Who Are the Voices in the Game A Plague Tale: Innocence (2019)?

A Plague Tale: Innocence captivates players with its emotional voice acting, bringing to life a gripping tale of family and survival.

Who Are the Voices in the Game A Plague Tale: Innocence (2019)?

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When you play A Plague Tale: Innocence, you meet amazing characters. These characters come to life through their voice actors. We will look at who voiced Amicia, Hugo, and more in this game.

Meet the Voice Cast of A Plague Tale: Innocence

In A Plague Tale: Innocence, the voice cast makes the game really come alive. They add emotion and depth to the story. The talents of the voice actors draw players into a world filled with rats.

Charlotte McBurney brings Amicia de Rune to life. She shows Amicia's brave and caring side in a dangerous world. This is a world of 14th century France during the Hundred Years' War.

Logan Hannan voices Hugo de Rune, Amicia's little brother. He shows how Hugo keeps his innocence even in scary times. His bond with Amicia feels real because of Hannan's skill.

Stephané Cornicard's voice makes Vitalis a really scary character. He makes Vitalis dark and mysterious. His performance shows the evil plans of this important character.

Mark Healy does two roles in the game, Lord Nicholas and Laurentius. He shows how different these two characters are. He makes them both interesting with his great voice acting.

Katherine Pageon is Beatrice de Rune, the mother of the family. She makes Beatrice a loving and strong mom. Pageon’s voice adds a lot to the game’s family story.

Alec Newman voices Robert, the father of the family. He sounds wise and strong. Newman gives Robert a voice that leads and protects.

Tabitha Rubens gives Melie a fun and smart voice. Rubens makes Melie a great helper for Amicia and Hugo. She adds laughter and courage to the story.

Edan Hayhurst makes Lucas a smart and brave friend. As Lucas, he shows a lot of heart. Hayhurst's voice adds a lot to Lucas’ friendship and adventure.

David Knight plays Arthur, a mysterious man in the game. Knight makes Arthur a character with lots of feelings. He adds mystery and depth to the story.

Each actor in A Plague Tale: Innocence plays a big role. They make the game feel real with their voices. Their amazing work helps the story be truly engaging.

As players start their journey in A Plague Tale: Innocence, the actors’ work is key. The way they voice the characters makes the story hit home. The strong voice acting tells a touching story of family and danger in a dark time.

Amicia's Voice Actor in A Plague Tale: Innocence

Charlotte McBurney brings Amicia to life in A Plague Tale: Innocence. Amicia is a strong girl in 14th century France during the Black Plague. She is determined and protects her little brother Hugo. McBurney's voice makes Amicia's resilience and care clear to players.

McBurney shows Amicia's feelings well in the game. Players feel Amicia's fear and love for Hugo thanks to her work. Her acting makes the game's story strong.

Amicia's voice makes the game's world real for everyone playing. Players enjoy and understand the game more because of McBurney. Many people love how she voices Amicia.

Stéphanie Cassignard does Amicia's motion capture in the first game. Robyn Wolf does this in the sequel, A Plague Tale: Requiem.

Charlotte McBurney and the cast make A Plague Tale: Innocence special. Their work shows how important good voice acting is in games.

Hugo's Voice Actor in A Plague Tale: Innocence

Logan Hannan is the voice behind Hugo. Hugo is the brave little brother of the main character, Amicia. In A Plague Tale: Innocence, they face tough times in 14th century France. Hannan's voice for Hugo shows both his bravery and his fear. This makes you really feel for Hugo as you play the game.

Hugo and Amicia's story is full of danger, especially from rats. They must work together to solve puzzles. Hannan's voice makes Hugo's feelings and changes really clear. This makes the game even more real for the players.

A great team of actors, including Logan Hannan, made A Plague Tale: Innocence special. With Charlotte McBurney, Stephané Cornicard, and Mark Healy, they brought life to the story. Hugo's role was key, and Hannan's work made him a favorite for many.

The Importance of Voice Acting in A Plague Tale: Innocence

Voice acting makes A Plague Tale: Innocence more real and exciting. The actors bring the characters to life. They help tell a great story in medieval France during a big war.

Charlotte McBurney shines as Amicia, the main character. She shows how brave and smart Amicia is. A lot of Amicia's feelings and struggles come through her voice.

A Plague Tale: Innocence learns from top games like The Last of Us and Uncharted. It mixes sneaking, puzzles, and making things. The actors make everything feel more real and intense.

The sneaking parts are like solving puzzles. Each challenge has a right way to beat it. The actors make these parts exciting and rewarding.

The puzzles remind people of old adventure games. You move levers and boxes, like in Zelda. The actors make these puzzles fit the game's old-timey world perfectly.

Some players think there are too many resources in the game. But, the actors make the scary parts really scary. They help paint a dark and scary world.

As a whole, the voice acting makes A Plague Tale: Innocence special. It makes the game feel deep and real. The journey of the characters becomes more emotional and exciting.

Asobo Studio and the Talent Behind the Voices

Asobo Studio works hard to make their games great. They pay lots of attention to details. That means the game's design, story, and especially the voices of the characters.

In the game A Plague Tale: Requiem, they picked great actors. Charlotte McBurney is one of them. She voices Amicia, the main character.

Charlotte McBurney does an amazing job as Amicia. She makes you feel Amicia's emotions. You really get into the game as Amicia faces danger and love.

Logan Hannan also shines in the game as Hugo. He adds a feeling of innocence and need. Together, McBurney and Hannan make the game's story shine.

The game's faces could look better, but the voices make you forget that. McBurney and Hannan's great acting makes the game feel real. It pulls you in deep into the story.

Asobo Studio really cares about good voice acting. They mix it with their cool design and story. The result? Players love their games all the way through.

A Plague Tale: Requiem shows how good Asobo Studio is. They use great voice acting to tell amazing stories. Characters like Amicia and Hugo feel real, making their game special.

Other Characters and Their Voice Actors

A Plague Tale: Innocence has many main characters with amazing performances. It also has a big and talented cast of characters. They are all played by skilled voice actors.

Lucas, who is voiced by Edan Hayhurst, is important. He is an apprentice to Laurentius. Lucas helps Amicia a lot in their dangerous journey.

Melie is key too, helping Amicia and Hugo. Tabitha Rubens gives Melie a brave and smart spirit. This makes the story more interesting.

Arthur, voiced by David Knight, is Melie's brother. He uses tricks to help Amicia. Arthur helps Amicia trick her enemies and move forward.

Mark Healy does a great job voicing Lord Nicholas and Laurentius. He gives them their unique personalities. They help Amicia and Hugo with their knowledge.

Some other great actors are Charlotte McBurney as Amicia and Logan Hannan as Hugo. Also, Stephané Cornicard plays Vitalis well. They all make the game really come alive.

The voice actors work hard to tell a good story. They make the game full of emotion. Their work helps players feel a part of the dark, old world in the game.

The Impact of Voice Acting on the Gaming Experience

The voice acting in A Plague Tale: Innocence is vital for a better game experience. It gives life to the characters and their stories. This adds more feelings and truth to the game.

The main cast shines because of their great work. Charlotte McBurney, as Amicia de Rune, and Logan Hannan, as Hugo, do an amazing job. Even though it's their first time, they make the characters come alive. Their connection with the players is strong because of their emotions.

In a game set in a dark time like the 14th century, their work is even more impressive. They show the fear and bravery of their characters well. This makes the game feel very real.

The voice acting also makes the characters feel real and caring. This makes us cheer for them as they face dangers. We want to see them grow and win in the end.

The side characters don't get as much attention, but they also do a good job. They help make the game's world feel true.

The great voice acting, combined with a good story and gameplay, makes this game stand out. It makes us feel deeply and stay interested all through the game.

A Plague Tale: Innocence shows how important good voice acting is. The work of the voice actors makes us care more about the characters. It's proof that voice acting can make a game truly unforgettable for players.

The Success of A Plague Tale: Innocence

A Plague Tale: Innocence came out in May 2019. It got lots of praise and many people bought it. Players loved the story, dark themes, and great looks.

The story is about Amicia and her brother, Hugo, in a Black Death world. They meet many friends and foes on their journey.

Asobo Studios, the creators, faced some big problems. But they worked hard and made the game better. They even stopped to improve parts based on player feedback.

Voice acting in the game is top-notch. Charlotte McBurney shines as Amicia. She brings Amicia's strong and soft sides to life. The whole cast does a great job too.

The game's stealth and puzzle parts were praised too. Players loved how you had to sneak past bad guys. Using distractions added fun and challenge.

Visually, the game is a stunner. The Xbox One X version looked bit crisper. But all versions were beautifully chilling. The details sucked players right in.

Players spent about 10 hours finishing the game. But those hours were full of excitement. The game's success led to a sequel, "A Plague Tale: Requiem." It proved that story matters in games.


In 2019, a game called A Plague Tale: Innocence came out. It tells a story from 14th century France. This was during the Black Death. The game has 17 chapters and takes about 12-15 hours to play.

The game shines with its unique tasks and beautiful look. The character's voices make you care more about them. Players really love Amicia and Hugo.

This game, made by Asobo Studio, is not your usual game. It mixes sneaking and fighting. You use different weapons to face dangers, like rat swarms. It is scary but very exciting.

Its story, look, and new ideas make it a top game. Critics liked it a lot. It even got nominated for awards in 2022. And let's not forget its amazing music.