Who Are the Voices in the Game Disco Elysium (2019)?

Disco Elysium's captivating voice cast brings characters to life, enhancing the game's rich narrative and immersive experience for players.

Who Are the Voices in the Game Disco Elysium (2019)?

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In the game Disco Elysium (2019), a great cast of voice actors help the characters come alive. They make you fall in love with Kim Kitsuragi and other cool characters. These talented actors make Disco Elysium awesome for players like you. So, who exactly are these amazing voices that everyone loves?

Let's dig deep and find out who the voice actors are in Disco Elysium. We'll learn about their skills and see how they made the game better. It's a chance to peek behind the scenes and appreciate how this special game was created.

Meet Mikee W. Goodman: The Voice Behind Ancient Reptilian Brain and More

Disco Elysium is a hit game thanks to its great story and characters. It stars many voice actors, including Mikee W. Goodman. He brings the powerful Ancient Reptilian Brain to life.

Goodman shows his amazing talent in Disco Elysium. He doesn't just voice Ancient Reptilian Brain. He also speaks for the Limbic System and the Spinal Cord.

His detailed work makes the game's characters feel real. Players feel a strong bond with them. The virtual world of Disco Elysium seems even more real, thanks to Goodman's voices.

Over 60 voice actors, such as Jullian Champenois and Dasha Nekrasova, make Disco Elysium's world lively. They add their own special skills to make the characters memorable.

The game includes unique boss fights through conversations. These talks are as important as action scenes, adding to the game's depth and fun.

Disco Elysium's gameplay is special. Your character can get hurt, and how he feels matters. Choosing what to say to others affects the game a lot.

Your character's clothes also change the game. They make skills better or worse. This adds to making the game detailed and fun.

The game uses a different XP system. Levelling up needs the same effort each time. This makes the game fair and fun for everyone.

Thinking in the game helps your detective get better. Learning thoughts improves your skills. It's a smart way to play better.

Some things in the game depend on luck. Rolling dice affects some events. This keeps the game interesting and unpredictable.

Disco Elysium impresses with its voices, play, and story. Mikee W. Goodman shines, especially with Ancient Reptilian Brain. It's no surprise people love this game.

Discover Jullian Champenois: The Voice of Kim Kitsuragi

In the hit Disco Elysium game, Jullian Champenois voices Kim Kitsuragi expertly. He brings Kim, the police lieutenant, to life with his amazing skills. Champenois truly makes Kim Kitsuragi feel real, the partner of the story's main character.

Kim is a top detective with many solved cases. He has figured out 102 cases, but the record says 104. This shows his sharp mind and love for his job. He joined the RCM at 23 and has been there for two decades, gaining lots of experience.

Champenois captures Kim's serious side well. He makes Kim sound wise and dependable. His strong voice takes players right into the game's world.

Kim has many sides, and Champenois shows this perfectly. From his dislike for pinball to his careful work on his car, it's all there. Champenois makes Kim a vivid and loved character.

Kim doesn't like talking about his old partner, "Eyes," much. This adds an interesting mystery to Kim's story. Champenois makes this part of Kim's character very real.

In the updated Disco Elysium Final Cut, voices like Champenois's make the game even better. They add life and depth to the unique characters. This makes the game a rich and exciting place to be.

Champenois truly shines as Kim in Disco Elysium. His acting makes Kim unforgettable for players. He is a key reason this game is so special to many.

Tariq Khan: Evrart Claire and Other Memorable Characters

In Disco Elysium, Tariq Khan's voice brings amazing characters to life. He is known for his skill in making every character he voices memorable. This includes the powerful Evrart Claire.

Evrart Claire is the leader of the local crime scene. Khan's voice fittingly brings out Claire's intense and charismatic nature. His deep voice helps players get lost in Disco Elysium's story.

Khan's work goes beyond just Evrart Claire. He also voices Rosemary, Egg Head, Andre, and Glen. Each character feels alive, showing Khan's wide voice acting range.

ZA/UM chose Khan for his amazing ability to play many roles. They knew he could provide rich performances enhancing Disco Elysium even more.

Players become deeply involved with the game, thanks to Khan's voice acting. It makes the story and characters more real and interesting.

In the game's Final Cut, with full voice acting, Khan's work shines more. His portrayal of Evrart Claire and the other characters add to the game's excellent quality.

To truly enjoy Disco Elysium, you must hear Tariq Khan. His talent brings depth to the game. He's a key part of what makes it exciting and enjoyable.

Dasha Nekrasova: The Voice of Klaasje

Disco Elysium is a top video game from 2019. It uses great voices to make its characters real. In it, Dasha Nekrasova shines as Klaasje with her many talents.

Nekrasova was born on February 19, 1991. She is a star in movies and more. Her first movie as a director was The Scary of Sixty-First in 2021. It won her an award at a big film festival in Berlin.

She's also big in the podcast world. Since 2018, her show Red Scare has grown a big fan base. People love her smart talks.

In 2022, Succession saw her as Comfrey Pellits. She won a special award for acting with her cast. This made fans love her even more.

In Disco Elysium, Nekrasova plays Klaasje. Her voice makes Klaasje seem real and deep. Players love her part in making the game's story so good.

Nekrasova has done lots of art works. She has been in short films and music videos. Her creativity shines in every project she takes on.

Disco Elysium has a new version now, without Nekrasova's voice as Klaasje. But, her great work is still in the old game. You can play Disco Elysium on many devices. It brings you into a rich and smart detective story.

In the game, you explore the city of Revachol. Its world has thousands of years of history. Through tasks and talks, Disco Elysium makes you feel like a real detective.

Nekrasova's work in Disco Elysium stands out. She makes Klaasje special. Her voice work makes the game's world feel true.

Dizzy Dros: Bringing Measurehead to Life

Measurehead is a standout in Disco Elysium. A big, memorable character voiced by Dizzy Dros.

Dizzy Dros, real name Omar Souhaili, is from Morocco. He's a rapper, songwriter, and producer. Born on July 19, 1989, his work in Disco Elysium shows his talent. He voices Measurehead and truly brings the character to life.

As you play, Measurehead, with Dizzy Dros' voice, stands out. His performance makes the game more fun and engaging.

Disco Elysium has over 60 unique characters. Each character is voiced by a skilled actor, like Dizzy Dros with Measurehead.

Dizzy Dros makes Measurehead special with his voice. He shows amazing voice acting in the game.

Disco Elysium has lots of other great characters. Each one, including Measurehead, is voiced by a talented actor.

More About Dizzy Dros

Dizzy Dros is known for his rap music. He's shown his talent in voice acting too. His first album '3azzy 3ando Stylo' (33S) was a hit in Morocco.

His song "M3a L3echrane" got over ten million views in five days on YouTube. This shows his huge talent.

Dizzy Dros' work in Disco Elysium is excellent. He makes the game more real and enjoyable with his character, Measurehead.

Thanks to Dizzy Dros, Measurehead is unforgettable. Disco Elysium is a game with great stories and voice acting, perfect for anyone.

Adam Lawton Stanley: Garte and More

Adam Lawton Stanley is a great voice actor. He shines in Disco Elysium, especially as Garte. His work makes the game more real and fun.

Disco Elysium's Honest Game Trailers video was a big hit. It came out on January 7, 2020. Since then, it has over 100,000 views. Many people love it.

Over 270 people helped make Disco Elysium great. Among them, 175 did different jobs. 96 others were thanked for their work. Together they, and Robert Kurvitz, made an amazing game.

Disco Elysium has over 60 unique characters. Each one is voiced by a different actor. Thanks to this diverse cast, each character feels special. Adam Lawton Stanley's performance adds a layer of richness to Garte.

With Kyle Simmons and others, Stanley shows the power of voice acting. Their work makes the game unforgettable. They bring characters to life in Disco Elysium.

The Talented Voiceover Artists of Disco Elysium

Disco Elysium has a superb cast. They are voiceover artists who give the game its vibrant spirit. Every artist uses their special voice to make many characters vivid and real. This makes the game exciting for players.

Mikee W. Goodman is a shining star in Disco Elysium. He's performed all over the world since 2001. Beginning with casting six voices, he soon took charge of the whole game. His work greatly shaped the game’s success.

Goodman doesn't stop at Disco Elysium. He founded Charactoon Voices, where he does top-notch work for video games and more. After 20 years in music and entertainment, Goodman is a true voiceover pro.

Aimee Smith is another gem in Disco Elysium's voice cast. She began her career in 2019 and has worked on games like Cloudpunk and Smite. Her energetic voice breathes life into characters, making the game more engaging.

Then there's Ashe Thurman. She has roles in popular games and knows the voice over scene well. Thurman’s wide variety of parts bring a special touch of versatility to the game.

The voiceover talent truly shines in Disco Elysium. With their skill, they take players to the exciting world of Revachol. Their work with the game’s characters and story makes the experience rich and unforgettable.

Memorable Characters and Their Voice Actors

In the world of Disco Elysium, a captivating game that came out in 2019, players meet many unique characters. These characters are all brought to life by skilled voice actors. From the mysterious Ancient Reptilian Brain to the honest Kim Kitsuragi and the big Measurehead, each one is unforgettable.

Mikee W. Goodman:

Mikee W. Goodman gives life to the Ancient Reptilian Brain and more. His voice adds depth to these interesting characters. Through Goodman's talent, the Ancient Reptilian Brain becomes an important part of the game, leading the player through a journey of self-discovery.

Jullian Champenois:

Jullian Champenois voices Kim Kitsuragi, a key friend to the player. Champenois captures Kim's strong will and background well. This helps players feel a strong bond with the detective.

Tariq Khan:

Tariq Khan voices important characters like Evrart Claire in the game. Khan adds life and detail to these characters. His work makes the game's world feel more real as players dive into politics and mysteries.

Dasha Nekrasova:

Klaasje, played by Dasha Nekrasova, is a very interesting character. Nekrasova's voice pulls you into Klaasje's mystery. Players find themselves wanting to know more about her.

Dizzy Dros:

Dizzy Dros is the voice behind Measurehead's unique character. Dros gives Measurehead his extraordinary style and personality. This makes interactions with Measurehead memorable for players.

Adam Lawton Stanley:

Adam Lawton Stanley brings Garte and other characters to life. Stanley makes Garte's personality rich and real. Players remember Garte long after the game ends.

These voice actors make Disco Elysium a rich and exciting game. With their talents, players feel connected to a world full of interesting characters. They leave a lasting effect on those who play the game.

The Impact of Voice Acting in Disco Elysium

The voices in Disco Elysium make the game's world come alive. However, not everyone loved the new voices in Disco Elysium: The Final Cut.

Players heard over a million words from a fully voiced cast. Yet, most felt the new voices didn't match up. They were especially upset about Garte, Limbic, and Cuno's changes.

Some said the side characters sounded weird. But, many liked Kusaragi's voice a lot. They thought it was done really well.

People didn't like changes to Limibic and Measurehead's voices. They thought these changes weren't needed. Also, most players hated the new narrator's style.

Many felt the new actors weren't as good as the first ones. They found some parts funny when they weren't supposed to be. Most wished they could hear the old voices again.

Having different voices for different thoughts was seen as a bit silly. Also, the missing option to turn back to the old sound made many disappointed. Some thought about getting the game illegally instead.

There's a "Classic mode" but it doesn't fix the new voices. This caused problems with the game that some players noticed. They wanted a way to choose older versions of the game.

But, even with these issues, Disco Elysium: The Final Cut keeps players hooked. Its deep talks and many voices still draw people in and make the story sizzle.

Recognizing the Voiceover Talent in Disco Elysium

In video games, voice acting is key to making characters real. It draws the player into the story. Disco Elysium, a popular RPG game, is a great example. It has a wide range of talented voice actors. They make the game's world vivid and its story engaging.

The game has many memorable characters, each with their own special voice. Jullian Champenois gives life to Kim Kitsuragi. Mikee W. Goodman makes the Ancient Reptilian Brain and Limbic System come alive. They show their amazing talent, adding layers to the game's depth.

Lenval Brown is a new voice in the game. He voices the narrator who reads the Skills' words. His unique approach turns the Skills into abstract thoughts, not just parts of a character.

One cool part about Disco Elysium is its deep voice-over. It makes the game more real. Shivers Skill, for example, makes you feel the city's awe and its smell.

More and more, people want to hear different voices in games. Disco Elysium supports this trend by choosing a broad mix of voice actors. It shows their welcoming view of all kinds of people in the industry.

The voice actors in Disco Elysium add a lot to the game. They help you truly feel a part of Revachol's world. Their work is a big part of why the game is such a hit. It shows how important good voice acting is in gaming.

The Voices Behind the Characters: A Testament to Excellent Casting

Disco Elysium (2019) captured players' hearts with its deep world and great story. But the top-notch voice acting set it apart. The cast made the characters feel real, adding emotion and depth with their voices.

Every character's voice in Disco Elysium was carefully picked. For example, the Detective's brain had a unique voice, while Lieutenant Kim sounded smooth and professional. These choices made the game's story even more engaging.

Klaasje, Iosef Lilianovic Dros, and Measurehead, played by Dizzy Dros, shone with their performances. Their work brought the game world to life, making it all feel real. Players loved how they acted their roles.

The voice actors turned Disco Elysium into a great and loved game. They worked hard to make the characters memorable, drawing players deep into the story. Their effort shows the big role good casting plays in games.