Who Are the Voices in the Game Ori and the Blind Forest (2015)?

Ori and the Blind Forest captivates players with its stunning visuals and emotional storytelling, brought to life by an exceptional voice cast.

Who Are the Voices in the Game Ori and the Blind Forest (2015)?

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Ori and the Blind Forest is a loved game by Moon Studios. It charms players with stunning graphics, a fun game world, and a magical story. But, do you know who makes the characters sound real and alive?

The Voice Cast of Ori and the Blind Forest

Ori and the Blind Forest came out in 2015. It's a popular video game. It has a great voice cast that makes the characters come alive.

The cast includes Tom Holland as Ori and Jimmy Fallon as Sein. Jodie Foster plays Naru, and Cameron Monaghan is Gumo. Scarlett Johannson is Kuro. Morgan Freeman voices the Spirit Tree.

Dee Bradley Baker also provided voices in the game. There are three main male characters: Ori, Sein, and Gumo. Then, there are two main female characters: Naru and Kuro. Finally, the Spirit Tree is also a key character.

The voices in the game make it rich and emotional. The players get caught up in the world of Ori and the Blind Forest. The critics liked how the voices added to the game.

The voice actors, led by Tom Holland and Jimmy Fallon, are amazing. They made Ori and the Blind Forest a game you can't forget.

Erik Braa as the Spirit Tree

Erik Braa is a well-known voice actor. His voice brought the Spirit Tree in Ori and the Blind Forest to life. He guided players in the game's beautiful world.

The Spirit Tree speaks with Braa's voice. It makes the story feel deeper and more emotional. Players feel amazed and touched by his performance.

Braa's acting captures the Spirit Tree's true nature. He mixes wisdom, kindness, and a bit of sadness in his words. His voice is like a warm light in the story's dark moments.

Thanks to Braa, players connect deeply with the Spirit Tree. As they face the game's challenges, they find comfort in the character's words. His voice makes the game's world feel alive and full of secrets.

Erik Braa's work on the Spirit Tree is really special. It enriches Ori and the Blind Forest in a magical way. His effort and skill truly stand out, making the game unforgettable for its players.

Aeralie Brighton as Sein

In the enchanting world of Ori and the Blind Forest, Sein's character shines. This is thanks to Aeralie Brighton's beautiful voice. She makes Sein seem mystical and captivating, drawing players deeper into the game's magic.

The game took four years to create. It combines stunning visuals with engaging gameplay. Aeralie Brighton's voice brings more life to Sein, making the journey even more interesting.

Aeralie's singing makes Sein feel like a true friend on Ori's adventure. Her haunting voice fits Sein's mysterious character perfectly. It makes exploring the Blind Forest full of excitement and awe.

Bringing Sein to life emotionally is Aeralie's big talent. Her voice, mixed with the game's design, makes Ori truly special. She weaves a spell with her singing, enriching players' experience.

As you play, facing tests in beautiful lands, you're not alone. Sein, voiced by Aeralie Brighton, is your companion. Her voice adds feelings and deepens Sein's story, making the game touching.

Aeralie's work as Sein in Ori and the Blind Forest is amazing. Her singing is key to the emotional, beautiful journey of the game. She makes Sein unforgettable, forever with the players.

Andrew Lackey as Ori, Naru, and Gumo

Andrew Lackey is the Audio Director and Lead Sound Designer of Ori and the Blind Forest. He is also the voice of Ori, Naru, and Gumo. His work shaped the game's sound and brought these characters to life.

Lackey's voice acting made each character unique. Ori's voice led players on a magical journey.

Naru, Ori's mother, felt real because of Lackey. The love between them touched players' hearts.

He gave Gumo a fun and lovable voice. Gumo became a favorite in the game's world thanks to Lackey.

Lackey's voice work made the game more lifelike. He helped players connect with Ori, Naru, and Gumo.

Now, we'll look at the team who helped make Ori and the Blind Forest's world so extraordinary.

The Talent Behind the Voices

In Ori and the Blind Forest, voice actors made the characters come alive. They did this with their amazing skills. This game came out in 2015 and won over many because of its story and feelings it shared.

Erik Braa gave a strong voice to the Spirit Tree. His acting made the ancient, wise tree feel real and powerful.

Aeralie Brighton sang beautifully for Sein. Sein is a mystical character in the game. Brighton's singing made Sein feel even more magical.

Andrew Lackey is very talented. He played Ori, and also Naru and Gumo. His voice gave life to these characters' emotions and stories.

Actors like Erik Braa, Aeralie Brighton, and Andrew Lackey made Ori and the Blind Forest special. People love their work in the game.

Also, Moon Studios teamed up with these actors. They helped make the game smooth and full of life. All of this made Ori and the Blind Forest a game loved all over the world.

The Role of Voice Acting in Ori and the Blind Forest

Voice acting was key in Ori and the Blind Forest. It made the characters real and the game more fun. Talented actors made each character unique and full of life.

The team, led by Andrew Lackey, worked on the sounds. This included Gareth Coker and sound designers like Beau Jimenez. Their goal was to mix beauty, fun, and a little bit of fear. This made the world change as you played, keeping things interesting.

They put a lot of work into the voices of Spirit Tree, Sein, and Gumo. Eric Braa and Aeralie Brighton did a great job. They gave the characters voices that players loved.

In a game like this, known as Metroidvania, sound is very important. It makes the game play smooth and enjoyable. The sounds of Ori moving and exploring, with the voices, made the experience great.

Some special sounds in the game really shined. Like the bond between Ori and the Spirit Tree. Or the sounds of lightning in the start. These sounds made the game more unique and fun.

Voice acting in Ori and the Blind Forest did a lot. It made the characters interesting, the story deep, and the game amazing. The hard work of the sounds team and actors made it a wonderful experience for players.

The Impact of the Voice Actors

The voices in Ori and the Blind Forest made the game unforgettable. They brought the characters to life, making the story rich and touching.

Erik Braa, a key voice actor in the game, is well-known for his skills. He gave life to the Spirit Tree. Braa has worked on 68 voice acting projects, from 2009 to 2023.

His work in Ori and the Blind Forest made the game more emotional. His role as the Spirit Tree touched players deeply.

Braa isn't just famous for Ori. He has also worked on games like League of Legends and Assassin's Creed. Braa's talent is also seen in movies and web shorts.

The voice actors in Ori really made the game special. Their emotions hooked the players in a meaningful way. The blend of story, visuals, and acting created an amazing world.

Voice actors in games are an important part of the industry. Stats about them tell us about the field's growth. This includes the types of roles they get and their experiences.

In the end, Ori and the Blind Forest were made better by the voice actors. Their work shows us the importance of voice acting. It's a true art in video games.

Recognition and Appreciation

The voice cast of Ori and the Blind Forest were key in making the game special. They brought the characters to life in amazing ways. Their emotional and deep voices added a lot to the story. This connected with players a lot.

Erik Braa, who was the Spirit Tree, stood out. His strong voice really caught players' attention. He made the character seem full of wisdom and guidance. It made the game's story even better.

Aeralie Brighton's voice, used for Sein, was also memorable. Her beautiful singing made the game's world feel magical. Her voice work made Sein a vivid and mysterious character.

Andrew Lackey did a great job with many roles, like Ori, Naru, and Gumo. He really brought these characters to life. Players could feel their emotions. His work made the game's story richer and more interesting.

The voice actors in Ori and the Blind Forest did amazing work. Along with the developers and musicians, they made the game awesome. Their effort should be highly praised. They helped make the game an unforgettable experience.

Ori and the Blind Forest's Legacy

Ori and the Blind Forest came out in 2015 and changed gaming. It's loved for its fun play and amazing look. Players everywhere call it a classic.

It's an adventure game that's tough but fair. You guide Ori through a big, connected world. Along the way, you find abilities like jumping higher and climbing walls.

One neat thing is getting better over time. Ori starts as a kid and turns into a hero smoothly. It feels great when that happens.

The game has cool dungeons you must escape from. These parts are the hardest. They need quick moves and smart plans to get through.

To help, you can put down "Soul Links." They save where you are. This makes tough parts easier to try again.

Ori and the Blind Forest also tells a deep story. The ending is a great test. It makes everything you learned matter in a big way.

The game's strong showing led to a second game, Ori and the Will of the Wisps. This newer game adds more to the story and lets Ori do more in fights. You can also get new powers to help you explore better.

Ori and the Blind Forest really shook up gaming. It's known for being well-made and fun. Even years later, it's a game everyone should try. It takes you on a special journey.

The Importance of Voice Acting in Video Games

Voice acting in Ori and the Blind Forest is key. Good performances give games heart. They make characters real and full of feeling. Ori and the Blind Forest used voiceovers.com to connect with talented voice actors. This made the game really connect with its players.

In Ori and the Blind Forest, there's no traditional voice acting. But, the game still tells a great story. It uses looks, sound, and special words on the screen. The characters show how they feel without speaking. This draws players into the magical world.

Ori's beautiful look and amazing music set a unique scene. The voice actors add a special touch to all this. They help the game's story get even better.

Ori and the Blind Forest truly values its voice actors. They bring characters to life so well. Their work makes the game unforgettable. It all adds up to an amazing journey for players.


In 2015, Ori and the Blind Forest wowed players. It had amazing visuals, a cool soundtrack, and fun gameplay. The game used visuals and music for its story. Limited voice acting also made the characters really feel alive.

Ori and the Blind Forest has talented voice actors. Erik Braa voiced the Spirit Tree. Aeralie Brighton was Sein. And Andrew Lackey played Ori, Naru, and Gumo. Their work, with the game's play and visuals, got it a perfect 10/10 score.

It came out for Windows PC and Xbox One. The game is tough with no easy mode. But, you can make your own save points. This gives players more ways to enjoy the game.

Ori's mix of action, adventure, and heartwarming tales is unforgettable. It tells stories of growth, love, and understanding. Players go on a unique journey while playing. With its stunning look and deep narrative, Ori is loved by many.