How to Record Clean Voice Overs: Eliminate Background Noise and Plosives

Mastering clean voiceovers requires understanding background noise and plosives, ensuring professional sound quality that captivates listeners.

How to Record Clean Voice Overs: Eliminate Background Noise and Plosives

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Ever wondered why some voiceovers grab your attention, while others don't? Knowing how to record clean voice overs is key. It helps get a professional sound that keeps listeners focused. Battling background noise and plosives is crucial for a top-notch recording. We'll explore ways to improve your voice over work. We'll look into background noise and plosives closely.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding background noise and its types is crucial for effective voice recording.
  • Utilizing the right microphone placement enhances clarity and minimizes disruptions.
  • Employ tools like the RX audio repair suite for eliminating plosives and background noise.
  • Maintain proper gain levels ensures the quality of the recorded voice.
  • Vocal warm-ups and hydration are essential for optimal vocal performance.
  • Rehearsing your script aloud aids in achieving better delivery and modulation.

Understanding Background Noise and Plosives

Recording clean voice overs needs two main things understood: background noise and plosives. Knowing these helps make better sound recordings. It lets voice over artists share their messages well.

What is Background Noise?

Background noise is sound you don’t want that might ruin the voice recording. It can be things like cars, talking, buzzing, or even rain. Knowing about background noise helps find ways to make the audio clearer. Tools like Krisp and DeNoise are great because they stop echoes and background voices.

Types of Background Noise

There are different kinds of background noise, each with their own challenges. Broadband noise sounds like hissing and happens across many sounds. Narrowband noise comes from things like electrical gadgets. Impulse noise refers to sudden sounds like clicks or pops. Irregular noise is random, like rain or cars passing. Knowing these types helps in recording clearer voice overs.

What are Plosives?

Plosives are strong sounds from saying "p" and "b." They make a puff of air that can mess up recordings if you're too close to the mic. A pop filter stops this problem by softening the air burst. It has a soft screen that cuts down these harsh sounds for clear recordings. Using the mic right also helps in making good voice overs.

How to Record Clean Voice Over

To get a clean voice over, focus on the mic, where you place it, and extras. Picking the right microphone is the first step. A condenser mic is good for voice overs. It catches high sounds well, especially for audiobooks.

Choosing the Right Microphone

If you need a pro sound, a dynamic mic works well in loud places. It's good at not picking up background noise. You get clearer sounds. For great studio sound, pick an XLR mic. It's better than USB mics for quality sound and control.

Placement and Proximity to the Microphone

Where you put the mic matters a lot. It should be 2 to 12 inches from your mouth. This depends on the mic. Being closer makes the recording sound brighter and clearer. Keeping an eye on gain levels also helps keep the balance right.

Utilizing Pop Filters and Shock Mounts

Pop filters and shock mounts make a big difference. A pop filter can be cheap, around ten dollars. It cuts down harsh sounds, making your voice smooth. Shock mounts stop noises from handling. Setting these up makes your recordings sound more professional.

Environment Setup for Optimal Recordings

Setting up a good spot for recording really matters. It makes the voice overs clear and high-quality. The perfect location improves sound capture. It helps create top-notch audio. When recording at home, it's key to pick a spot without noise or distractions.

Finding a Quiet Recording Space

Finding a quiet place is key for recordings. Closets with clothes are great for sound. They lessen echo and noise. Carpeted rooms and those with curtains are good too. They stop sound from bouncing around. Avoid noisy things like appliances, traffic, or squeaky floors. A quiet spot makes the sound much better.

Soundproofing Techniques

Soundproofing can make recordings even better. Using things that absorb sound, like panels or foam, helps a lot. Thick drapes on windows and placing furniture right can also help. Look for any spots where noise comes in. Paying attention to these details improves the audio quality a lot. It helps make your voice overs sound cleaner and more professional.

Voice Over Recording Tips

Want great voice overs? Pay attention to the details. Use tips to make your audio clear and top-notch. Making sure your gain levels are right is key. Setting your gain right lets your voice be clear without any distortion. Just the right gain makes your audio sound amazing without any clipping.

Maintaining Proper Gain *Levels

Pick the right gain level for the best sound. Too much gain brings in noise. Aim for -12dB to -6dB for the clearest sound. This makes your voice over sound great. And it helps in any kind of room.

Using Software for Noise Reduction

Choosing the right software is a big help. Programs like Descript or RX 11 Advanced clean up your recording. They take away background noise and mouth sounds. This makes your voice over clean and easy to listen to. Use these tools to make sure your voice over shines.

Recording Habits for Clear Voice Overs

Good habits make for clear voice overs. Drink water, use a script, and warm up your voice. These steps improve your voice work a lot. They help with pacing, tone, and sounding right. Good habits make you professional. And they make your recordings better.


Clean voice overs are very important for top-quality recordings. To get rid of background sounds and manage plosives, voice pros must learn good techniques. This guide has shown basic strategies for both new and experienced recorders to get better audio.

To get the best voice over, pick the right equipment and set up your space well. Programs like Adobe Audition help make sound even better with special tools. By using good editing methods regularly, your audio will sound great and keep listeners interested.

The voice over world changes quickly, so always be ready to learn more and improve. Whether you are using tools like Sonix or new editing software, focus on quality. Doing this will surely bring out the best results in your recordings.


What are the best practices for recording a clean voice over?

First, cut down background noise and pick a good mic. Keep it at the right spot. Also, make your recording spot soundproof. Do not forget to follow good recording steps.

How can I reduce background noise in my recordings?

Record in a silent area. Use carpets and curtains to soak up sound. Find and handle noise sources around you. Also, try dynamic mics in loud places.

Why are plosives a problem in voice over recordings?

Plosives make explosive sounds with "p" and "b". They can mess up your recording. Use pop filters and keep a good distance from the mic to fix this.

What is the biosecurity?

Santitation is the best.

What is the best microphone for voice overs?

The right mic depends on where you're recording. Use dynamic mics for loud areas. Condenser mics are good for quiet places. Try the Shure SM7B or Audio-Technica AT2020.

How can I ensure quality control during voice over recordings?

To control quality, check for noises and audio clarity. Make sure there are no plosives. Review your work and stick to good recording habits. This improves sound quality.

Which software is best for voice over editing?

For editing, try Audacity if you're a beginner. Adobe Audition and RX 11 Advanced are great for pros. They help reduce noise and refine your recordings.

What are effective recording habits for voice overs?

Drink water and warm up your voice. Use a script and set the gain right to avoid distortion. Practice a lot and listen to your recordings to get better.


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