Who Are the Voices in the Game Death Stranding (2019)?

Death Stranding captivates players with its stunning visuals, compelling story, and exceptional voice acting from renowned stars.

Who Are the Voices in the Game Death Stranding (2019)?

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Death Stranding is an open-world game loved by many. It has a great story and looks amazing. Players worldwide got hooked not just by the game, but also by the amazing voice acting.

The game has famous stars and skilled voice actors. They all did an awesome job. Their work made the characters come alive.

This article will tell you all about Death Stranding's voices. You'll hear about the famous people and the skilled actors behind the game. They made Death Stranding a truly unforgettable game.

The Main Characters and Their Voice Actors

In the game called Death Stranding, you'll go on a big adventure. You'll meet lots of different people, all with special talents. Now, let's see who plays these main characters and makes them real.

Sam Porter Bridges - Norman Reedus

Norman Reedus is the voice behind Sam Porter Bridges. He's a delivery guy in a world wrecked by disaster. This makes him key to the story, bringing feels and thrills.

Fragile - Léa Seydoux

Léa Seydoux is Fragile, a familiar face who's now a ship commander. She adds layers to Fragile, making her stand out in the game's world.

Higgs Monaghan - Troy Baker

Troy Baker is Higgs, a baddie with a spooky army. His voice work gives Higgs a strong presence. This makes Higgs a tough foe to face.

Lots more folks help make Death Stranding alive. Like filmmaker George Miller and actor Fatih Akin, playing special parts. And, new faces join in too, like Elle Fanning and Shioli Kutsuna.

More surprises might be waiting in the game. Deadman by Guillermo Del Toro, Die-Hardman by Tommie Earl Jenkins, Heartman by Nicolas Winding Refn, and Lockne by Margaret Qualley, are some to watch for.

With so many talented voices, Death Stranding promises a thrilling time. You can dive into this world on November 8, only on PlayStation 4. Get ready for a big journey!

Supporting Characters and Their Voice Actors

"Death Stranding 2: On the Beach" has many amazing voice actors. Each makes the characters real. Lindsay Wagner voices Bridget Strand and Amelie. Emily O'Brien gives life to the same characters, making their roles rich and emotional.

Jesse Corti brings Deadman to life with friendliness and charm. His work makes the game's story interesting. Darren Jacobs, as Heartman, shares interesting ideas about the game's world.

Tommie Earl Jenkins plays Die-Hardman as a strong Bridges leader. His strong voice makes the character very important.

Other great actors in the game are David Forseth, Yuri Lowenthal, Courtenay Taylor, and Scott Whyte. They play many different characters, making the game exciting.

Choosing these actors shows how much the game cares about the story. Their talent helps make the game's world amazing for players.

Additional Voice Actors in Death Stranding

Death Stranding (2019) has famous voice actors and more. They make the game's characters real and full of feeling. This adds to the fun of playing.

Oliver Vaquer, Darin De Paul, and others are part of this. They do great work in their roles. This makes the game's story and play special.

Noshir Dalal, Keith Silverstein, and more also add their voices. This makes Death Stranding a game with top voice acting.

All these voices show how much work went into Death Stranding. They make the game's world real and its story interesting.

Playing through Death Stranding's beautiful scenes is great. You get to enjoy amazing voice acting by many talented people.

Main stars like Norman Reedus also take part. Their work helps make Death Stranding really popular and loved by many.

Thanks to these actors, Death Stranding is a fantastic game to play. It's an experience you won't forget.

Notable Cameo Appearances

Death Stranding (2019) doesn't just have amazing voice talent. It also includes famous people making surprise appearances. This adds fun for players as they move through the game.

Conan O'Brien shows up too. He voices The Wandering MC in the middle of the game. His voice is a sweet surprise for players.

The game is about making connections between different worlds. So, it shows up in cameo appearances too. You'll see stars from movies, music, games, and books. This makes the cast really diverse.

The stars in the game are spread out, some by big landmarks. This makes the game feel real. Also, players can meet these celebs as they travel around.

Not all famous people speak for their game selves, though. This is a fun surprise for players. They get to spot faces they know, even if they don't always hear them.

Look out for Guillermo del Toro and Geoff Keighley. Del Toro looks like Deadman, and Keighley plays himself. Fans get to see people they love from different arts right in the game.

The celeb cameos are a big hit in Death Stranding. They make the game feel real and exciting. These touches make the game stand out.

Reception and Acclaim of Voice Acting in Death Stranding

The voice acting in Death Stranding (2019) is loved by many. It makes the game really feel alive and emotional. The actors do an amazing job, making the characters sound real and deep.

Troy Baker is a big name in this. He acts as Higgs Monaghan. Born on April 1, 1976, He's been at this since 1994. Thanks to his talent, games like The Last of Us and BioShock Infinite are loved by many.

In Death Stranding, Baker really shines as Higgs. He makes the character feel so real. Players really connect with Higgs, all thanks to Baker's voice and skill.

Baker has done a lot. He even got many acting awards. His voice is in anime too, like Bleach and Naruto. People see him as a really talented star in the voice acting world.

Recognition and Contributions

Death Stranding’s voice acting adds a lot to the game. It makes you feel you're in a whole new world. The team led by Hideo Kojima really did a great job.

But, the work of the voice actors goes beyond this. Baker, for example, also has a show on YouTube. His work in other games is praised a lot. He is a true voice acting hero.

The praise for Death Stranding's voice acting shows something big. It tells us how much good voice actors matter. They help make great games that we never forget.

Other Projects of the Voice Actors

The Death Stranding voice actors are stars in many projects. This shows their talent in acting.

Norman Reedus

Norman Reedus is famous for The Walking Dead. He shows his great acting in movies too. The Boondock Saints, Triple 9, and Blade II are some examples.

His acting is amazing. He brings real feeling to his characters.

Léa Seydoux

Léa Seydoux is known for her great work in movies. She has been in Blue is the Warmest Color and Spectre. Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol too.

In Death Stranding, she is Fragile. Her work makes the game special.

Guillermo del Toro

Guillermo del Toro is a special director, winning an Oscar. His movies like The Shape of Water are beautiful. In Death Stranding, he is Deadman.

His work makes the game feel like a movie.

Nicolas Winding Refn

Nicolas Winding Refn has a unique style in movies. His work like The Neon Demon is well-known. In Death Stranding, he is Heartman.

He makes the game's story interesting and deep.

Mads Mikkelsen

Mads Mikkelsen is loved for his acting in many roles. Shows like Hannibal and movies like Doctor Strange are examples. In Death Stranding, he is Clifford Unger.

His talent adds a lot to the game.

Margaret Qualley

Margaret Qualley is great on HBO's The Leftovers. She is talented in movies. In Death Stranding, she plays Mama/Lockne.

Her acting makes the game's story better.

Lindsay Wagner

Lindsay Wagner is known for big roles in TV. She acts in The Bionic Woman. In Death Stranding, she is in two roles.

Her work adds emotion to the game.

Tommie Earl Jenkins

Tommie Earl Jenkins is great in shows and games. In Death Stranding, he is Die-Hardman. His great voice acting makes the game come alive.

Troy Baker

Troy Baker is a big name in games. He voices famous characters. In Death Stranding, he is the main bad guy, Higgs Monaghan. His voice acting is top-notch.

Emily O'Brien

Emily O'Brien has many voice acting roles in games. In Death Stranding, she voices Bridget and Amelie. Her work makes the game's sound great.

Jesse Corti

Jesse Corti is known for voice acting in Disney movies. In Death Stranding, he is Deadman. His skills make the game's sound special.

The game is getting a sequel, Death Stranding 2. Norman Reedus and Léa Seydoux are coming back. Plus, there are new actors like Elle Fanning and Shioli Kutsuna. It will be an exciting game for everyone to play.

The Impact of Voice Acting in Video Games

The voices in games like Death Stranding make a big difference. They bring characters to life. This helps players get into the story more. Voice acting in this game was very well done. It made the whole game more interesting.

Now, people are noticing voice acting more. They even see it as important as acting in movies. The Game Awards had a lot of views this year. More than the Oscars! This shows how much people like watching games and hearing the voices in them.

Games are getting better at showing characters in a real way. They use special camera technology to do this. Players feel part of the game when characters look and sound real.

Big games have many characters we remember. Each one has a voice that makes them special. Voice actors help make these characters stand out. They do this with how they speak and the feeling they give.

The job of a voice actor is not easy. They must keep doing their best and also rest well. Being healthy and happy helps them do great jobs all the time.

But making good voice parts is a team effort. From the actor to the sound person, everyone matters. They use special rooms and computer programs to make voices sound right.

Voice actors are needed for more than just games now. They work on changing games for other countries, too. This helps different people around the world enjoy games more.

To sum up, voices in games are very important. They make the story feel real. Games like Death Stranding show us why good voice acting matters. It helps us remember the game even when we stop playing.


The voices in Death Stranding (2019) really made the game special. Thanks to great actors like Norman Reedus, Lea Seydoux, Troy Baker, and Elle Fanning, the characters felt real.

Norman Reedus, playing Sam Porter Bridges, led the way with his role. In Death Stranding 2, we'll see more stars like Elle Fanning and Shioli Kutsuna. With actors known worldwide and Hideo Kojima's vision, the game's story keeps getting better.

The actors faced a tough time because of a strike. This meant they did motion capture work alone. But, they showed true dedication. They made the characters come to life with deep, emotional performances.

The voice acting made Death Stranding more than just a game. It connected players to the story deeply. This shows the vital role of voice actors in making games truly unforgettable. They are crucial to the gaming world.