How to Get Into Voice Acting for Video Games (A Complete Guide)

Explore the exciting world of video game voice acting, where creativity thrives amidst challenges, and discover essential skills for success.

How to Get Into Voice Acting for Video Games (A Complete Guide)

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Ever thought about becoming a video game voice actor? It's where creativity meets technology. Voice acting in games is key to making stories come alive. This guide will show you how to get into it, what skills you need, and how to market yourself.

Getting into voice acting means facing many auditions with no feedback. But, it's important to keep trying. You might also sign agreements that keep your work secret. To succeed, stay strong, join a community, and try different acting styles to stand out.

Key Takeaways

  • The transition into voice acting for video games requires resilience and consistent auditioning.
  • Building a community for feedback is crucial in overcoming challenges and receiving encouragement.
  • Actors often need to balance their passion for voice acting with additional careers to manage financial stability.
  • Trends indicate a growing demand for versatile actors, capable of both vocal and performance capture roles.
  • Initial investments in voice acting equipment can vary widely, impacting one's entry into the field.
  • Maintaining mental health and a well-rounded lifestyle is essential for long-term success in the industry.
  • Major successes in voice acting can yield significant financial rewards, particularly for prominent roles.

Understanding the Role of a Video Game Voice Actor

Video game voice actors are key in the gaming world. They help make characters and stories come alive. Game makers spend as much on voice acting as on big movies. This shows how important these actors are.

One character might need 50 to over 200 voice actors to try out for it. This shows how tough it is to become a voice actor for games.

Voice actors make characters real, whether they are heroes, friends, or enemies. They get to play many different roles. Knowing about gaming helps them give better performances, even if they don't play games themselves.

They also learn about the game to play their characters better. This makes their acting more real.

New tech has changed how voice actors work. Now, they can record from anywhere using tools like Sessionwire and Source Elements. They can send in auditions easily.

For auditions, they use high-quality MP3s, whether recording at home or in a studio.

Actors get detailed info about the characters they'll play. This helps them get the right voice for each character. It makes the game more fun for players.

There are more chances for voice actors to join the industry as games become more popular. Knowing about character traits and culture helps in choosing the right actor. Voice actors make games more real and fun.

Voice Acting for Video Games: The Importance of Immersion

Immersion is key in making video games fun and memorable. Voice actors make characters come alive with their voices. They bring out deep feelings and unique traits. This helps players connect deeply with the game.

Creating Believable Characters

Great voice acting is now a must in games, like in movies and TV shows. Amazing performances make players feel like they're part of the story. This makes the game more engaging and can make it a hit.

Engaging Players through Voice

Voice acting in games needs special skills to grab players' attention. Actors use their voices to pull players into the game world. When voice acting blends well with the game, it makes the experience better. This makes players want to play again and again.

The Skills Needed to Become a Video Game Voice Actor

Want to be a voice actor in games? You need a mix of skills. Acting classes are key. They teach you how to act and connect with different characters in games.

Workshops and programs help you get ready for auditions. They teach you about the styles you'll face.

Acting Classes and Training

Acting classes are a must for game voice acting. You learn from pros who share their techniques. These help you improve your voice and emotions.

Practice and feedback are important. They make you better for auditions. Kirsty Gillmore says focus on improving before spending on gear.

Understanding Different Genres

Knowing about game genres is key. Each one needs a special way of acting. You might need to sound different in a fantasy game versus an action one.

Staying up-to-date with trends helps you match what directors want. Research and network to get ahead. Knowing about genres is a big tip for success in voice acting.

How to Get Started in Voice Acting for Video Games

Starting in voice acting for video games is exciting. First, build your portfolio. This should show off your skills in different voices and feelings. A demo reel is key, showing off your voice and acting skills. Working with a voice coach is also a good idea to improve your skills.

Building Your Portfolio

Creating a great voice demo is key to a good portfolio. Make sure it sounds professional and meets audio standards like 48kHz, 16bit, mono .wav files. Picking specific genres or characters can help you stand out. Networking is important; go to workshops or online events to meet others in the field.

Finding Opportunities and Auditions

To find auditions, stay active in the voice acting world. Use social media, especially Twitter, to find auditions and connect with others. Sites that charge for auditions can also be a good source. Don't be afraid to market yourself by emailing potential clients and going to events. The more you try, the more chances you'll have to get voice over work.

Essential Equipment for Voice Acting

To do well in voice acting, you need the right gear. A good home recording studio improves sound quality and makes recording comfy. It has parts that make your audio sound pro, helping you shine in voice acting.

Setting Up a Home Recording Studio

Start by picking a quiet spot to record. Use soundproof blankets and acoustic foam to cut down on noise. You'll also need a strong mic stand, boom arm, and an audio interface. The Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 is great for beginners, turning your mic's signals into digital for clear recordings.

Choosing the Right Microphone and Gear

A good mic is key for voice acting. The Blue Yeti and Rode NT1A are top choices for clear sound. Condenser mics are best because they pick up your voice's details well. A pop filter, like the Stedman Pop Filter, stops harsh sounds. Closed-back headphones, such as the Beyerdynamic DT 770, let you hear your recordings right.

Getting the right voice acting gear makes your home studio better. It lets you give top-notch performances.

Tips for Successful Voice Acting Auditions

Voice acting for games is both a challenge and a chance for actors. Making audition material that shows who a character is is key. Knowing what makes a character tick helps actors sound real.

It's important to be yourself. Everyone has their own special qualities from their life. These can make your audition stand out.

Crafting Your Audition Material

Get ready for auditions by making material that shows feelings and tells a story. Experts say storytelling is key to showing what a game character is like. Try different ways to make your acting honest and full of passion.

See each audition as a chance to learn and move forward. Recording yourself can help you see what you need to work on. This way, you can make your acting better.

Understanding the Audition Process

The audition process for voice acting can feel tough. Actors often send in many auditions without hearing back. Only about 10% of those who audition show they can act well.

Knowing what game makers want is helpful. Big game companies often look for actors in SAG-AFTRA. Being professional and ready can make you look better to casting directors.

Being flexible and open to direction can help you succeed. It also makes the audition process a good experience.

Networking and Marketing Yourself in the Industry

Networking is key for voice actors, especially in video game voice acting. Joining groups gives you resources, mentors, and connections with pros. These can lead to jobs and chances to work together, which is great for networking.

Going to events can make you more visible in the industry. It's a good way to meet people and learn more.

Joining Industry Groups and Associations

Being part of industry groups helps voice actors a lot. They offer workshops, conferences, and chances to meet others. This helps you grow professionally and understand the market better.

It also gives you insights into what's new and connects you with important people. Talking with peers and pros helps you grow and succeed in your career.

Using Social Media to Build Your Brand

Social media is key for building your brand. Use Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and YouTube to show off your talent. A personal website is also good, with info on your services and how to reach you.

SEO helps your website be seen more on search engines. Having great demo reels that show off your skills is a must. This way, you can stand out in a crowded field.

The Challenges and Rewards of a Career in Voice Acting

Being a voice actor is both tough and rewarding. Many dreamers face lots of rejection, which can make them feel down. It's key to be strong in voice acting to get past these tough times.

The competition is fierce, with more people wanting voice acting jobs. Knowing this helps actors keep going for their dreams in a tough field.

Facing Rejection and Staying Resilient

Voice actors go through many auditions and get rejected a lot. It's important to stay positive to make it in this field. Classes and training help improve skills and build confidence.

Remember, getting rejected is normal in all creative jobs. With hard work, voice actors can become strong and keep going towards success.

Financial Considerations and Earnings Potential

How much voice actors make varies a lot based on their experience and the work they do. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says actors make about $20.26 an hour on average. There are different ways to make money, like commercials, animations, and video games.

Top voice actors can make a lot of money, even over $100,000. Rates for voice acting jobs can be low or very high, showing the good money you can make. New voice actors should think about spending money on training and gear. They can also look forward to flexible work and being creative.


Starting a career in voice acting for video games is a chance to be creative. The demand for great voices is growing, making it a promising field. Actors can improve their skills by taking acting classes and building a portfolio.

It's important to know how voice acting works. It's all about working together with directors and producers. Actors need to be good at adapting to different roles and characters. They also need to know how to use microphones and change their voice to sound right.

The path to becoming a voice actor has its ups and downs. You'll face competition and need to keep learning. But, the joy of bringing characters to life and making games fun is worth it. With hard work and love for acting, you can do well in this exciting field.


What skills are necessary to become a successful video game voice actor?

To be a great video game voice actor, you need good acting skills and voice control. You should also know about different characters and games. Acting classes and workshops can help you get better at this.

How can I get started with voice acting auditions for games?

Start by making a portfolio with a demo reel that shows your skills. Look for auditions online, through agencies, or by networking in the industry.

What should I include in my voice acting portfolio?

Your portfolio should have a demo reel with different voices, emotions, and styles. It should show off your unique talents and what you can do.

How important is networking in the voice acting industry?

Networking is very important. It helps you meet professionals, find mentors, and find auditions. Join groups and go to events to network better.

What kind of equipment do I need for home voice acting?

You need a good microphone, headphones, and a quiet recording space. A home studio with quality equipment is key for professional sound.

How can I improve my chances of landing a role in video games?

To get better, take acting classes and make a professional demo reel. Audition for different roles and have a strong online presence to stand out.

What are some tips for successful voice acting auditions?

Know the character you're auditioning for and tailor your audition. Be professional and flexible during recording sessions.

Are there specific trends to be aware of in video game voice acting?

Yes, keep up with trends like motion capture and diverse characters. Knowing these can help you in auditions.

What challenges should I expect while pursuing a career in voice acting for video games?

Expect rejection, competition, and financial challenges. Being resilient is important to overcome these.


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