Who Are the Voices in the Game Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (2017)?

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice captivates players with powerful voice acting, immersing them in Senua's emotional journey and mental health struggles.

Who Are the Voices in the Game Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (2017)?

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When we play video games, we get into the story thanks to great voice actors. In Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (2017), the voices are key to making the game spooky and engaging. The question is, who voices the characters that make the game so real?

Melina Juergens is the voice of the main character, Senua. She does an amazing job showing Senua's struggles and strength. Many people love how she plays Senua, from the players to the game critics. But Senua meets many other characters that also sound very real, each with their own story to tell.

Steven Hartley makes Shadow/Zynbel come to life. This mysterious figure who follows Senua adds a lot of tension to the game. Hartley's voice makes the game more interesting and a bit frightening.

Nicholas Boulton is Druth, the warrior from Senua's memories. His voice and acting give Druth a real and deep feeling. This makes Senua's journey more believable and interesting.

Oliver Walker is Dillion, Senua's missing love. His voice shows how much he loved Senua. This makes their story very touching and sad, but beautiful.

Ellie Piercy voices Galena, a caring and wise woman. She encourages Senua and helps her. Piercy's voice makes Galena's character very real and heartwarming.

Chipo Chung is the Narrator, making the game's atmosphere spooky. Her voice makes you feel like you're part of Senua's mind. It's intense and impactful.

All these actors did a wonderful job in Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. Their voices and acting make the game a world that players won't forget. Next, we'll look at the voices of the Furies and more of the cast.

Melina Juergens

Melina Juergens voices Senua in the hit game Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (2017). Her great acting makes Senua feel real. She pulls us into Senua's story.

Senua is praised for showing mental health in a true way. Melina brings out Senua's struggles with care and detail.

The name "Senua" comes from the Celtic goddess Senuna. She was found again in 2002 in Hertfordshire. This adds a cool layer to the game.

Senua's fight with mental health issues is a big part of Hellblade. The game makers worked with experts to show it right. They made sure the story of her condition was realistic.

Senua's visions and sounds are based on real stories. Melina puts a lot of feeling into these scenes. This makes Senua seem very real.

In "Senua's Saga: Hellblade II," Senua changes into a brave warrior. This is different from the first game where she was shy. Melina shows she can play all sorts of roles.

Melina doesn't just do the voice for Senua. She is also the model for the character. Her face and movements are in the game too.

Senua's look is inspired by old Celtic and Pictish ideas. This makes Senua's world rich and interesting.

Melina won a BAFTA and a Game Award for her Senua role. Her hard work has made the gaming world sit up and notice.

Steven Hartley

Steven Hartley is great at using his voice. He acts the parts of Shadow and Zynbel in Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. He has been acting for almost 40 years in movies, TV, and games. His work makes the characters feel real and honest.

But, his talent goes beyond Hellblade. He also gave voice to characters in The Witcher 3 and Sea of Thieves. Hartley shows his different sides through many roles in games.

Hartley is also a star on TV. He can play many kinds of roles. This shows how good he is at acting, not just with his voice. His skills go much further, proving he is very talented.

People are excited to hear him in Hellblade 2. Fans are waiting to see what he does next. His voice work really draws players in, making the games more real.

Nicholas Boulton

Nicholas Boulton is a well-known voice actor. He has worked from 2007 to 2023. Boulton is key in the gaming world, with 49 titles to his name. His skill and range are clear in all his works.

He shines in horror and sci-fi stories. His work pulls the player in. One great example is Druth in Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (2017).

Boulton uses a strong, captivating voice for Druth. This brings a special feel to the game's story. Critics and players love his performance as Druth.

Besides Hellblade, Boulton is in many other big games. He plays roles in Dragon Age and Mass Effect. This shows his wide ability.

Boulton is also in Game of Thrones. There, he is the Pit Announcer. This shows his acting is great for more than just games.

In Hellblade, Boulton as Druth is key to its amazing voice acting. His work makes the game stick with players. His role is vital for a great gaming experience.

Oliver Walker

Oliver Walker is the voice behind the character Dillion in Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. He brings life and emotion to Dillion's story.

Dillion is key in the game as Senua's lost love. Walker's voice shows Dillion's love and strength well.

The chemistry between Senua and Dillion is moving. Oliver and Melina Juergens do a great job. Their work makes the story feel real.

Walker's work shows his amazing voice acting. This makes playing the game really immersive.

Thanks to Walker, players feel close to Dillion. This makes the game more powerful and emotional.

Ellie Piercy

Ellie Piercy is a talented voice actress. She makes Galena come to life in Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (2017). Galena is a healer in the game. Piercy's skills with her voice make players feel the character's emotional journey.

Galena and the main character, Senua, share a strong bond. They both hear voices because of a curse. This makes the game's story deeper. It shows their struggles and the challenges they face.

Players learn a lot about Senua from Galena. They learn about her past and the hard events that changed her. Galena's sad end, burned alive by Senua's father, is a key part. It shows why Senua faces the mental challenges she does.

Galena's part in the game is important. She gives us a peek into Senua's tough battles and her strength. Piercy's acting makes Galena real. This helps players really connect with Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice's story.

Chipo Chung

Chipo Chung is a great actress known for her roles in TV shows. Some include "Black Cake" and "His Dark Materials." In the game Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, she's the important narrator. Her voice makes the story deep and interesting.

As the narrator, Chung leads players through Senua's tough journey. She makes the game world feel real and full of emotion. Her voice lets players really feel what the game's hero is going through.

Chung's way of telling the story makes Hellblade even more gripping. She helps players feel Senua's struggles deeply. Her voice work really draws players into the game's story.

Chipo Chung uses her voice talents well. She helps make Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice a success. Her work on the game's story and feelings is a big part of its appeal.

Furies Voice Cast

In the game Hellblade 2, the Furies are key to Senua's choices. They make the game more exciting. The voice cast gives life to these scary yet deep characters.

Helen Goalen

Helen Goalen voices one Fury in Hellblade 2. She really brings out their power and fear in the game.

Marc Graham

Marc Graham makes the Furies in Hellblade 2 real with his voice. He draws us into their minds, making the game intense.

Abbi Greenland

Abbi Greenland's voice makes the Furies in Hellblade 2 scary. Her acting shows their struggles, making them more than just scary.

Isabella Marshall

Isabella Marshall's voice deepens the Furies in Hellblade 2. She helps us feel how the Furies think and feel, adding to the story.

Sarah Owens

Sarah Owens adds her voice to a Fury in Hellblade 2. Her role adds drama and fleshes out the character, making the game richer.

Tom Penn

Tom Penn's voice makes the Furies in Hellblade 2 intriguing. He makes them a part of the game's world, making the experience full.

Becky Wilkie

Becky Wilkie's voice intensifies the Furies in Hellblade 2. Her work makes their stories more urgent and gripping.

Edward Wren

Edward Wren completes the cast of Furies in Hellblade 2. His voice deepens the creepy vibe and story, making the game come alive.

The voice actors in Hellblade 2 do a wonderful job. With Helen Goalen, Marc Graham, Abbi Greenland, Isabella Marshall, Sarah Owens, Tom Penn, Becky Wilkie, and Edward Wren, the Furies are amazing. Playing the game, you'll feel like part of Senua's world with these strong, unforgettable characters.

The Cast and Crew of Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (2017)

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (2017) has a great group behind it. This includes not just amazing voice actors but also skilled developers, designers, and creatives. They made the game full of life and truly engaging.

The game's main character, Senua, looks incredible. The team worked hard to craft her look, giving her great detail. This made the gaming experience so memorable and exciting.

There are also other talented actors in Hellblade. They played supporting roles, making the story rich and real. Their work really stands out in the game.

This game used a unique way to blend real footage and animation. It saved time and money, but more importantly, it made the story shine. Players feel like they're inside a movie while playing.

Hellblade's behind-the-scenes details are also popular. Fans and gamers love talking about how the game mixes live acting and animation. This mix pulls players right into Senua's troubled world.

Meet the Top Cast and Crew

The key people in making this game were:

  • Melina Juergens
  • Steven Hartley
  • Nicholas Boulton
  • Oliver Walker
  • Ellie Piercy
  • Chipo Chung

Their talent makes the characters feel real. This really adds to the game's appeal.

With a high IMDb score of 8.6/10 and lots of positive reviews, Hellblade is loved for its story and sounds. People see it more as an emotional journey than just a game.

Its Viking Hell setting and detailed story have won it many fans. Both critics and players have praised its quality.

Compared to similar games, Hellblade does really well. It has sold over a million copies by June 2018. This shows how much players enjoyed it.

Thanks to its outstanding team and their creative vision, Hellblade stands as a top example of storytelling in games.


The voices in Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (2017) make the game real. The voice actors bring the story to life. This makes you feel the character's emotions deep down.

Melina Juergens shines as Senua, fighting with her mind. She won big at the Game Awards in 2017.

The whole cast, including Steven Hartley and more, do an amazing job. They turn the game into an unforgettable experience.

Hellblade looks at mental health in a new way. It changes how we think about horror games. The game shows Senua's world and her battles in an exciting way.

This game is special because it feels fresh. It was made by around 20 people at Ninja Theory. They proved that small teams can make big, meaningful games. Hellblade offers a deep, beautiful journey about accepting yourself.