Who Are the Voices in the Game Horizon Zero Dawn (2017)?

Horizon Zero Dawn's captivating voice cast, led by Ashly Burch, brings its rich characters and emotional depth to life.

Who Are the Voices in the Game Horizon Zero Dawn (2017)?

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Horizon Zero Dawn is a big video game from 2017 that many people love. But do you know who speaks for the game's characters so well? Let's look at the amazing voices behind the characters in Horizon Zero Dawn.

Ashly Burch is well-known for putting life into the brave Aloy. Aloy is strong and smart, using different ways to win fights. She makes Aloy sound determined and brave, making us cheer for her.

There are more great voices in the game too. JB Blanc is the voice of Rost, Aloy's teacher. Others like Laura van Tol, Nicolette McKenzie, and Lance Reddick bring key characters to life. They make Young Aloy, Teersa, and Sylens feel real.

Josh Keaton and Adjoa Andoh also do a great job. They voice Avad, the Sun-King, and Sona, a brave fighter. These voices make the game's world rich and exciting.

There's a lot to learn about the game's voices. We'll talk more about them and why people love their work. So, get ready to learn all about Horizon Zero Dawn's amazing voice acting!

Meet Ashly Burch, the Voice of Aloy

Ashly Burch, born on June 19, 1990, in Phoenix, Arizona, plays the voice of Aloy. Aloy is the main character in the popular game Horizon Zero Dawn.

She began her work in voice acting, singing, and writing in 2007. Since then, she has made a big name for herself. Ashly graduated from Occidental College in Los Angeles in 2012.

She is known for her great acting. In 2015 and 2017, she won the Golden Joystick Awards for Best Performance. These were for her roles in Life Is Strange and Horizon Zero Dawn.

Ashly doesn't just work on Horizon Zero Dawn. In 2020, she was in games like Spider-Man: Miles Morales and Valorant. She can play all kinds of characters.

She is also a star in animation. She has been in shows like Adventure Time and Steven Universe. Fans love her work in animated series.

In the upcoming game LEGO Horizon Adventures, she will voice Aloy again. This will show her special bond with Aloy.

Ashly Burch is very talented and brings her characters to life with emotion. She is loved by the gaming world. Her hard work and skill make her a top voice actress.

Laura van Tol as the Voice of Young Aloy

Laura van Tol is one of the talented artists in the Horizon Zero Dawn voice cast. She gives life to Young Aloy. Aloy is the baby version of the main character in the game.

Van Tol makes Aloy's character come alive with her voice. She shows Aloy as a young girl full of wonder. Aloy is learning about her world. Van Tol's voice work helps us see Aloy's journey from a curious child to a powerful warrior.

Thanks to van Tol's voice acting, the players feel part of Horizon Zero Dawn. Her work brings out the feeling in Aloy's story. We see Aloy grow up from a child to an adult warrior.

Van Tol works with other voice actors. Together, they make the game's story interesting. Aloy becomes a character we care about, thanks to Van Tol's work.

JB Blanc as Rost, Aloy's Mentor

JB Blanc played Rost in Horizon Zero Dawn with great care. Rost is a key role for Aloy in her journey. His acting makes the game's story very real and touching.

In the game, Rost is Aloy's guide and protector. JB Blanc's voice makes Rost feel like a wise dad to Aloy. He really brought Rost to life.

Rost is not just any character. He is a skilled warrior with a big heart. His look is also quite something to see. He has a big body, a grey beard, and is marked with paint and bird feathers.

Apart from his looks, Rost teaches Aloy a lot. With JB Blanc's acting, we see Aloy grow and learn. Their bond is at the heart of the game.

Rost shows Aloy what it means to be of the Nora people. He is strong in his values and protects his people's ways. This makes him very important in the story.

Rost makes a big sacrifice for Aloy, showing his love. He tells her to live on, then dies protecting her. His grave is a symbol of Aloy's path and his love for her.

Even after Rost's death, Aloy carries his memory with her. In Horizon Forbidden West, she still thinks of him often. He still guides her in his own way, even beyond the grave.

JB Blanc truly captured the spirit of Rost. His acting made Rost into a character we all love. Rost is and always will be a key part of Horizon Zero Dawn.

Nicolette McKenzie as Teersa, the Elder

Nicolette McKenzie voices Teersa in the video game Horizon Zero Dawn (2017). Her strong and caring voice brings Teersa to life. McKenzie shows Teersa's wisdom in guiding Aloy.

Teersa is a key figure in the Nora tribe, known for her wise leadership. She is an old woman with long, gray braided hair. Her look suggests she's both powerful and caring.

Teersa sometimes goes against traditional ideas for what she thinks is right. This shows her strong sense of morality. She often disagrees with Lansra because of her compassionate and wise nature.

In the game, Teersa pushes Aloy to find the truth about the Proving. This event starts the thrilling story of Horizon Zero Dawn.

Teersa and Aloy share a special bond, like a grandmother and granddaughter. Teersa deeply cares for Aloy. She is open-minded, willing to change her views based on new info.

Mckenzie makes Teersa feel real with her voice acting. She shows all of Teersa's good and bad sides. This helps players connect with the character.

McKenzie doesn't just voice Teersa. She wears a special suit for motion capture. This makes Teersa move and act more lifelike in the game.

Creating voices for games like Horizon Zero Dawn involves detailed work. Actors like McKenzie have special sessions to capture their facial expressions. This helps make characters like Teersa seem alive.

Nicolette McKenzie's work as Teersa highlights the importance of good voice acting in games. Her voice makes Teersa a beloved part of Horizon Zero Dawn's world.

Lance Reddick as Sylens, the Enigmatic Figure

Lance Reddick was born on June 7, 1962, in Baltimore, Maryland. He is the amazing voice of the mysterious character, Sylens. Sylens is an important figure in the Horizon series, especially in the game, Horizon Zero Dawn.

Reddick's powerful and deep voice helps make Sylens very interesting. It draws players into the game and its world. Players want to learn more about what Sylens is up to.

Lance Reddick is also known for acting in many popular TV shows. These include "The Wire," "Fringe," and "Bosch." This shows how good he is at different types of acting.

Sylens is like a wandering scholar in the game. He is interested in the Old Ones' history and technology. This interest leads him to look into the machines and the Old Ones' fate.

In the game, Sylens is seen as a clever but sometimes not-so-nice person. He helps the main character, Aloy. But his reasons for helping are usually about his own goals, not just to be kind.

Sylens has been a big help to Aloy. He saved her, told her important facts about something called the Faro Plague, and Project Zero Dawn. He even made weapons for Aloy. But some of the things he did were not exactly the right thing to do.

Reddick brings Sylens to life with his voice acting. Players are always curious to learn more about the Old Ones with him. Sylens, with his sharp mind and love for knowledge, is an unforgettable part of Horizon Zero Dawn. All thanks to Reddick's incredible voice acting.

Josh Keaton as Avad, the Sun-King

Josh Keaton is a top voice actor in the Horizon Zero Dawn game. He gives life to Avad, the 14th Sun-King of the Carja Sundom. Players love Avad, thanks to Keaton's amazing voice work.

Keaton was born in Hacienda Heights, California, on February 8, 1979. He's been in show business since 1987. Keaton has done voices for many games, like Spider-Man and Metal Gear Solid.

In games, you might hear Keaton as Electro or Peter Parker/Spider-Man. He's also been in cool shows like Transformers and Voltron. There, he voices Jack Darby and Tailgate.

Keaton doesn't just do games. He's also in animated movies like Justice League. His work has made him a big deal in voice acting.

As Avad, Keaton shines, adding layers to the character. Avad is shown as kind and just, wanting to change his kingdom for the better. His story includes big moments like the Liberation of Meridian. And he tries to bring the tribes together for good changes.

Avad looks like he has brown eyes, black hair, and a tan. His design was thanks to Kirk Newmann. Avad wears a robe, white pants, and red details. He also wears wristbands, mostly in red and white.

Thanks to Keaton's great voice acting, Avad is memorable. He's known for his caring nature, his ability to solve problems, and his wish to improve things. Keaton's role in Horizon Zero Dawn really makes the game great.

Adjoa Andoh as Sona, the Warrior

Adjoa Andoh is a famous voice actor. She plays Sona in Horizon Zero Dawn. Over 150 audiobooks feature her voice. Her skill really shows in her role as a strong warrior and leader.

Andoh doesn't just work in video games. She's in radio shows, audiobooks, and comedy, too. Since 1991, she's been showing her different sides in radio dramas. Some titles she worked on are "Blade of the Poisoner" and "Moths". She's also done many audiobooks since 2006.

One great job Andoh did was narrating "The Miracle at Speedy Motors" in 2008. She really hooked the listeners with her voice. She also did a comedy show called "Proposal" on BBC Radio 2 in 2018.

Andoh really loves what she does. She's been in many shows like Thunderbirds Are Go and movies like Invictus. She's also part of video games like the Fable series. This shows how good she is in different roles.

In Horizon Zero Dawn, Andoh's voice as Sona is amazing. Her work brings life to the character. As you play the game, her voice makes Sona's story powerful and real.

Notable Achievements:Over 150 narrated audiobooks throughout her careerExtensive experience in radio dramas since 1991Memorable role in "The Miracle at Speedy Motors" audiobook (2008)Diverse appearances in shows, films, and video games

The Supporting Voices in Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon Zero Dawn has a great talented cast. Ava Potter plays the young Aloy and brings her spirit to life. This adds a lot to the game.

Crispin Freeman does a wonderful job playing Helis. His strong voice gives the bad guy a scary presence. This makes the story more interesting.

Let's not forget John Macmillan as Varl. His voice makes Varl sound like a leader. He adds mystery to the character.

The whole supporting cast in Horizon Zero Dawn is fantastic. They all help make the game's story deep and real. You really feel like you're in the game's world.

In summary, the voice actors in Horizon Zero Dawn did a fantastic job. They played a big part in making the game so loved.

Critical Acclaim for the Voice Acting in Horizon Zero Dawn

Many have praised the voice acting in Horizon Zero Dawn. Critics and players both love it. The voice cast makes the characters feel real, adding emotion to the game.

Ashly Burch is especially loved for her role as Aloy. She brings Aloy's strength and other feelings to life. This has made Aloy a favorite character for many.

But, the whole voice cast does a great job, too. They make characters like Rost and Sona very memorable. This adds a lot to the game's story.

The voices in Horizon Zero Dawn tell a great story. They make the game's world seem even more real. Players feel like they're really part of the game's adventure.

Horizon Zero Dawn is loved for its voice acting. Ashly Burch and the rest of the cast are a big part of its success. Their work really stands out. This is why the game is so unforgettable.


The sounds in Horizon Zero Dawn (2017) make the game's characters real and alive. The voices, like Ashly Burch as Aloy, and others bring great talent. They make the characters rich and interesting.

Horizon Zero Dawn's voice work is really liked by many. It even got an IMDb score of 8.7/10 from 2.3K reviews. Players really love what the voice actors do.

This 2017 sci-fi game gives you a big, amazing world. It has 26 types of robot animals and beautiful landscapes. Aloy fights with cool bows and arrows in her battles.

Aloy moves smoothly thanks to Guerrilla, the game's creator. Exploring the game is easy and fun. There are side quests and many secrets to uncover.