How to Create Engaging Explainer Videos

Explainer videos can significantly boost your business visibility and sales, making complex ideas simple and engaging for viewers.

How to Create Engaging Explainer Videos

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Do you want people to be more interested in your product or service? Explainer videos are your answer! They help make your business better known and boost sales. Many websites saw a 144% increase in conversion rates when they started using explainer videos.

But what is an explainer video, exactly? And how do you make one that grabs people's attention? We'll show you the steps and give you expert tips and insights for making explainer videos that work.

Ready to learn how explainer videos can make your business stand out? Let's get started and find out how this amazing marketing tool can help you.

What is an explainer video?

Explainer videos help share a company's product or service online. They are short, usually under three minutes. These videos are a great way to get people interested and to make them understand what you're offering.

They come in different types, like:

  • Animated explainer videos: These use cool animations to explain ideas. They look nice and are easy to make, using 2D, 3D, and more.
  • Live action explainer videos: These are harder to make but very engaging. They show real people and can make a product or service feel more real.
  • Whiteboard explainer videos: They use drawings on a whiteboard. They're cheap to make and still manage to catch people's eyes.
  • Screencast videos: These are for showing off products or services online. They record what's on a screen to highlight its features.

Explainer videos take three main steps to create them well. These vary between animated and live videos. It's often best to let pros handle this work for you.

The best explainer videos are well-structured and include five important parts:

  1. They're short and don't waste anyone's time, usually 45 to 90 seconds.
  2. They tell people what to do next with a strong call to action.
  3. They focus on solving a problem that viewers might have.
  4. They match the brand's style and values to connect with the audience.
  5. They look and sound professional, with clear visuals and good audio.

Explainer videos are powerful in making people want to buy something. Research shows they can really influence decisions and make a big difference on websites. This is why many marketers love using them.

Putting explainer videos on a website can also help with SEO. They make visitors stay on the site longer, which search engines like. This can help the website show up higher in search results.

In the end, explainer videos are a fantastic way to tell your company's story. With different options available, you can pick what works best for your business. By making sure your video is well-made and matches your brand, you can create something that tells people why they should care about what you're offering.

How to make an explainer video in 7 easy steps

To make an awesome explainer video, follow these simple 7 steps:

Step 1: Research and Understanding

Start by doing a lot of research. You want to really know your audience, what they need, and their problems. This kind of understanding is the building block for your video.

Step 2: Choose the Right Video Type

After your research, pick the best video type for your viewers. Consider using animated videos with characters that look like humans. They connect well with the audience.

Step 3: Craft a Compelling Script

Next, write a script that people will love. Use the PAS formula: Problem, Agitation, Solution. This means talking about the problem, making the audience feel it, then presenting a solution.

Step 4: Gather Necessary Assets

Get all the stuff you need for your video - like screenshots, images, and music. Putting human faces in your video can make it more memorable and engaging.

Step 5: Create and Edit your Video

Now, use a tool to make your video or film it with real people. Add animations, sounds, and music. Then, edit it to make it flow smoothly.

Step 6: Promote your Video

After making your video, share it on websites, blogs, and social media. Remember, most people like to watch videos to learn about new things. So, promoting your video is super important.

Step 7: Gather and Utilize Feedback

Listen to what people say about your video through surveys and focus groups. This feedback helps you make the video better before you officially launch it.

Follow these steps to create videos that really speak to your audience. Make sure to choose the right method for your topic. Think about what your viewers need and use the tools available to you.

What makes a good explainer video?

Good explainer videos have traits that grasp people's interest and work well. Knowing what these are can make your videos more interesting to your viewers. Key elements include:

1. Addressing Pain Points

Explainer videos should start by talking about what bothers the viewers. They focus on a common issue to immediately grab the audience's attention. This makes the audience feel the video is for them. It's how you keep them wanting to watch more.

2. Customization for Emotional Connection

Customizing video elements to suit your viewers can create a strong connection. This is done with characters, settings, and backgrounds. Making these elements match what the audience likes can make the video stand out and be remembered. It's about creating a video that feels personal and catches the viewers' emotions.

3. High-Quality Production

The quality of the video is very important. Bad sound or poor visuals can make people lose interest. Using good equipment and services makes your video look professional. A professional-looking video is more likely to be watched and shared.

4. Customer Testimonials

Showing how others loved your product can make your video more trustworthy. Testimonials from happy customers can make your brand seem more reliable. This can lead to more sales and people wanting to buy from you.

5. Clear Call to Action

Always include a clear instruction on what to do next after watching the video. This could be visiting a website or trying a product. A good call to action helps turn viewers into customers. It tells them what to do next in their buying journey.

By using these elements and tips, you can make videos that educate and excite your viewers. Make sure your video is short and to the point. And share it where your audience spends time to have the most impact.

Types of explainer videos

Understanding the different types of explainer videos helps businesses. They can pick the right type for their product or service. Here are some popular types:

1. Live-Action Explainer Videos

Live-action explainer videos use real actors. They are great for showing off real products or services. They make a connection by showing real-life situations. This helps build trust with the audience.

2. Animated Explainer Videos

Animated explainer videos are commonly used for tech products or services. They are visually appealing and capture the viewer's attention. These videos make complicated ideas simple and are very creative.

3. Whiteboard Explainer Videos

Whiteboard explainer videos are a budget-friendly option. They use hand-drawn animations on a whiteboard. Perfect for educational content or explaining steps. The simple style focuses on the message, drawing in the viewer.

4. Screencast Explainer Videos

Screencast explainer videos show digital processes step by step. They record the screen of a device. These videos are great for showing how software or online platforms work. They are clear and instructional.

Each type of explainer video has its own benefits. The choice depends on what the business needs. Whether it's a live-action, animated, whiteboard, or screencast video, the goal is to connect well with the audience.

5 great explainer video examples

Explainer videos help companies talk to customers, make more sales, and share their story well. Here are our top picks to get you thinking about your own video. They each use different styles and ideas that work great.

Dollar Shave Club

Dollar Shave Club made a funny video that got a lot of attention. They talked about how razors can be too expensive. Then, they showed how their razor subscription is a great deal. The video was smart and fun, and it really showed why their product is worth it.


PooPourri combined real and animated scenes in their video. They focused on making your bathroom smell better. The way they shared their message was both funny and smart. They grabbed people's interest by talking about a common problem in a new way.


Mint used cartoons in their video to explain what they do. Their video was neat and full of bright colors. It made understanding money things easy. People could see how Mint could help make their finances simpler.


Airbnb showed real travel adventures in their video. They took viewers to amazing places and stories. This made people feel excited and ready to try Airbnb for traveling. It was a great way to show what makes Airbnb special.


Spotify's video was all about fun tunes and cartoons. It talked about the many songs you can listen to. Spotify made it clear that they are a top place for digital music. The video was bright and easy to like. It showed why Spotify is good for music lovers.

All these videos used cool stories, fun ways, and the right images to talk to people. They knew how to make their viewers feel connected and understand why their ideas are good. This shows how important it is to make videos that people really like. By using humor, being easy to relate to, or showing amazing scenes, you can make a great video that works well.

How to make an explainer video

Creating an explainer video has several key steps. These steps help your video engage viewers and boost sales. Let's dive into the process.

Step 1: Writing the Video Script

First, you need a great script. Think about who will watch your video. Understand what they worry about. Then, write a script that shows how your product or service can help.

Keep your script short and exciting. The best explainer videos are 90 seconds or less. This keeps people watching.

Step 2: Recording Voiceovers

Next, record the voiceover for your video. You can hire a voice actor. Sites like, Craigslist, or Fiverr offer great choices. Or, use your voice if you sound good and have recording gear.

Make sure the voiceover fits your video's style. A good voice can make a big difference.

Step 3: Explainer Video Production

Now, put everything together to make your video. You can work with a pro or do it yourself. Pro companies can be pricey, but they deliver top-notch videos. If you're saving money, try software like PowToon. You can even use your iPhone to film your video.

No matter how you do it, make sure your video looks like your brand. And, that it clearly tells your story. Following these steps will help you make an amazing explainer video.

A video that people love to watch. And one that helps your business grow. So, go ahead. Make that explainer video today!

Tips for creating engaging explainer videos

Creating an engaging explainer video needs good planning and doing it right. Follow these tips to make your explainer video interesting and powerful.

1. Plan Your Messaging

Start by planning what you want to say. Know who you are talking to and what you want to achieve. This way, your video will be more interesting and will solve their problems.

2. Write a Strong Script

A strong script is key to a good explainer video. Use about 140 words per minute for voiceovers. Make it short, fun, and clear. Answer viewers' questions quickly.

3. Incorporate Brand Elements

Add your brand's looks and sounds to your video. This makes your video unique and helps viewers remember your brand better.

4. Optimize for Mobile Viewing

Many people watch videos on their phones. Make sure your video looks good on different devices and loads fast on phones.

5. Include a Clear Call-to-Action

End your video with a clear message on what you want viewers to do next. This could be visiting your website, signing up for updates, or buying your product. A strong call-to-action helps get more people to act.

6. Use Graphics to Enhance Storytelling

Graphics can make your story clearer. They help people understand even complex ideas. This makes your video interesting for all types of learners.

7. Incorporate SEO Keywords and Imagery

Use words and images that help people find your video online. This makes your video more popular on search engines like Google.

8. Maintain Production Quality

Low-quality videos can hurt your brand's image. Invest in good writing and making your video. This way, your video looks and sounds great, and your viewers trust you more.

9. Address Frequently Asked Questions

Answer questions that your viewers often ask. This helps them understand and trust your message more. Be clear and to the point.

10. Keep It Short and Simple

A good explainer video is usually under 2 minutes, and better if within 1 minute. Keep it simple and easy to understand.

Follow these tips to make a video that speaks to your audience, gets them to act, and gets your message across well.

Explainer video distribution and promotion

After making your awesome explainer video, it's time to share it well. Use different channels to make sure lots of people see it. This will help your video have a big impact.

First, put the video on your website's main page, in blogs, and newsletters. This lets visitors quickly get to know your brand. Also, post it on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. People love watching short videos there.

You can promote your video through sites like YouTube or Vimeo. YouTube is great for ads, letting you target people who match your brand. This can help you reach a huge number of viewers.

Short 30-second videos are perfect for promoting apps on App Store or Google Play. They make your app known and can increase visits to your app's page.

Short videos also save you money. They cost less than making longer ones. This lets you spend your budget more wisely.

Always add a strong call to action at the end. Encourage viewers to do something, like joining a trial or signing up for a newsletter. Also, keep an eye on how your video is doing. Make changes as needed to reach your audience better.

By using all channels to spread your video, you can boost its visibility. This can lead to higher engagement and more success for your brand.

Best practices for creating effective explainer videos

Creating great explainer videos means doing things the right way. You want your audience to connect with your message and take action. This is done by making your videos engaging and meaningful.

1. Keep it short and concise

Studies show that people prefer short videos. Try to keep yours under 90 seconds for best watch rates. Make every second count by sharing your main message clearly and swiftly.

2. Grab attention in the first 30 seconds

People lose focus quickly, so you need to draw them in fast. Start your video with a bang, sharing what you do to help or solve. This quick intro sets the stage for the rest of the video.

3. Use relatable language

Talk to your audience like you're having a chat. Keep the words simple to avoid confusion. Make sure you're speaking their language to connect well.

4. Incorporate humor

Adding a dash of humor makes your video fun and memorable. Good jokes can help people remember you positively. Just make sure it fits your brand and doesn't take away from the video's main point.

5. Maintain a conversational tone

Don't be too stiff or robotic in your video. A friendly, conversational vibe is more inviting. It makes viewers feel like they're really hearing from you.

6. Utilize captions

Many prefer videos with captions, especially on mobile. Using captions can boost how many people actually watch your video. It also makes your content accessible to more viewers.

7. Connect emotionally

Telling a story that tugs at the heart can really move your audience. Real-life stories or situations can make a deep impact. Emotionally engaging videos are more likely to be remembered and acted upon.

Stick to these guidelines for your explainer videos. Doing so will help you make content that holds people's interest, clearly communicates your message, and spurs them to take action.


Creating cool explainer videos is key for digital marketing success. By using the tips in this guide, companies can make videos that draw in viewers. It doesn't matter if it's a real shot, animated, or whiteboard video.

The key is to tell a good story and show how the product helps. Try to answer what the viewers care about most.

Good explainer videos need a great script. They mix sounds and sights to share info easily, proven by Dual-Coding Theory. A clear script is not easy to make. Use formats like Problem-Solution and Process Overview to make things clear for people.

Make sure your video is not too long, about 60-90 seconds. Keep the words flowing at 130-150 per minute for a smooth watch. Adding stories that tug at the heart can make viewers really pay attention.

Explainer videos are great for getting noticed on social media. Places like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, or on your website. YouTube and Vimeo can show your video to lots of people and give you helpful details on who's watching.

So remember, using explainer videos the right way can help your business tell its story. It makes more people know about you and be interested in what you offer.


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