind The Dragon Prince, bringing beloved characters to life with their remarkable performances.

Who Are the Voice Actors in The Dragon Prince?

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The Dragon Prince is a show many have come to love. It's full of interesting stories and cool characters. Ever thought about who voices them so amazingly?

Today, we're diving into the world of The Dragon Prince. We'll meet the voice actors who make the characters so real. You'll learn about the people behind Rayla, Callum, Claudia, and Soren. Each voice actor plays a big part in making the series awesome.

Get ready to learn about the actors who make The Dragon Prince special. You might find it surprising how many roles some play. Let's begin this exciting journey now!

Paula Burrows as Rayla

Paula Burrows is a talented voice actor who brings Rayla to life. Rayla is a Moonshadow Elf in The Dragon Prince. She seeks justice and vengeances the Dragon King’s death.

Burrows loves her role as Rayla, calling it her top project. She shows Rayla’s bravery and loyalty in every scene.

Rayla is loved by many for her strong values and learning from mistakes. Her journey is a highlight for fans.

Besides Rayla, Burrows voices other characters. She shows her talent by being different people in the show.

Thanks to technology, Burrows and co-stars can record together from afar. This means more natural acting from the whole cast.

Burrow's role as Rayla leaves a lasting impression. Her amazing voice work is a big part of The Dragon Prince's success.

Jack De Sena as Callum

Jack De Sena is a great voice actor. He makes Callum come to life in The Dragon Prince. He was born on December 6, 1987. Now, he is 36 years old. De Sena started his career in 2002.

De Sena shows he is very talented in The Dragon Prince. As Prince Callum, he shows growth and bravery. People really like how De Sena expresses Callum's feelings. This makes Callum a much-loved character.

He doesn't just voice Callum. De Sena is also the voice of Bait, the glow toad, and Zym, the baby dragon. These extra roles show off his voice acting skills even more. It makes the show more special.

De Sena has done a lot beyond The Dragon Prince. Fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender know him as the voice of Sokka. He has also been in TV shows like King of the Hill and Melissa & Joey.

He even does voice work for video games. You can hear him in games like Avatar: The Last Airbender and Nicktoons MLB. De Sena co-directed and produced a short film called "The White Room" in 2016. This shows his love for creativity and telling stories.

De Sena is skilled and hardworking. He is a big name in voice acting. His role as Callum in The Dragon Prince is very popular. Thanks to him, many people enjoy the show a lot.

Sasha Rojen as Claudia

Sasha Rojen shines in her role as Claudia in The Dragon Prince. She's known for voicing Ezran too. Her unique voice skillfully shows Claudia's journey in deep ways.

In the show, Claudia is a rich character. Rojen captures her struggle and loyalty well. As Viren's daughter, Claudia's feelings are complex. Rojen's work makes Claudia feel real and deep.

Rojen has a gift for making characters stand out. Her work as Claudia is no exception. She brings a new, exciting vibe to the show.

Rojen's voice work is top-notch. She moves easily between roles. Fans and critics love her work in The Dragon Prince. She's a big part of what makes the show great.

Sasha Rojen shows off her amazing voice acting as Claudia. Her talent is clear in every role she takes on. She makes each character unique and unforgettable.

Jesse Inocalla as Soren

Jesse Inocalla makes Soren from The Dragon Prince shine. He gives Soren a voice that makes him unforgettable. This adds life and emotion to Soren's story.

Soren gets taller as the series goes on, hitting 5'11'' by Season 4. He starts as a 17-year-old in Book One. This growth shows Jesse's ability to show changes in Soren over time.

Soren's character is full of fun and interesting parts. Jesse voices Soren in a way that shows his mix of confident and kind traits. This makes Soren real and likable to everyone watching.

Aside from his main role, Soren is known by different funny names. These show how deep and interesting Soren's character is. And Jesse brings these names to life with his voice.

Jesse does more than just The Dragon Prince. He has voiced characters in many other popular projects. This shows Jesse's skill in being able to voice various kinds of characters.

Jesse has also appeared in live-action TV shows and films. This includes Marvel Super Hero Adventures and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. His voice has been part of different projects, further highlighting his versatility.

The work Jesse does with the creators of The Dragon Prince shows true teamwork. His efforts help make the show great. This teamwork also shows how important the whole cast is to the show's success.

Jesse's role as Soren has really made a big impact on The Dragon Prince fans. His work, adding humor and wit to Soren, makes the show special. He is a big reason why people enjoy the show so much.

Jesse's commitment to giving Soren life has been key to The Dragon Prince being loved by many. Even as the story ends, people will remember Soren thanks to Jesse's amazing voice work.

Jason Simpson as Viren

Jason Simpson is a famous voice actor. He plays Viren in The Dragon Prince. Thanks to his work, Viren is a character with many layers. This makes the story more interesting.

Simpson's voice brings Viren to life. He sounds like someone in charge. This adds mystery and power to the character. Simpson's acting shows how clever and tricky Viren can be. These traits keep people guessing.

Simpson is not new to TV. He has been in shows like Charmed and Lucifer. This shows he knows his stuff. He can be many different characters, showing his skill.

The Dragon Prince is not his first animated series. Simpson has done well in three other series on streaming TV. His work makes Viren an exciting character. Fans love what he brings to the show.

Racquel Belmonte as Claudia

Racquel Belmonte gives her voice to Claudia in The Dragon Prince animated series. Belmonte's amazing talent and voice bring Claudia to life. She makes the show exciting with her performance.

Belpmonte shows Claudia as a character who grows a lot. She starts as innocent but faces big challenges. Belmonte shows Claudia's feelings and changes really well.

Racquel shows Claudia's many feelings. She makes her sound happy, sad, and everything in between. This makes Claudia's story very interesting.

Thanks to Racquel's hard work, Claudia is more than just a character. She seems real with strengths and weaknesses. Belmonte's acting makes this happen.

Racquel's acting helps us really understand Claudia. We can feel for her and relate. Racquel's work makes the show amazing.

Claudia does many exciting things in the show. From using magic to facing hard choices. Racquel makes it all feel real and deep.

Racquel's great work as Claudia is loved by fans all over the world. She shows her skills well. Fans won't forget her great performance.

Watch The Dragon Prince and see Claudia's story. See Racquel Belmonte's amazing voice work in action.

Benjamin Callins as Runaan

Benjamin Callins makes Runaan exciting in The Dragon Prince. He uses his voice talents well for Runaan.

Runaan is from the Moonshadow Elf guild, the Silvergrove. He's a powerful assassin and leader with a risky mission. Benjamin really shows Runaan's wisdom and power, which makes him a big part of the story.

Benjamin fits right in with Runaan, showing his loyalty and goals. Runaan goes through a lot, and Benjamin helps us understand that struggle.

Benjamin uses his voice well to make Runaan a strong character. Runaan becomes more interesting because of Benjamin's work.

Benjamin makes Runaan very special in The Dragon Prince. He does great in emotional scenes and fights. Benjamin's work really highlights Runaan's character.

Thanks to Benjamin Callins, Runaan is unforgettable in The Dragon Prince.

Rena Anakwe as Janai

Rena Anakwe is an amazing voice actor. She brings Janai in The Dragon Prince to life. As Janai's voice, Rena shows her strong will and loyalty as a Sunfire Elf and Queen of Lux Aurea.

Janai is passionate and sure of herself in Rena's performance. This makes viewers really interested. With Rena's voice, Janai becomes a very interesting part of the show.

Rena makes Janai's character powerful. Janai fights well, like Amaya does, and has a special sword. She can also get stronger in a "heat-being" mode.

Rena shows Janai's journey and success well. She makes Janai very important in The Dragon Prince. Rena's skill and hard work stand out in her role.