Who Are the Voices in the Game Gone Home (2013)?

Gone Home's captivating story and emotional voice acting create an immersive experience, redefining narrative-driven gaming since its 2013 release.

Who Are the Voices in the Game Gone Home (2013)?

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In 2013, Gone Home was a big hit thanks to its great story and look. It made the adventure seem real. When playing, you felt like part of the mysterious tale Katie Greenbriar's family.

Did you ever think about the voices behind the characters? Who was Katie's voice, or the other main characters' voices? They played a big part in making Gone Home memorable.

Come with us and meet the amazing cast of voices in Gone Home. You will get to know the people who gave life to the Greenbriar family and their tales. They added real feelings to the story.

Meet the Voice Actors

The voice cast of Gone Home made the game special with their amazing work. Released in 2013, the game lets players explore a gripping story. This made the experience very real for gamers.

In Gone Home, Sarah Elmaleh gave life to Anthem's female lead. She joined the acting world in 2011. Her work as Katie in Gone Home felt real and touching.

Ray Chase, famous for his game voices, also spoke for Anthem's male lead. He's done more than 50 game roles, like Ace Combat Infinity. Chase started his game career in 2004.

Nick E. Tarabay, big in TV, moved to games for Anthem. Playing Haluk, he shows talent across different acting fields.

Rochelle Neil debuted in games as Faye in Anthem. She's also made TV appearances, proving her acting charm.

T.J. Ramini, TV star from shows like 24, appeared in Anthem as Owen. He started his game work in 2011, showing his expert acting.

Amy Okuda’s first game was Anthem, after success in web series The Guild. Her role, Ryssa Brin, showed her acting range.

Annie Wersching, from 24, also voiced in Anthem. Her work includes The Last of Us, showing her game interest.

Anthony Howell, acting since 1999, also appears in Anthem. He's played roles in many games, like Horizon Zero Dawn, showing his deep gaming background.

Joe Lo Truglio, a star since 1992, became Neeson Giles in Anthem. He's in games like Grand Theft Auto, proving his acting skill.

All these talented voice actors made Gone Home and Anthem amazing. Their performances made the games live and breathe.

The Role of Voice Acting in Gone Home

Voice acting is super important in telling Gone Home's story. The game, made by The Fullbright Company, is about a 2 to 3-hour adventure. This adventure is made rich by the amazing work of the voice actors. Samantha's voice, done by a special actor, is the main one you hear as you play Gone Home.

Sam is on a journey to find out who she really is. The voice acting lets you feel her feelings and see her world. The actors really put their hearts into their roles. They show us Sam's tough times, her bonds with family, and the tales the house hides.

Sam's parents, Jan and Terry Greenbriar, also change a lot during the game. Jan thinks about maybe having an affair. Terry deals with anxiety when a big secret comes out. The actors make Jan and Terry feel real and interesting to watch.

Ashly Burch and Sarah Elmaleh talked at a special event in 2016 about their work on Gone Home. Ashly Burch loves stories with strong characters and deep feelings. Sarah Elmaleh moved from the stage to voice acting. She says it's important to share your work to get into the business.

The voices in Gone Home make the story real and full of feelings. The way the game's world is designed helps too. You learn a lot about the Greenbriar family from what's in their home. Voice acting and the world's story mix to let players really feel for the characters.

The Impact of Voice Acting in Gone Home

Voice acting in Gone Home is key to a better gaming experience. Talented actors make the characters real. This helps players get into the story more.

Gone Home shows Samantha's journey through her journal. Thanks to voice acting, you feel her ups and downs. You really connect with her, making the game more real.

The game's characters feel like real people, thanks to the actors. They act naturally and with feeling. This makes the story touch your heart in a special way.

The game's music and sounds also make a big impact. They set the right mood for the story. This mixes great with the voice acting, making the game even better.

Gone Home was a big hit because of its story and how it plays. It changed the world of games. Now, many games are like The Stanley Parable, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, and more.

Voice Actors in Gone Home

In Gone Home, the voice actors did amazing work. They made the game come alive with their voices. Even though we might not know their names, they did a really important job.

CharacterVoice ActorSamantha GreenbriarGillian GilbertKaitlin GreenbriarSarah RobertsonJanice GreenbriarJennifer MortonTerry GreenbriarMichael CrispLonnie DeSotoKarla ZimonjaOscar MasanSteve Gaynor

The voice acting is a big part of what makes Gone Home great. The actors make the characters real. This helps players feel part of the game world.

Critical Reception and Recognition

The voice acting in Gone Home got lots of love. Players and critics praised the work of the voice actors. They made the characters feel real with their feelings.

In 2013, Gone Home found a warm welcome. Adventure Gamers gave it 4.5 stars, showing its strong effect on people. It also won several Game of the Year awards.

Reviewers loved the game's real-life feel and emotional main character. The game talks about love, finding yourself, and who you are. It's about Sam and Lonnie's relationship growing. Critics liked how it told a "coming out" story.

Gone Home made people think about what makes a game an adventure. It's not like most games with fights and puzzles. This game is all about you exploring and making choices. This makes you feel like you and the game are really talking to each other.

In Gone Home, you are free to really get into the game. You look at things and walk around to learn more. This way, you care more about the characters. Everyone's experience as they play is a bit different.

People talking about Gone Home looked at many parts of how it's made. They thought about how choices in the game matter and what it feels like to move in the game's world. Many reviews had different views on how the game works and what it makes people feel.

Gone Home made some people think about different ways to talk about video games. Some critics mixed recipes or scripts with their reviews. This was different and interesting.

Overall, the great voice acting and new game ideas in Gone Home were a hit. The strong connection and story touched many hearts. This showed how powerful good voice acting in games can be.

Other Notable Performances in Gone Home

In Gone Home, not just the main characters but other voice actors shine too. They make the story rich and real.

Sarah Grayson does an amazing job as Terry Greenbriar. She makes the father come alive with real feelings. You feel his struggles and love as a dad trying to find himself.

Amy Stafford voices Janice, the mom in the family. She adds layers to Janice's character, showing her as she looks for who she really is.

Michael Marotta plays Dale, the uncle of Kaitlin and Sam. His strong performance really deepens the story. It's all about family and love.

All these actors, along with the main cast, make Gone Home powerful. They make the characters feel real, drawing players in and making the story unforgettable.

The Legacy of Gone Home

Gone Home came out in 2013 by The Fullbright Company. It changed video games. This game is all about exploring and story in a family's home.

It uses clues like phone messages to tell the family's story. Players look at items like books to learn more. You can also listen to records and check out the family’s board games.

People loved the game's writing and voice acting. The voices made the story real. They sound like they could be your family.

The story is in the 90s with music from that time. It makes you feel like you're really there. The music helps tell the story, too.

In the game, you find extra stories and funny things when you look around well. This makes the game even better. It's why people still talk about it.

Gone Home is a big reason why story games are so popular now. It showed how important good writing and acting are. Other games have followed its example.

Gone Home is known for its deep story and unique feel. It handles themes in a way that's not often seen. It's a big deal in the game world.

The Fullbright Company paid for Gone Home themselves. Even though they worked on big games before. They wanted to make something special on their own.

In the end, Gone Home is remembered for its story and how it plays. It's a part of game history now. People love to talk about its story and world.

The Fullbright Company and Their Approach to Game Development

The Fullbright Company made the game Gone Home. Many people praise it. The team includes folks from Take-Two Interactive. Their game is all about strong stories that really pull you in.

Gone Home shines in telling a great story. Released on August 15, it stands out. Players get about five hours of thoughtful searching. They explore a 90s home in Oregon, learning about the family.

Gone Home creates a special atmosphere in real time. It doesn't need shooting to be exciting. Instead, it uses objects and writings to tell the story. This makes players feel like they're really a part of the experience.

The Fullbright Company focuses on exploring and stories, not fighting. This is like Telltale Games' Walking Dead series. Gone Home makes you feel like you're peeking into someone's life. It touches your heart and mind.

They also use smart game mechanics, like their unique way to put items back. This makes the game more real and fun to play. Players get to really dive into the story and world because of this.

Gone Home is loved by many, getting an 8.5 out of 10. The game looks like it's from the mid-90s because of the great graphics. It tells a great story without being overly dramatic. The focus is on sharing real emotions.

The Fullbright Company's style of using written notes in games is special. Gone Home makes players think about the past and important skills. It's a good example for educational games.

Recently, the Company had to decide about PAX Prime. They spent a lot to be there but chose to leave. This choice might make it harder to meet new fans and talk to the media. But they stand by their decision for the love of making great games.

Critical Acclaim and Awards

Gone Home (2013) won many awards and praise. It's because of how it tells a story and the great voices in it. This makes it different and very good.

In 2013, Gone Home surprised everyone with its story. People loved exploring and finding out more. It wasn't like other games, it was special.

The game's voices made its characters so real. They made us really feel with the characters. This made the story even better.

Playing Gone Home takes about two hours. But those two hours are very moving. The story feels real and touches people's hearts.

Gone Home was the best game of 2013 for Silicon Sasquatch. This big award shows how great the game is.

Gone Home changed how games tell stories. It made a big difference. Many games today follow its lead in telling deep and grown-up stories.

Most games are praised for their play and look. But Gone Home shows a strong story is also very important. It was a true standout in 2013.

In 2013, everyone loved Gone Home for its story. It's still very popular now. The game reminds us of the power of a great story and acting.


The voices in Gone Home made the game come alive with story and feeling. Talented actors gave the characters real emotion, making the game special. This made Gone Home really stand out in the world of games.

Gone Home was different from most games. It focused on personal stories more than battles or big plots. This let players explore the story slowly, feeling more connected. It gave players a chance to think and feel for themselves, making it a unique and moving game.

Gone Home has inspired other games to focus on stories and good voice acting. It proved that a great story can be told by exploring and using your mind. Its unique way of storytelling and letting players feel involved has been loved by many. It has truly made a mark on the gaming world.