Who Are the Voices in the Game Control (2019)?

Control captivates players with its thrilling story and exceptional voice acting, featuring talented actors like Courtney Hope and Sean Durrie.

Who Are the Voices in the Game Control (2019)?

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Control is a hit action-adventure game made by Remedy Entertainment. It grabs players with its exciting story and gameplay. Do you know who gave their voices to the game's characters? Let's explore the world of Control and meet its brilliant voice cast.

Meet Courtney Hope, the Voice of Jesse Faden

Courtney Hope brings Jesse Faden to life in the game Control. She's been working on it for two years. Her passion shows in every word.

"Control" was first shown at E3 a bit over a year back. It's made by Remedy Games, famous for their deep stories. Courtney notes that "Control" is scarier and more mystical than their older games.

Jesse Faden, played by Hope, meets hard challenges and fears in the game. Hope uses her real fears to make Jesse feel real. Jesse fears losing family and being alone. This makes her character touching and real.

Courtney Hope does a great job as Jesse Faden in "Control." She was also Beth Wilder in "Quantum Break." Hope knows how to make characters deep and emotional.

Courtney also shines on TV. She's Sally Spectra on The Bold and the Beautiful since 2017. She won a Daytime Emmy for her role. She's been successful on The Young and the Restless too since 2020.

Hope has won awards and gained fame in gaming and TV. Her role as Jesse in Control shows her talent. She proves voice actors can make games more exciting.

The Voice of Dylan Faden: Sean Durrie

In the game Control (2019), Dylan Faden stands out. Sean Durrie's voice acting makes him memorable. Dylan, or Prime Candidate 6, is key to the exciting story.

Dylan has amazing powers like a former director. But, his powers caused sadness too. They led to the death of some Bureau agents, and he lost some freedoms.

In 2019, the Hiss invaded, and Dylan got influenced. Luckily, he kept his mind and saw the Hiss as a friend. He met his sister, Jesse, and they had a big talk. Dylan said Jesse must find out the truth about the Bureau.

Jesse cleaned Dylan's mind from the Hiss in a big fight. Dylan then fell into a coma. His hair might have grown a lot, showing time passing in the coma.

Sean Durrie makes Dylan's character deep and interesting. He also acted in Quantum Break. His voice lets players feel close to Dylan's story.

Sean's voice work really adds to Control's fun. The game has a great story and design. Control is popular, with many people liking it.

Control came out in 2019 for PS4, Windows, and Xbox One. Critics and players loved it. It won awards for its art. And, it had a cool crossover with Alan Wake.

Control uses new tech and great voice acting. Sean Durrie helps make Dylan's character special. The game is a hit in action, adventure, and horror.

James McCaffrey as Zachariah Trench

James McCaffrey makes Zachariah Trench really stand out in Control (2019). He uses his voice talents to draw players into Trench's world. This makes the game even more interesting.

Zachariah Trench was the big boss at the Bureau of Control. McCaffrey shows Trench's depth and feelings. He really makes you understand Trench's worries and the hard choices he had to make.

Trench talks a lot about the Control Points and why they're so important. McCaffrey's voice shows Trench's stress and fear about these points. Players can feel how heavy Trench's job is because of how McCaffrey speaks.

The Hotline is how Trench talks to the Board, a key part of his job. McCaffrey uses his voice to show how serious these calls are. His acting helps players know what to do next in the game.

Trench mentions the Oceanview Motel and Casino, where agents get a break. McCaffrey's voice shows that Trench really needs a break. This helps players see a softer side of Trench.

James McCaffrey brings Trench to life with his voice in Control. He shows us a side of Trench that's hard to forget. His work in the game is something fans really appreciate.

Matthew Porretta as Dr. Casper Darling

Matthew Porretta plays Dr. Casper Darling in the hit game Control. He's the research boss at the Federal Bureau of Control. Dr. Darling's work is key to the game's story.

Porretta shows Darling's weird but curious character really well. The game shows how Darling looks for the truth. He sometimes does iffy stuff to help the Bureau.

Dylan Faden, under Darling's care, accidentally kills an agent with magic. Darling also leads the team that finds a strange, alive shape called Hedron. He thinks this is a big deal for the Bureau.

Darling makes devices called HRAs to keep people safe from Hedron's bad magic. This makes him disagree with his boss about Hedron and the real danger, the Hiss. The Hiss is a big problem in the game.

When the Hiss comes, Darling tries to protect Hedron's area with a large HRA. No one knows what happens to him during the attack. We see him mainly in old video messages.

Porretta’s acting makes Dr. Darling come to life, making Control more fun. Porretta has been praised a lot for this role. He was even nominated for a big award. Fans love him and show it with their own art and costumes.

Porretta is not only known for Control. He's also done voices in Alan Wake games. Plus, he has a long history in TV, voice acting, and movies. He's a great actor all around.

Matt Porretta is a top voice actor in video games. His role as Dr. Darling is a big success in his game career. He's a star in the gaming world.

Antonia Bernath as Emily Pope

Antonia Bernath brings Emily Pope to life in the game Control (2019). She is a top-notch researcher. Bernath adds smarts and grit to Emily's character.

Emily does amazing work at the Bureau of Control. She's famous for looking into offbeat stuff, even at college. After joining the Federal Bureau of Control in 2014, she becomes known for her work with ghostly phenomena.

Emily spent three solid years working with Dr. Casper Darling. Together, they shined in the field of paranormal research.

From 2017 to 2019, Emily began to lose faith in the Bureau's ways. She realized things weren't as clear as they should be. Still, she pressed on to fight against the Hiss, a harmful force.

In the game Control (2019), Emily is key in helping Jesse Faden tackle challenges. As the bureau's research head, her wisdom and ideas are crucial.

Bernath has been acting since 2003. She debuted in films in 2005. You might know her voice from The Witcher 3 and Star Wars Battlefront as well.

Control (2019) scores an 8.2 on IMDb for its gripping tale. It stars actors like Courtney Hope, Sean Durrie, and the talented Antonia Bernath.

Martti Suosalo as Ahti

Martti Suosalo is a famous Finnish actor, born on July 19, 1962. He shines as Ahti, the Finnish janitor in Control (2019). His career of over 30 years shows his talent in both movies and TV.

Suosalo's acting in Control got a lot of praise. He won the British Academy Games Award for his role. This shows how great he is at using his voice to make Ahti interesting.

He is not just good in games. In 2020, he got the Best Actor award at a film festival for Laugh or Die. Suosalo always puts his heart into acting, no matter the project.

Ahti first appeared in the E3 2018 Control demo. But Suosalo made the character stand out. Ahti's Finnish roots come out in his words, making him seem real.

Ahti's name comes from a Finnish water god, fitting his role in the game. The janitor's closet in Oceanview Motel is a mystery. It might link Ahti to special places in the game.

In Control, Ahti helps players with wisdom and fun. He loves music, as shown by the Runnerboy he carries. This makes Ahti unique and likable.

Martti Suosalo's Ahti in Control shows his amazing acting skills. He makes Ahti a character players remember. This proves Suosalo is a great actor in all media.

Other Notable Voice Actors in Control (2019)

In Control, lots of voice actors make the game's characters real. They are as important as the main cast. Here are some talented voices you hear in the game:

Brig Bennett as Helen Marshall

Brig Bennett gives life to Helen Marshall in Control. Her acting is so real, it grabs the players' hearts and minds.

Jade Anouka as Helen Marshall's voice

Jade Anouka shines as the voice of Helen Marshall. Her powerful voice makes Helen a character you won't forget.

Ronan Summers as Simon Arish

Ronan Summers is the voice behind Simon Arish. He acts so well, Simon feels alive to everyone playing.

Charlotte Randle as Raya Underhill

Charlotte Randle brings Raya Underhill to life. Raya stands out because of her great performance.

All these talents, main cast included, make Control's world real. Their performances make the game memorable for all players.

Control's Voice Acting and Immersive Storytelling

The voice acting in Control (2019) makes the game's story come to life. A great cast of voice actors gives depth and emotion to the characters.

Jesse Faden is the main character. Courtney Hope brings her to life with her strong voice. Jesse has special powers and fights with them. Her voice makes Jesse seem real, showing her strong will and struggles. This draws players into her mission to solve the FBC's secrets.

Other actors also play key roles. Sean Durrie is excellent as Jesse's brother, Dylan. James McCaffrey is the mysterious Zachariah Trench. Matthew Porretta, Antonia Bernath, and Martti Suosalo also pull you into the story. They make each character interesting and real.

The whole voice cast does an amazing job. Their performances make you care about the story. The game's dialogue and voices keep you hooked and feeling the emotions.

Control (2019) is special because of its look, story, and voices. It shows how games can tell great stories with voice actors. Players not only watch but also change the story. This makes the game's world feel real and exciting.

The Impact of Voice Acting in Control

The voice acting in Control (2019) is key to the spooky story and cool world of the game. The talented actors make the characters alive with their great voices. This makes playing the game really fun and interesting.

Courtney Hope, the main voice for Jesse Faden, does a great job. She shows Jesse's tough and soft sides well. This lets people really get into Jesse's shoes and understand her feelings.

Sean Durrie rocks as Jesse's brother, Dylan. His voice makes you feel Dylan's sad and mysterious self. This makes Dylan's part in the story more interesting and deep.

James McCaffrey is awesome as Zachariah Trench, the Bureau's Director. His strong voice shows Trench's powerful and dark side really well. He makes Trench very real and scary.

Matthew Porretta plays Dr. Casper Darling, the odd scientist. He brings smart and strange vibes to the character. Porretta's work makes Darling quite an interesting person in the game.

Antonia Bernath as Emily Pope and Martti Suosalo as Ahti also do a fantastic job. Emily's voice gives life to a smart worker, and Ahti's voice makes the janitor guy cool and mysterious. These actors add a lot to the game's world and story.

Each of these actors make Control come alive with their great work. They help players really feel for the characters and enjoy the game. Their effort makes Control stand out as a top game for sure.

The work of the voice actors in Control (2019) shows the magic of great storytelling and voice acting in games. They make the game feel real and connect players to the story. Their performance turns Control into an amazing game that people love to play.

Game Control's Acclaimed Reception

Game Control (2019) is loved by both players and critics. It’s known for its great gameplay, story, and voice acting. These parts make the game earn high marks and good reviews.

The game started with some problems on the PS4. But the team quickly fixed them with updates. This made the game better for everyone playing.

Only 16% of players finished the game. But for those who did, they found a deep and interesting story. The game has 323 hidden items. This made players want to find everything to learn its full story.

There’s also a skill tree and weapon mods in the game. Some people didn’t find them very helpful. But they did add something extra to the fun.

They later added an assist mode to help players having a hard time. This shows the team's good effort to make the game fun for all.

Control's voice acting is a big hit. The game has actors like Courtney Hope, Sean Durrie, James McCaffrey, Matthew Porretta, Antonia Bernath, and Martti Suosalo. They make the characters feel real.

Control mixes action with mystery and strange events. This mix makes the game fun and different. It’s why many people like playing it. The game got great reviews. It's seen as one of the best games of 2019.


In the game Control (2019), talented voice actors make the characters real. They add feeling to the story. People like Courtney Hope, Sean Durrie, and James McCaffrey voice the characters. This makes Control a hit.

Actors and characters connect well. For instance, Courtney Hope plays Jesse Faden. She shows how Jesse and Dylan Faden, voiced by Sean Durrie, struggle together. James McCaffrey adds mystery as Zachariah Trench. Antonia Bernath's Emily Pope brings wit to the tale.

The voice acting makes Control more fun. It lets players dive into the game's mysteries. The actors bring the story to life. This makes Control a loved game in the gaming world.