Who Are the Voices in the Game The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (2013)?

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds captivates players with its engaging story, innovative gameplay, and talented voice actors.

Who Are the Voices in the Game The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (2013)?

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The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is a loved action-adventure game. It caught the hearts of players in 2013. The talented voice actors gave life to the game's characters. But who voiced Link, Zelda, and the others in this amazing game? We will look into The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. We'll discover the great voice talents behind this masterpiece.

The Characters and Their Voice Actors

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is alive with beloved characters. They come to life with the voices of talented voice actors. Now, let's look at who voices our favorite characters:

Mitsuki Saiga as Link and Ravio

Mitsuki Saiga is the voice of both Link and Ravio, two well-known heroes. His voice makes them come alive, adding feeling to the game. He really helps make the game's world feel real.

Ayumi Fujimura as Princess Zelda

Ayumi Fujimura makes Princess Zelda's voice powerful and moving. Her voice gives Princess Zelda charm, might, and heart. This makes fans truly connect with the character.

Kei Hayami as Princess Hilda

Thanks to Kei Hayami, Princess Hilda is a standout character. Hayami's voice shows Hilda's mix of feelings, making her interesting. She is a character players won't forget.

Seirô Ogino as Yuga

Yuga is a dark foe, voiced by Seirô Ogino. His voice gives Yuga an eerie vibe, making him a very interesting bad guy. He really keeps players on their toes.

Ganon, the big villain, doesn't have a set voice in the game. This lets players' minds fill in how scary he sounds. It's a cool way for players to use their imagination.

The efforts of the voice actors make The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds magical. Their work makes Hyrule feel real, with characters that stay in our hearts. Every experience in the game is made better by their talents.

The Storyline and Gameplay

In "The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds", you become Link. You go on a journey to bring peace back to Hyrule. An evil sorcerer, Yuga, has captured Princess Zelda. He wants to cause chaos with her power. You must save the princess and stop Yuga to protect the kingdom.

This game is full of puzzles, exploration, and fighting. It makes you feel like part of the adventure. You'll travel through dungeons and use Link's skills to solve problems and beat foes.

You can choose which dungeons to visit first. This makes the game different for everyone. It gives you more freedom to play your way.

Link gains a power to turn into a painting and stick to walls. This makes new areas accessible. It's a cool twist that makes the game even more fun.

The Nintendo 3DS lets you fight against a friend's Link through StreetPass. It's a fun way to play with others, even when they're not there. This adds a social vibe to the game.

"The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds" is a great game. It throws puzzles, adventure, and fighting together in a way that draws you in. You'll love exploring Hyrule and saving the day as Link.

Critical Acclaim and Sales

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds came out for the Nintendo 3DS in 2013. It got a lot of good reviews and sold well in the gaming world.

Many players and critics loved the game. They praised its quality, fun gameplay, and interesting puzzles. A Link Between Worlds became a favorite in the Zelda games with its free-roaming adventure and clever puzzles.

The game's success fits with those before it in the Zelda series. The Legend of Zelda games, in total, have sold over 150 million copies around the world. This shows the series is loved by many over several generations.

A Link Between Worlds was a hit right from its release, building on what A Link to the Past had done. A Link to the Past is seen as one of the best games ever made. Many other Zelda games, like Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess, have also been very popular.

Some Zelda games, like The Wind Waker and Four Swords, had mixed reviews. They received comments on their art style and sales. But A Link Between Worlds pleased both critics and players, becoming a fan favorite.

Even though we don't have specific sales numbers for A Link Between Worlds, we know it sold well. The game's blend of great reviews and Zelda legacy shows it was a big hit. It's now seen as a key Zelda game in the series.

Concept Development and Changes

"The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds" started in November 2011. This was after "Skyward Sword" was done. But, making this sequel was tough.

At first, they drew Link as a teenager, looking like the hero from "A Link to the Past." Then, two months later, they showed a new Link. This Link was much younger and cuter.

The change was needed to match the game better. Aonuma, the producer, said first Link looked too old. The game couldn't handle that look.

In games, showing details often has limits. So, a younger Link fit the game's look better. Aonuma decided on this change to make Link suit the game well.

Later on, they changed the game a lot. In May 2012, Tominaga shared the idea for Link to go into walls. He wanted the game to have many dungeons with this feature. Miyamoto and others wanted to mix this wall-entering with a top-down view like in "A Link to the Past."

Aonuma tried out a test game. It was "A Link to the Past," but in 3D. This showed how Link could go into walls well. They got lots of feedback, some good, some not. After lots of work, they made the idea just right.

Changing the game showed how hard the team worked. They wanted to make a game that felt new but still like Zelda. They balanced new ideas with the game's classic feel.

Awards and Nominations

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds got many awards. It was praised for its fun gameplay, interesting story, and overall quality. At the 2013 VGX awards on December 7, 2013, it won the top award for Best Handheld Game.

Its new ideas, fun to play, and pretty graphics won many hearts. The game got the title of Best Handheld Game because it fits so well with handheld gaming.

It also got picked for other honors. It was a big deal to be nominated with games like Titanfall. Even big titles like Destiny and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt were in the running.

A Link Between Worlds did really well, even against tough competition like The Walking Dead. Winning the Best Handheld Game showed it's a huge win for the gaming world.


Did you know that "The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds" is special? It has its own Trivia page in the Zelda world.

Link's iconic look comes from the NES's graphics limits. His weapons were made big so players could spot them quickly.

Ever wonder how Link got his name? The Triforce was like electronic chips in the start. Link was named to connect different time periods, creating his famous name.

In games without motion controls, Link is left-handed. This fits with his German name meaning, "left."

Link's voice changes in various games. When he's a kid, a woman acts as his voice. This adds a cool touch to his character.

The Zelda games pay close attention to every detail. This includes hidden content in "A Link Between Worlds." Some fans love finding these secrets.

A game on a Nintendo system is a "killer app" when it sells consoles well. "A Link Between Worlds" did just that, selling many Nintendo systems.

Some Zelda stuff is just for Japan. Manga and games like Tetra's Trackers and Tingle Spin-Offs are Japan-exclusive.

Great news for film fans! The Zelda movie is made by both Japanese Nintendo and American Sony Pictures. It shows a big team effort.

Next, we'll talk about how "The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds" is made.

User Reviews

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is loved by players all over. Its clever puzzles are a big hit.

What's really cool is how you can rent and use items early on. This breaks from the old way of finding stuff in dungeons. It makes the game more fun and fast-paced.

The mix of old-school and new graphics is also a favorite. It feels nostalgic yet fresh at the same time.

Players can turn into a painting on walls. This adds a cool twist to solving puzzles. You have to get creative to explore.

Hint Ghosts are there to help in tough spots, for a Play Coin. This keeps the challenge fun without giving away too much.

The game is hard, but that's part of its appeal. Even expert players like the tough tests. Beating it feels really good.

The writing, voice acting, and all production are top-notch. The story tells a great tale, with a skilled team behind it.

In a nutshell, A Link Between Worlds is a gem in the Zelda series. It's loved for its fun, hard puzzles, and great looks.

The Legacy of A Link Between Worlds

A Link Between Worlds is the 17th game in The Legend of Zelda series. It came out in 2013 for the Nintendo 3DS. This game brought in new ideas that changed Zelda games and others like them.

The game's special dual-world gameplay really stands out. It lets players explore two different worlds. This made the game more fun and interesting for players.

What's cool is players can choose which parts of the game to do first. Except for two dungeons, players can pick their own path. This gave players more freedom and made the game feel special.

They also added a strong weapon called the Bow of Light. Players use it to fight the game's main bad guy. This made the game's battles more fun and thoughtful.

The game also made traveling fast and finding things easier. Thanks to the Fast Travel system and the Maiamai Map. These features made playing the game smoother and more enjoyable.

The game's story is very deep and touches on themes like power and morality. It's a story that sticks with players, making them think and feel. It’s something gamers really love about the game.

This game really changed the gaming world. With its new gameplay, smart mechanics, and great story. It has become a classic in the action-adventure game genre. It shows how timeless The Legend of Zelda is.

Similar Zelda Games

If you loved The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, you're in for a treat. Many other Zelda games out there bring the same joy and adventure. You might enjoy these titles:

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Released in 1991, A Link to the Past is a top Zelda title. It uses a top-down view and has great dungeons to explore. The story is engaging, and the puzzles are challenging. Any Zelda fan must give it a try.

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

Link's Awakening is no stranger to updates, with a 2019 Switch remake. This game provides a unique adventure, much like A Link Between Worlds. You'll enjoy the journey across the mysterious Koholint Island.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Back in 1998, Ocarina of Time amazed players with its 3D world. It has a rich story and fun puzzles. Just like A Link Between Worlds, it invites you to explore and discover a lot.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

While not loved by all, Skyward Sword features unique gameplay. It's for those who enjoyed A Link Between Worlds. In this Wii game, you fly high and learn about Zelda's early days.

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

The Wind Waker, although different, is a cherished Zelda game. It has a lively, cel-shaded world and sea adventures. Your mission is to save your sister in this GameCube gem.

This is just a taste of the many great Zelda games out there. Whether you like handheld or console games, the Zelda series has something for everyone. Explore and enjoy these amazing adventures.

Behind the Scenes

Creating the game The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds was a big project. A team of skilled people worked on it. They brought the game's world to life, inspired by the 1991 game A Link to the Past.

In the game, players can explore the vast land of Hyrule. From the beginning, players can choose their path. They can pick from two dungeons first and then six more, adding lots of fun.

This game has a cool new feature called the Merge ability. It lets players turn into a drawing to go through tight spots and dodge enemies. The dungeons are cleverly made to use this new power, making the game even more fun and challenging.

The team made the classic items in the game more flexible. Players can now buy or rent them to fit each part of their journey. This change makes the game more engaging, as players have to think about their next move based on different situations.

The game's mechanics were carefully adjusted by the Cornfox & Bros. team, including Jukka Viljamaa, Antti Viljamaa, and Heikki Repo. They mixed old and new, giving the game a special touch. The result is a game that feels both classic and fresh.

The team started planning the game in 2010. They hit some bumps but started full production in August 2012. Their hard work led to the game, A Link Between Worlds, becoming a hit. It won over many fans, old and new, in the Zelda series.

This look behind the scenes shows the heart and effort put into The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. It shows how dedicated the team was in creating this special game. The game's success is a true tribute to their passion and skill.


The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is a game you should try. It mixes old with new, pleasing all players. The graphics, a blend of past and present styles, got a B+ score. The music was also scored a B+ for its mix of old and new tracks. The game's sounds and voices were given an A-, creating a lively world.

The gameplay is its highlight, based on past games but with fresh twists. You can turn into a drawing and rent items, which is pretty cool. Gameplay gets an A- for being exciting. Even though there's not much extra content, there's a hard mode for pros.

Voice actors like Kengo Takanashi and Patricia Summersett make the game come alive. They're joined by newcomers who shine in their roles. This mix gives the game a rich tapestry of voices, making it more fun.

The game features characters with all sorts of voices. From deep and gruff to sweet and quiet, they add depth. The game also offers unique features like turning into a painting and choosing dungeons. This boosts player engagement.

A Link Between Worlds dates back to The Wind Waker but still thrives on the Nintendo 3DS. It's a true Zelda game, full of old magic and new horizons. Fans and newcomers to action-adventure alike will find joy in exploring its world.