Who Are the Voices in the Game The Stanley Parable (2013)?

The Stanley Parable captivates players with its unique storytelling and exceptional voice acting, creating an immersive gaming experience.

Who Are the Voices in the Game The Stanley Parable (2013)?

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The Stanley Parable (2013) is an amazing video game. It grabs players with its special story. You may have thought about the voices behind the characters.

This article zooms in on The Stanley Parable. It shines a spotlight on the skilled voice actors. They portray memorable characters. These characters guarantee the game's deep immersion. Learn who they are, from the mysterious narrator to Stanley's wife and more.

The Narrator - Kevan Brighting

In the game The Stanley Parable, British actor Kevan Brighting's voice is key. Players get drawn into a fascinating story. Brighting's voice pulls you into the game, setting a unique stage.

In 2011, The Stanley Parable came out as a mod for Half-Life 2. It became popular for its fresh way of telling stories. The game mixes humor with deep thoughts, a mix that keeps people interested.

Kevan Brighting gives life to the game through his narration. As you play, his voice reacts to your choices. This leads to different endings, making you want to play again and find new stories.

It was made by Galactic Cafe for PC. Players can finish a part in about 30 minutes. But many end up spending about three hours to explore everything it offers.

In 2022, The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe came out. It has new things like updated looks and more story options. This makes an already great game even better.

Kevan Brighting's voice truly shines in The Stanley Parable. It makes people think about game stories and choices. This makes The Stanley Parable a game that stands out.

Stanley's Wife - Aviva Pinchas

Aviva Pinchas voices Stanley's Wife in "The Stanley Parable" video game. She's heard in a phone call near Stanley's office. And she's mentioned when Stanley misses his old life. Pinchas adds deep feelings and realness to the game.

In the "Ultra Deluxe" version, a note from Stanley's Wife is found. It's in the Elevator Ending backstage. This note shows her love for Stanley and their complex relationship.

Stanley's Wife's voice is linked to the Future Happiness Foundation. This makes her character more interesting.

Pinchas' work is key in "The Stanley Parable". Kevan Brighting is great as The Narrator. And Lesley Staples brings depth as the Second Narrator. The game also features known actors like Alex Hirsch for a fun experience.

The game has an 8.6/10 from users and critics on IMDb. It's a big hit. The story has more stories, endings, and fun with Stanley and The Narrator.

Players enjoy the mix of comedy, fantasy, and mystery. Great voice acting by Pinchas and the cast draws them in. This makes the game loved by many with a strong fan base.

"The Stanley Parable" is for players aged 10 and up. Its high ratings and reviews show its success. Pinchas' role as Stanley's Wife is very important.

Demo Receptionist - Jenny Kuglin

Jenny Kuglin plays the Demo Receptionist in The Stanley Parable (2013). She really brings the character to life. Her work makes the game more fun for players.

The Stanley Parable was a hit when it came out in 2013. It got a high IMDb rating of 8.4/10. People loved its special story and the way it made them think.

Kuglin's role as the Demo Receptionist shows her voice acting skills. She makes the character feel real and interesting. This adds to how much players enjoy the game.

Her part in The Stanley Parable helped make it a success. Over 3.2K people on IMDb liked the game. They enjoyed what she and others brought to the game.

Kuglin worked with other voice actors in the game. Together, they made the world of The Stanley Parable come alive. This made the game a hit with players.

The Curator - Lesley Staples

In the game The Stanley Parable, players meet The Curator. She is only in the Museum Ending.

Lesley Staples is the voice of The Curator. Her acting makes The Curator come alive, staying with players even after they stop playing.

The Curator is key in showing Stanley's story's cycle. She saves Stanley from a bad situation. Stanley was about to get hit by metal jaws, thanks to The Curator.

The Curator talks about fate, death's lack of meaning, and how the game characters are all linked. She also tells players how to save characters from dying.

In the first version and the HD Remix, two voice actresses played The Curator. Kim Hoffmeister in the mod and Lesley Staples in the HD Remix.

Many think The Curator offers a viewpoint different from the main Narrator. This shows the game's theme of control and the characters' relationships.

Lesley Staples makes The Curator really interesting in The Stanley Parable. Her work makes The Curator an important part of the game's story.

Additional Voice Actors

In addition to the talented main cast, The Stanley Parable has more voice actors. They bring their special skills to the game.

Alex Hirsch from Gravity Falls is one of them. He gives voice to the announcer in the New Content part of the game. This adds charm and fun to the game.

Then, there's Joe Finegold. He's the voice behind Tape Man in the Ultra Deluxe version. He makes the character really interesting with his work.

Kim Hoffmeister is another special voice in The Stanley Parable. She voices The Curator in the original Half-Life 2 mod. Her talent makes her role stand out.

All these voice actors bring a variety of sounds to the game. This makes playing The Stanley Parable an even better experience.

The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe

The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe is a big update of the original game. It has more story, better looks, and new voices. These additions make players feel like they're exploring a weird and wonderful place with Stanley.

This update brings in new voices and characters. Player now meet Employee 427 and The Narrator, who give the game extra life. Each one adds something special to the story.

The game’s new voice actors shine. Kevan Brighting as The Narrator, Aviva Pinchas as Stanley's Wife, and Lesley Staples as The Curator do a great job. They really make the story come alive.

Ultra Deluxe is for many game systems. It works on Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and computers running Windows, Mac, and Linux.

You can pre-order a physical copy of The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe. It comes in two types: one with art cards and one with a lot of extras, like a Stanley figurine and a soundtrack download.

This game is more friendly to play for everyone. It still has many goals like the first game. But now, you can do more and discover new things too.

The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe is fun and helpful. Parts of the money made goes to help fight against climate change. So, playing the game also does good for the planet.

Get ready for April 27, 2022. That's when The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe will be available. It has more story, new voices, and exciting play. Whether you knew the game before or not, it’s a great experience.

Critical Acclaim and Commercial Success

The Stanley Parable got a lot of love from critics and fans. It was especially praised for its smart story and fun gameplay when it was remade in 2013.

The 2013 version had over ten different endings. It also changed some old endings. This gave players more ways to finish the game.

In 2022, The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe was released. It had more stuff to do, better looks, and new ways to end the story.

The Ultra Deluxe game kept the old story's heart but added new worlds and endings. It made the game even better for both old and new players.

Part of the game's charm is the voice of Kevan Brighting. His storytelling makes the adventure feel real, drawing players into Stanley's world.

The Stanley Parable's success also comes from its creator, Davey Wreden. He made a game that asks players why they play games and what they think about stories.

Wreden's ideas, Brighting's great voice, and the game's focus on choices and stories made it a big deal in the gaming world.

The game's praise and sales prove that interesting stories and creative gameplay really matter. They grab players' attention and make them think about games in new ways.


The voice actors in The Stanley Parable make the game special. They create unforgettable moments with their performances, drawing players in with every line. Kevan Brighting's narration is captivating. Aviva Pinchas's role as Stanley's wife brings emotion. Each actor dives deep, adding rich layers to the characters.

People love talking about the game's different elements. They focus on the male and female narrators' dynamic. They wonder about the game's reality and feel moved by the narrators' voices. The unknown story of employee 432 adds a mysterious touch to the game.

The Stanley Parable has won many awards. Fans and critics alike praise it for exploring freedom and choice in a business world. Its engaging story and top-notch voice acting stand it out in the gaming world. This shows how much voice acting can impact a game's success.