Who Are the Voices in the Game Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018)?

Red Dead Redemption 2 features an exceptional voice cast that brings its rich characters and emotional story to life, enhancing the gaming experience.

Who Are the Voices in the Game Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018)?

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Step into the world of cowboys, outlaws, and adventure with Red Dead Redemption 2. Have you wondered who voices the captivating characters in this game? Who are the skilled individuals behind these voices?

Let's explore the cast of voice actors who brought Red Dead Redemption 2's characters to life. From Dutch van der Linde's charisma to Micah Bell's ruthlessness, each voice creates a rich and real world.

Meet the Voice Cast of Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 got its success from a great story and fun game play. Its voices are by an amazing cast. They not just spoke but also acted and had their faces scanned.

Roger Clark as Arthur Morgan

Roger Clark made Arthur Morgan unforgettable in Red Dead Redemption 2. His acting before that was often on the stage. Arthur Morgan became a gaming icon thanks to Clark's work.

Benjamin Byron Davis as Dutch van der Linde

Benjamin Byron Davis voiced Dutch van der Linde in the game. His background in TV and movies added layers to Dutch's character. Dutch's important role felt real because of Davis.

Harron Atkins played Lenny Summers in RDR2, marking his start in big roles. Lenny is a key character, thanks to Atkins.

The game's group scenes show the actors working together. This made the performances real and close. It's why the game's story grabs you so much.

Jim Santangeli as Pearson

Jim Santangeli's role as Pearson, the butcher, is also worth noting. Pearson became beloved thanks to him. Santangeli's busy year shows his talent keeps getting stronger.

Gabriel Sloyer as Javier Escuella did an amazing job. His past TV work helped him understand his character well. This made the game's story richer.

Cali Elizabeth Moore made Abigail Roberts funny and real. Moore's comedy skills really shined in the game. Playing Abigail made the game world even more alive.

John Marston was back thanks to Robert Wiethoff, a big return for fans. Wiethoff returning shows John is important to the game's story. His acting makes players feel deeply connected.

The game's development took 2,200 days and many actors. They made a world full of real characters. Rockstar Games' detailed work on faces made the world seem real.

The whole team made Red Dead Redemption 2 a hit. The varied cast and a story about unity made the game great. Players get close to the characters, making the game special. The actors adding their own lines made the story even better.

Roger Clark as Arthur Morgan

Roger Clark was born on July 14, 1978. He's the voice behind Arthur Morgan in Red Dead Redemption 2. His acting makes Arthur real, showing why he's a top voice actor.

Since 2000, Clark has worked hard in entertainment. His role as Arthur Morgan stands out. He makes Arthur feel human, touching players deeply.

In 2018, Clark snagged The Game Awards' Best Performance Award. This shows how much people loved his work as Arthur Morgan.

Clark's talent isn't limited to games. He's read more than 50 audiobooks. Listeners love his storytelling because it's full of life and passion.

Outside work, Clark is a devoted husband and father. He's married to Molly since April 25, 2014. They have two sons, Colin and Ruari. Colin was born on February 18, 2013, bringing a lot of happiness to the family.

Clark holds both American and Irish citizenship. This mix adds something special to his performances. It helps him connect with the roles he plays.

With a great IMDb score and many user reviews, RDR2 shows Clark's influence. He, along with other talented actors, made the game a hit. His work as Arthur Morgan is a benchmark in video game voice acting.

Roger Clark is highly regarded in the gaming world. His skill and passion set him apart. He's truly one of the best in the business.

Benjamin Byron Davis as Dutch van der Linde

Benjamin Byron Davis was born on June 21, 1972, in Boston, Massachusetts. He is famous for playing Dutch van der Linde in the Red Dead Redemption games. He is a great American actor with lots of experience.

Davis is well-known for his work on TV shows too. You might have seen him in Without a Trace, Criminal Minds, Gilmore Girls, and MADtv. He is great at making his characters alive and real.

He is also good at acting on the stage. You can find him in movies like The Belko Experiment and Ant-Man and the Wasp. Soon, you can see him in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and Borderlands as well.

But that’s not all. Davis also does voice acting in video games. He has worked on Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, and the Red Dead Redemption series. Fans love hearing his voice in games.

In 2018, Red Dead Redemption II made over $725 million in just three days. It still stands as one of the most successful video games ever. Davis's work in this game is a big reason for its success.

Besides acting, Davis has also been in music videos and commercials. He got his acting degree from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts. In 1996, he won a special award for his acting skills.

Benjamin Byron Davis is not only a great actor but also a big name in games and entertainment. His work continues to impress fans everywhere.

Rob Wiethoff as John Marston

Rob Wiethoff was born on September 15, 1976. He is famous for playing John Marston in the Red Dead Redemption games.

He made John Marston feel real and got praise from many. Critics and gamers loved his work a lot.

In the original game, its spooky expansion, and the second game, he shined. Players from all over felt a connection to John Marston thanks to him.

Rob worked hard on the first game for almost two years. He really got into his character to make fans love John Marston.

In the second game, he was at it again for almost four years. He worked so the fans would see John's life and changes clearly.

He has also been in movies, like 16 Blocks and The Outside. But, his role as John Marston is the one people love the most from him.

Rob Wiethoff is a special actor who truly became John Marston. He's a big favorite of Red Dead Redemption fans because of his talent and love for his work.

Alex McKenna as Sadie Adler

Alex McKenna is known for her great acting. She made Sadie Adler real in the game Red Dead Redemption 2. Playing Sadie, a widow who joins a gang, she showed real heart and feeling.

Players really connected with her Sadie in Red Dead Redemption 2. They loved how she showed both power and being open. This deepened Sadie's role in the game.

McKenna has been in the acting world for a long time. Her work is not only in voice acting. She got a Young Artist Award nomination in 1998 for a TV comedy role. Plus, she was in the movie "What Women Want" in 2000, which made over $374 million around the world.

In 2016, she got a special award for being a great supporting actress. She showed she's a real talent. Her skills have won her a lot of praise.

Her playing Sadie in Red Dead Redemption 2 proved she's a top voice actor. She was nominated for a big award in 2019 because of her work in the game. This shows how much people loved her as Sadie.

Over five years, she put a lot of passion into being Sadie. This helped make Red Dead Redemption 2 a hit. Her voice work, along with the whole cast, was key to the game's success.

Now, Red Dead Redemption 2 can be played on Google Stadia, PC, PS4, and Xbox One. McKenna's amazing work as Sadie is available to all. The game's wonderful story and characters, led by a talented cast, have made it a top seller.

The voice work in Red Dead Redemption 2, like McKenna's, touched a lot of people. It also showed how important voice acting in games can be. McKenna's character Sadie shows how voice acting can make games deeply memorable.

Other Notable Voice Actors

Red Dead Redemption 2 has more than just its main cast. It highlights a whole group of skilled voice actors. They make the game's world feel real with their various characters.

Cali Elizabeth Moore as Abigail Roberts

Cali Elizabeth Moore plays Abigail Roberts in the game. She took over from Sophia Marzocchi as the motion capture actor for Abigail. This change brought Moore's unique skills to the role.

Peter Blomquist as Micah Bell

Peter Blomquist is the voice behind Micah Bell III. Before this game, he was Dr. Harlan Fontaine in LA Noire. His work in both shows he can play very different roles well.

Steven Ogg as Simon Pearson

Steven Ogg gives life to Simon Pearson's character. He's been in many TV shows and movies. His role in the game makes Simon Pearson feel real and true.

These voice actors show how much work went into making Red Dead Redemption 2 a real world. Their talents, combined with others, show the huge effort in making the game's audio amazing.

The Impact of Voice Acting in Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) is loved for more than just its big world and amazing look. It has top-notch voice acting, with stars like Roger Clark and Benjamin Byron Davis. They added a lot of life to the game's story with their amazing work.

Characters in RDR2 speak like they're in a movie because of the care put into every voice. Thanks to this, the game feels very real. You can get lost in the characters and the world they live in.

Clark really shined as Arthur Morgan, making the character feel real with his voice. Davis made Dutch van der Linde come to life with his charm. Thanks to them, the game's story is very emotional and engaging.

The game is filled with many different voice lines that make every character unique. You get to choose what to say in conversations, which makes the game feel like your story. This is one reason why RDR2 is so loved.

RDR2's story is key to its success. The main characters like Arthur Morgan feel deep and real, not just good or bad. All the little details and the great voice acting make the whole game stand out.

Stars like Davis show in many games, proving how much talent voice actors have. Their work is not always noticed, but it's vital. It makes the game's world rich and draws you in. Voice acting makes RDR2 a game you won't forget.

The Process of Recording Voice Actors

Recording voices for Red Dead Redemption 2 was special. It used both old and new ways. The people at Rockstar Games picked skilled actors. These actors fit their characters perfectly.

Over 1,600 people worked on the game for many years. They built the big world of Red Dead Redemption 2. With help from about 2,000 others, every detail was fine-tuned.

The game cost between US$170 million and US$240 million to make. This made it one of the most expensive games ever. The team focused on making the voices match the game's movie-like feel.

The actors not only voiced their characters but also acted in front of special cameras. This captured their movements too. This made the game's characters real and full of life.

Even the smaller parts were important. People walking around had long scripts. This made their performances feel real.

Before the game came out, the main story was more than 2,000 pages long. And there was more alongside it. The work was so much, it would make a stack almost eight feet tall.

Some parts had to be cut before the game was done. But the focus on telling a great story never changed. Rockstar Games wanted to make a game that people really loved.

Getting the voices right for Red Dead Redemption 2 was a big challenge. But with great actors, advanced tech, and lots of care, they did it. And the end result shows just how important good voice acting is in games.

Challenges and Rewards of Voice Acting for Red Dead Redemption 2

Recording voices for Red Dead Redemption 2 had many tough parts. One big problem was the five-year secret agreement for actors. They couldn't talk about the story to keep it a surprise.

Actors often got their script in a hurry, just before they had to act. They needed to learn lines fast and act with the right feelings. They also had to be careful of how they moved for the cameras.

Roger Clark, who played Arthur Morgan, faced the challenge of a secret role. He brought out Arthur's feelings well, connecting with players, especially young men. Arthur's story touched hearts because of Clark's strong performance.

Clark and the other actors had a hard job. They had to make characters like Arthur feel real, no matter the choices players made in the game. This needed great acting and a good understanding of the roles.

Even with all the hard work, voice acting for Red Dead Redemption had its good points. The game was loved by many when it came out. It got very high scores and sold more than 23 million copies. This makes it one of the best-selling games ever.

The game gives players a big world to explore. Besides the main story, players can do different activities. Hunting and fishing are important for food and money. Players also need to keep their characters healthy and look after how they appear.

Voice acting makes a big difference in games like Red Dead Redemption 2. Actors, including Roger Clark, make the game's story move and feel real. Their work makes players care about the characters and the game's world.

The Impact of Voice Acting on Gaming Experiences

Voice acting in video games, like Red Dead Redemption 2, makes the game feel real. The voices from the actors make the characters come alive. This helps players feel more connected to the game's story.

Red Dead Redemption 2 got a lot of praise for its voice acting. People loved how real and deep the emotions felt. Roger Clark, who played Arthur Morgan, was especially praised. He won the Best Performance at The Game Awards in 2018 for his work.

The actors and game makers worked together closely. They used both voice recording and special technology to act out the characters. This made the game's characters feel very real. It's these small details that make the game so immersive for players.

Because of the game's big success, the voice actors got even more famous. Red Dead Redemption 2 was a big hit and many people played it. This meant millions got to see the great work of actors like Roger Clark and Benjamin Byron Davis. Their work showed the true value of voice acting in the gaming world.

Voice acting is now key in video games. It makes the game's story and characters more real. Red Dead Redemption 2 shows how important this is. It pulls players into a world where characters feel like real people. This makes the game really engaging.


The voice acting in Red Dead Redemption 2 changed the game for the better. Over 700 voice actors put their heart into every role. This made the world so real, players couldn't stop playing for over 60 hours.

Even though the actors weren't big stars, people loved their work. They made us feel like we knew the characters. Names like Roger Clark and Benjamin Bryon Davis stand out for their fantastic acting.

The team did an amazing job creating characters you won't forget. Each of the 23 Dutch Van der Linde Gang members has a story. This and the smart game design cut out dull scenes. It lets players dive right into the game without interruptions.

Red Dead Redemption 2 showed sound is key in games. It's more than just voices; it's about making players feel part of the story. Thanks to Rockstar Games, we now see how good voice acting can shape a game's tale.