Who Are the Voices in the Game The Last of Us Part II (2020)?

The Last of Us Part II captivates players with its powerful storytelling and exceptional voice acting, featuring standout performances by Ashley Johnson, Troy Baker, and Laura Bailey.

Who Are the Voices in the Game The Last of Us Part II (2020)?

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The Last of Us Part II (2020) is a game that really caught players' attention. It was loved for its story and how well you could feel like you were part of it. One big reason for this success is the amazing voice acting. So, who are the voices that made these characters so real?

Ashley Johnson plays Ellie, the brave and tough main character. Ellie is unique because she's immune to a fungus. Johnson, who has been in lots of TV, movies, and games, makes Ellie feel real with her great voice work.

Troy Baker is Joel, Ellie's caring dad-like friend. With his many game roles, Baker gives Joel lots of emotion and makes him a loved character.

Laura Bailey is Abby, who is focused on revenge. She is known in the acting world and makes Abby's character very interesting.

There's a big group of voice actors in The Last of Us Part II (2020). They play many different roles, like the WLF Militia and Seraphites. Shannon Woodward, Ian Alexander, Patrick Fugit, and more all help bring the game to life.

Voice acting is key in games, making characters and stories feel real. These actors' hard work made The Last of Us Part II (2020) really special, touching players around the world.

Next, let's look closer at Ashley Johnson, Troy Baker, Laura Bailey, and the rest. We'll see how they acted their parts and why voice acting matters. Also, we'll check out what critics said and the awards this game won.

So, are you excited to learn more about the people behind this hit game?

Ashley Johnson as Ellie

Ashley Johnson is famous for voicing Ellie in The Last of Us Part II. She was born on August 9, 1983. Johnson started acting when she was just six years old.

Playing Ellie, she has won big awards. These include two BAFTA Games Awards. Her great work in The Last of Us and The Last of Us: Left Behind won her these awards.

In 2020, she was nominated for Best Performance at The Game Awards. This was for her role in The Last of Us Part II.

Johnson also acts on screen, playing Patterson on Blindspot from 2015 to 2020.

She has also voiced many characters in TV shows and video games. This shows how talented she is.

She is also into photography. Johnson started a company called Infinity Pictures. She loves visual arts as well as acting.

Johnson co-hosts a podcast too. It's called Wildly Hot & Bothered. This shows she's great at making audio content.

She's not just an actor. Johnson loves music. She sings and plays the guitar, piano, violin, and cello.

Her acting as Ellie in The Last of Us Part II is amazing. She shows Ellie's feelings and growth so well. This makes the game really special.

Ella deals with tough things like trauma and survivor's guilt. Johnson works hard to show these emotions right. Her acting feels real because she really cares about Ellie.

The game doesn't give easy answers about right and wrong. It makes players think. This makes the game more interesting and real.

Ellie is a key character who is gay. This is an important part of the story. It shows that games can be more open and welcoming.

As Ellie in The Last of Us Part II, Johnson shows her amazing acting. She makes Ellie feel so real. Johnson has made a big mark on gaming with her work.

Troy Baker as Joel

Troy Baker is a top voice actor in video games. He shines as Joel in The Last of Us series. His skill and range as a voice actor really stand out. He makes Joel's character feel real, showing us his many layers.

Joel is the heart of The Last of Us (2013). He's not your typical hero. A single dad in a tough world, he faces big challenges. Baker truly captures Joel’s strength, past struggles, and his moments of weakness.

People everywhere loved Baker's work as Joel. His roles in The Last of Us and its sequel, The Last of Us Part II (2020), won lots of awards. His talent is clear in how he brings characters to life.

But Baker is more than just Joel. He's also a voice in anime like Bleach and Naruto. Shows like Code Geass and Soul Eater benefit from his varied skills.

Baker is also a talented musician and has played many big roles. He brought voices to Batman, The Joker, and others. This shows his wide influence in media.

Troy Baker is truly celebrated in video games. Fans love him for his roles in The Last of Us, BioShock, and Uncharted. He's a key player in the industry.

He also has a special role in the BAFTA Games Awards. He’s been nominated five times. This shows how much his work is valued in gaming.

With The Last of Us 2 Remastered, gamers can enjoy Baker's Joel once more. The game brings together a fantastic cast. This includes Ashley Johnson as Ellie and Laura Bailey as Abby. They make a truly moving game.

Laura Bailey as Abby

Laura Bailey is a great voice actor. She plays Abby in The Last of Us Part II (2020) amazingly. Her work with voice and motion capture brings Abby to life.

Abby is a key character next to Ellie. Bailey shows Abby's change and feelings well. This adds to the game's story.

Bailey had her first son during the game's making. Despite motherhood and work, she did a great job. She really made Abby real.

Abby looks real thanks to details. Her face is based on Jocelyn Mettler, while Colleen Fotsch inspired her body. This detail makes Abby feel real in the game.

Bailey won many awards for playing Abby. She was praised at big events. Her work is seen as very important in gaming.

Some people didn't like Abby at first. But they changed their mind thanks to Bailey's acting. They began to feel for Abby by the end of the game.

But some haters went too far. They sent Bailey death threats online. It shows the bad side of some gamers.

Bailey also had a small part in The Last of Us' first season. She was a nurse. This made fans happy and added fun to the show.

A new actress will take Abby's role in the next The Last of Us season. But Bailey’s work as Abby will always be important to fans.

Bailey is a very good voice actor. She won her first BAFTA in 2021. She is seen as one of the best in the business.

She has worked in many videos. She won many voice acting awards. People like her and think she is very good at her job.

Bailey is known in anime, TV, movies, and games. She won many awards. Her work gets a lot of love.

Abby in The Last of Us Part II and Bailey's work show how important voice acting is. Great actors make the game world real. Players remember these characters for a long time.

Supporting Cast

The Last of Us Part II has a big cast of voice actors. They make the game's world feel alive. There are 27 main actors, each playing a unique role. This shows how much talent there is in the cast.

In addition to the main cast, other voice actors join in. They play different characters in the story. These extra voices make the game's story rich and exciting.

The game is popular all around the world. It is available in 12 languages. People from different parts of the globe can play it in their own language. This is thanks to the hard work of the voice actors.

The European Portuguese version was done at BlueLab studio. The Brazilian Portuguese version was done at Maximal Studios. The Castilian Spanish version was made at Pink Noise studio. This makes the game more enjoyable for people in these areas.

The voice actors get a lot of love too. Laura Bailey, who plays Abby, was bullied online. But, a tweet about it was shared 28,000 times. Fans and game industry people supported her. They showed how strong the game's community is.

Sure, some people don't like everything in the game. About 5% have said things about Abby's character they didn't like. But most people defend Laura Bailey. They love her great work in the game.

Many people worked on The Last of Us Part II. There are 2,408 credits in total. The team was led by Anthony Newman, Kurt Margenau, and Neil Druckmann. They brought together many professionals. They made an amazing game together.

The Process of Performance Capture

The Last of Us Part II used new tech to make game characters more real. Actors acted in special suits to make the game feel real.

The team worked from 2017 to April 2019 to make the characters feel alive. They wanted to make the game's people as real and deep as in any story.

Ashley Johnson as Ellie

Ashley Johnson played Ellie in The Last of Us Part II. She got many awards for her amazing acting. Johnson used what she learned from the first game to make Ellie even better.

Laura Bailey as Abby

Laura Bailey was Abby, another key character, in the game. Abby is big and strong, going after someone for revenge. Bailey brought a strong, determined character to life with her acting.

In April 2019, they filmed the game's movements without the game being complete. A small team and actors were very careful about their work because it was costly.

The team prepared for this big event for years. They did many practices before the actual week of filming. This made the filming time really well used.

Actors wore special suits covered in sensors to record their moves and faces. These suits helped turn their acting into game characters smoothly.

Actors always started and ended each scene with special poses. These poses were for making sure their movements were recorded well.

The team read the story together before starting the film. This included the main actors and they talked about their characters. This helped make the acting more real.

Important scenes were filmed during that special week. Everyone worked hard to make these moments really emotional and true. They paid special attention to the scenes that showed deep feelings.

Working together, the actors, directors, and new technology made a stunning game. The effort paid off, making the game a hit all over the world.

Importance of Voice Acting in Gaming

Voice acting in games helps make them fun and real for players. It puts life, emotion, and stories into the characters. One great game example is The Last of Us Part II. It shows the amazing work of voice actors.

Bringing Characters to Life

In The Last of Us Part II, actors like Ashley Johnson and Troy Baker did amazing work. They made Ellie and Joel real. Their emotions and experiences make the characters seem like friends to the players.

Enhancing Immersion and Emotional Impact

Voice actors like Troy Baker and Laura Bailey make games feel real. They show deep feelings of characters like pain or courage. This connects players to the game deeply.

Captivating Auditory Experience

Voice acting makes games' stories more alive. Actors use different styles to become their characters. They can be warriors or elves, but they always make us remember them.

Elevating the Gameplay

Good voice acting makes games more exciting. In The Last of Us Part II, actors' performances really stand out. They add emotion and make players care about the story. This brings joy to playing games.

In brief, voice acting is key to great gaming experiences. The work of voice actors makes games touching and unforgettable. Their voices bring games to life, making us love the characters and their stories.

Critical Reception and Awards

The Last of Us Part II got mixed reviews from users on Metacritic. But, it wowed critics with its deep story, fun play, and amazing voice acting.

This game won the most Game of the Year awards ever. This proves it's one of the top gaming moments lately. Critics especially loved the voice actors. They made the characters feel real with their great acting.

The making of The Last of Us Part II had some tough parts too. Workers had to work very hard in crunch mode. They had long hours, even on weekends. This made some people worry about the bad effects of working too much.

After the game came out, some bad things happened. People sent mean messages and even threats to those who made the game. This is a sad part of being a fan and it shows why we need to be kind to each other in the gaming world.

Even with these troubles, The Last of Us Part II is still highly valued. People loved the story and how it included everyone. The game stood out for bringing new ideas and surprising the players.

The actors in The Last of Us Part II really shined. Pedro Pascal, from "The Mandalorian," played Joel perfectly. He won the Best Hero prize at the MTV Movie & TV Awards for his role.

Bella Ramsey, from the UK, played Ellie with heart. She worked hard, even learning a new accent. Her scenes with Joel were loved by many, showing how well they acted together.

In 2020, The Last of Us Part II was up for Best Game at The Game Awards. This showed how much people loved it. It competed with other great games like Ghost of Tsushima.

Outside of awards, The Last of Us Part II also did great in helping all players enjoy the game. It has over 60 options to make it easier for everyone to play. It was up for an award for this too.

The game's creator, Naughty Dog, made a very special game. It's not just about action and cool looks. It brings players into a world that feels real. Its look and feel push what games can do and be.

The Last of Us Part II is more than just a game. It's a standout in storytelling in gaming. It shows how important it is to appreciate the work put into games. Its impact is clear in its many awards.


The Last of Us Part II was released on June 19, 2020, for PlayStation 4. It has sparked a lot of talk and split fans. Yet, there's one thing everyone agrees on. The voices behind the characters are amazing.

Ashley Johnson shines as Ellie, a 19-year-old seeking payback. Troy Baker's role as Joel makes his loss hit hard at the start. Laura Bailey as Abby makes players feel and think a lot more.

These actors make the game feel like a movie. They draw us deep into the story. The Last of Us Part II proves how vital great voices are in games.