The Voice Over Casting Process: What to Expect (and How to Prepare)

Discover the secrets of voice over casting and auditions to elevate your career as a professional voice talent!

The Voice Over Casting Process: What to Expect (and How to Prepare)

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Ever wondered what happens behind the scenes in voice over casting? Knowing the process helps any aspiring voice actor. It's vital for success in films or animated series. This guide will explain voice actor auditions. You'll learn about library, dubbed, and live castings. Ready to improve and become a professional voice talent? Let's get started!

Key Takeaways

  • There are three types of voice castings: library castings, dubbed castings, and live castings.
  • Industry standards suggest providing three voice samples per character in library castings.
  • Dubbed casting often incurs a fee per submission for comprehensive services.
  • Arriving early for in-person auditions is a key tip for success.
  • Nearly half of surveyed voice actors make $8,000 or less annually from voiceover work.
  • Part-time voiceover talent dominate the industry, with full-time actors typically working from home studios.
  • Ongoing learning and skill development are crucial for voice actors to enhance their abilities.

Understanding the Voice Over Casting Process

Voice casting is a key stage in creating shows and games. It's like a job interview for voice actors. In these auditions, actors show if they're right for certain roles. They perform parts of scripts to see if they fit. Voice over agencies help match actors with these roles, making it easier.

What is Voice Casting?

Voice casting helps find the right voice for animations, ads, and games. It usually takes a day or two. People look at how the actor sounds and if they can make listeners feel things. VoiceFinder and other services let almost all actors try out for parts for free. This gives many actors a chance to be heard in different styles.

Importance of the Casting Process

The casting process makes sure the best actor gets each role. This makes shows and games more real and fun. Actors learn what to do for auditions and what casting people want. They practice to meet the standards of the voice acting world. Becoming good at auditions helps actors do well in this exciting career.

Types of Voice Over Casting

There are different types of voice over casting that one must know. Each type has its own chances and needs special skills. You'll find library ones, dubbed ones, and live ones. They all serve different areas and meet the needs of many productions.

Library Castings

Library castings use a bunch of pre-recorded voices or samples. Companies pick voice artists from big libraries for projects like ads and learning stuff. The talent needs to show off many tones and styles. This way, they don't need to audition all the time.

Dubbed Castings

Dubbed castings are big in movies and TV, especially for films in other languages for English speakers. The artists do voices to match the original scenes. They must get the emotions and tone right. They have to be quick to change during auditions.

Live Castings

Live castings are about performing right there and then. It could be in front of people or in a studio. Voice actors face the challenge of doing well on the spot. This is key for roles in animations and video games. They must show they can change and do well in auditions.

How to Prepare for Voice Over Auditions

Getting ready is key for winning voice over auditions. If you work as voice talent, you can improve your odds. Just follow a good plan. Here are top tips to nail your auditions.

Study the Script Thoroughly

Know the script inside out first. Take time to understand your character's reasons and past. This way, you'll really become the character.

Also, starting your audition as your character makes a good impression. It shows directors who you’re trying to be right away.

Vocal Warm-ups and Hydration

Start with vocal warm-ups to get ready. Exercises like lip trills help a lot. They make your voice more flexible. Drink lots of water to keep your voice clear.

Use deep breaths to control your voice better. This makes your performance strong and steady.

Arriving and Performing at Auditions

Come early and be set to go. Directors like it when you're on time. They value your respect for their schedule.

Give it your all but keep it to two tries. Use your face and body to feel the role. This makes your act more real.

Tips for Successful Voice Actor Auditions

Voice over auditions are tough and full of competition. It's key for actors to show their best. Here are some great tips for voice actors. They will help you wow casting directors and get roles.

Get into Character

Knowing your character is crucial. Voice actors must dive deep into the role. They should feel what the character feels. This makes the performance better. It also shows directors you care about the project. Try different ways to say your lines. This will show off your skills. Be quick to grab your listeners. Start speaking fast in your demo to keep them listening.

Follow Casting Directors' Directions

Directions during auditions are important to follow. They tell you what directors want. Following them shows you are a pro. It means you respect the process. Good quality auditions need good equipment. Don't add things like your name or project titles in your demos. They can distract from your acting. Try to record all your auditions at once. This saves time and helps you stand out in this busy world.

The Role of Voice Over Agencies in the Casting Process

Voice over agencies help bring together aspiring voice talent and casting opportunities. They manage resources to make auditioning easier. Their role is key to finding the perfect voice for any project.

Leveraging Agency Resources

Agencies have voice samples they share with casting directors. This helps clients choose the right voice talent. At first, clients explain what they are looking for. Then, voice actors audition with their samples. This lets agencies pick the best voices for the project.

Building a Relationship with Agencies

Finding a good voice over agency can really help a voice actor's career. Getting along with agents makes communication better. It also helps you get more voice over jobs. Agencies look for talented individuals to represent. They provide reliable work chances. Networking and marketing yourself well can help you get noticed by agencies.


The voice over industry demands skill and readiness. Knowing what mistakes to avoid is key. For instance, overacting or not following directions can harm your chance of success.

Understanding the script and keeping your energy up are important. These can make your audition stand out.

Also, having a great voice demo is crucial. Producers spend only a few minutes on each demo. So, the start of your demo must grab their attention.

Listening to feedback and trying different styles are good. They can make you a better voice over artist. With the correct approach, you can find great opportunities in voice over work.

Finally, facing the challenges and joys of voice casting can help new voice actors shine. By always learning and improving, you can do well in the voice over world.


What should I expect during a voice over audition?

In a voice over audition, you'll read a script. They check how you perform and portray characters. And how well you listen to the casting director's directions.

How can I prepare effectively for voice actor auditions?

Study the script well and warm up your voice. Drink water to stay hydrated. Know your character and be ready to change as directed.

What are the different types of voice over casting?

Voice over casting can be library, dubbed, or live. Each type needs different skills and has its own process. They suit various voice over talents.

How important are voice over agencies in the casting process?

Agencies are key in finding casting opportunities. They offer resources and advice. This helps voice actors land auditions and roles.

What tips can I follow for successful voice over auditions?

To do well, get into character and listen to directions. Be okay with feedback. Practice to improve your chances.

How can I find voice over jobs and casting calls for voice actors?

Look for jobs on online platforms, through agencies, and by networking. Building industry connections can lead to new opportunities.

What should I do if I'm nervous before an audition?

If nervous, breathe deeply and picture a great audition. Remind yourself of your hard work. Confidence comes from preparation!

How does the voice casting process impact the final production?

Casting the right voice enhances the project's authenticity and feeling. The perfect voice makes scripts more alive, boosting the project.

Can I still audition for roles if I'm not represented by an agency?

Yes, you don't need an agency to audition. Many calls are open, especially in independent projects or online.


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