Who Are the Voice Actors in Nella the Princess Knight?

"Nella the Princess Knight" captivates audiences with its enchanting characters brought to life by talented voice actors, blending adventure and valuable lessons.

Who Are the Voice Actors in Nella the Princess Knight?

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In the show "Nella the Princess Knight," voice actors make the characters real. Their skills shine in this magical series. Now, let's get to know who the voices behind the characters are.

Main Cast of Nella the Princess Knight

The main cast of Nella the Princess Knight has four voice actors. They make the characters come to life. It includes both male and female actors. This shows many voices and personalities.

Akira Golz leads as Princess Nella. She is brave and kind. Golz makes Nella a strong and determined princess. Her performance is full of spirit.

Then, Samantha Hahn is Trinket, Nella's unicorn friend. Hahn captures Trinket's charm and excitement perfectly.

Micah Gursoy plays Sir Garrett, Nella's knight buddy. Gursoy adds humor and adventure to Sir Garrett. His great voice work makes the character fun.

Lastly, Matthew Gumley is Clod, a funny horse. Gumley's funny timing and unique voice bring Clod to life. He makes Clod a character everyone loves.

The main cast makes Nella the Princess Knight great with their work. They make it fun and exciting for everyone watching. This show is for people of all ages.

Secondary Cast of Nella the Princess Knight

Besides the main cast, Nella the Princess Knight has a strong secondary team. It includes notable characters voiced by actors such as Alex Covington and Rebecca Soler. Others are Antoine Smith, Evan Christy, John Heffernan, Kobi Frumer, Matthew Gumley, Samantha Hahn, and Ty Jones.

The secondary cast adds variety and color to the show. They use their voices to bring many unique characters to life. For example, Ty Jones is the voice of King Dad. Princess Norma's role is full of fun, thanks to Courtney Shaw's voice. Evan Christy plays Sir Blaine, showing bravery.

Olivia, voiced by Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld, brings charm, and energy. The Knight Brigade, with Tyler Bunch's voice, shows teamwork and loyalty.

A different group of characters join the adventure as the series goes on. For instance, Willow is voiced by Maya Tanida. Kimani Arthur voices the Unicorn of the Lake. These characters make the world of Nella the Princess Knight even more lively.

The show's producers at Brown Bag Films in the UK chose voice actors carefully. This has made Nella the Princess Knight a show that's both fun and interesting to watch.

Minor Cast of Nella the Princess Knight

Nella the Princess Knight has more than just a main and secondary cast. It includes several minor characters. They have key roles in the magical land of Castlehaven. These characters make the show more fun and exciting for kids.

Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld as Willow

Willow is voiced by Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld. Willow is a lively sprite and a close friend of Nella's. She is known for her mischievous ways and quick thinking. Willow brings fun to the group. She finds clever ways to solve problems. And she spreads happiness wherever she goes.

Adam Sietz as Gork

Gork is played by Adam Sietz. He is a friendly, lovable creature in Castlehaven. Gork is known for being a bit silly. He brings laughter with his funny actions. Gork helps teach kids that being different is a good thing.

Ashley Earnest as Flicker

Flicker is voiced by Ashley Earnest. She is a lively fire sprite. Flicker is a trusted friend of Sir Blaine. Her energy and bravery light up every adventure. She encourages others to be brave and strong.

Michaela Dean as Minatori

Minatori is played by Michaela Dean. She is a brave and kind minotaur. Minatori joins Nella and her friends on adventures. She is strong and caring. Minatori teaches kids about teamwork and kindness.

These actors make the world of Nella the Princess Knight come alive. They bring their characters to life with their voices and personalities. This makes Nella's world exciting and full of fun. Children love to watch because of these amazing performances.

Now, let's talk about the guest stars of Nella the Princess Knight. They have also left a lovely mark on this favorite animated series.

Guest Starring in Nella the Princess Knight

Nella the Princess Knight has had many special guest stars. These stars lend their voices to the much-loved characters. One of these special guests was Iain Glen. He is famous for his role in Game of Thrones. Glen played Santa in the show's Christmas special.

This special episode was called "The Knight Before Christmas." It first aired on Nick Jr. UK on Friday, December 15, at 4:30 pm. Audiences loved its sweet story and seeing Santa in it.

Nella the Princess Knight is very popular with preschoolers. It is among the favorite shows on Nick Jr. It shares the spotlight with other great shows like Blaze and the Monster Machines, Digby Dragon, PAW Patrol, and Shimmer and Shine. Many talented people have been drawn to this show's charm, wanting to be a part of it.

Nella the Princess Knight is more than just a fun show. It teaches and empowers girls. The show encourages self-confidence, being strong, and being kind. If you want to continue the adventures from the show, you can play with the app "Kingdom Adventures." You can find it on iTunes and Google Play. This app is all about fun exploring and learning good values.

The show also has cool products for fans to enjoy. These products launched in the UK in January 2018. Vivid is the main toy partner. You can find Nella toys at many stores. This way, fans can have a piece of the Nella world in their own homes.

Nella the Princess Knight is met with love from many countries. People from places like Mexico and the Philippines enjoy it too. This shows how much people like its stories and messages.

With its amazing guest stars and heartwarming stories, Nella the Princess Knight is truly loved. It brings joy to kids and families all around the world.

Episode Guide of Nella the Princess Knight

"Nella the Princess Knight" has two seasons with 60 episodes. It's full of fun and excitement for kids. Each episode lasts about 21 minutes and has lessons for life. It also has great voices.

Princess Nella, voiced by Akira Golz, is very brave and smart. She's always nice. Her friends are Trinket, Clod, Garrett, Blaine, and Gork. Together, they have many amazing adventures.

Nella's family is very important in her stories. They help her as a princess and a knight. Badalf is a bad wizard who makes things hard for her.

Nella uses her princess and knight skills to help others. She teaches about friendship, being kind, and courageous. These are important values.

Here are some of the best episodes:

The Unicorn Rescue

This episode aired on Monday, November 19, 2018. Nella saves a unicorn. She is brave and very determined.

A Dragon Ate My Homework

This one aired on Saturday, January 19, 2019. Nella looks for her homework. She meets magical creatures.

Clod's Big Bounce/The New Neighbours

Aired on Saturday, March 2, 2019. Clod can bounce high. Nella and friends meet new neighbors.

A Need for Steed/Trinket's Lost Voice

It aired on Saturday, March 30, 2019. Garrett needs a new horse. Trinket lost her voice. Nella helps them both.

Trinket's Bad Hair Day/Blaine Stirs Things Up!

Aired on Saturday, April 27, 2019. Trinket worries about her looks. Nella helps her feel better. Blaine makes things exciting in the kingdom.

See You Later Gladiator/Clod-O-Matic

It aired on Saturday, June 15, 2019. Nella joins a tournament. Clod also tries synchronized swimming. It's a fun episode.

All episodes in "Nella the Princess Knight" offer great adventures. They also teach good lessons. Kids will love watching each one.

Reviews of Nella the Princess Knight

Nella the Princess Knight first aired on February 6, 2017. Since then, it's captured the hearts of critics and watchers. Many love how the characters and animation look in Season 2. The bright and rich colors draw kids into Nella's magical world.

Nella's catchphrase, "My heart is bright, time to be a princess knight!" is quite popular. It marks the start of Nella's brave missions and sticks in your mind.

The show has fun surprises too. Like in "Norma's Very Big Day," the characters sing a fun "Happy Birthday to You!". It adds joy to Norma's big day celebration.

Trinket, Nella's proud unicorn friend, shines with Samantha Hahn's voice. Trinket loves to talk about her looks and fashion, adding a fun twist to the show.

Yet, some feel the show could use more outfits for its main characters. Maybe more clothes could keep things fresh.

The show mainly focuses on Nella, Garrett, their friends, and family. Few characters mean the story stays clear and interesting.

Episodes are split into two 11-minute tales. This makes the show easy to follow and fun to watch.

Nella the Princess Knight teaches kids about being confident and kind. It even includes lessons specially for young ones.

Viewer Reviews

Overall, viewers have given Nella a 3.3 rating out of 5. This score comes from 10 different opinions, showing how views can differ:

  • A user called MinecraftLoving14 enjoyed the series' 45 episodes on January 28, 2021.
  • On May 12, 2021, someone noted the show was banned in a certain area, maybe due to regional rules.
  • On August 29, 2017, Deki talked about an episode or character moment with the phrase "Alff Chd."

The mix of opinions from viewers shows how Nella the Princess Knight sparks lots of talk and thoughts.

Trivia about Nella the Princess Knight

Nella the Princess Knight is loved by many for its amazing story and cool characters. Let's look at some fun facts about this treasured show:

1. Creation and Duration:

Christine Ricci made Nella the Princess Knight. This show ran from 2017 to 2021, bringing joy for three years.

2. Genre and Rating:

Nella's adventures mix animation, action, and fun. Kids find it especially exciting. It's rated TV-Y, which means it's great for children.

3. Episode Count:

There are 78 episodes across two fun seasons. Each one has lessons, fun, and lots of adventure for viewers to enjoy.

4. IMDb Rating:

On IMDb, it scores 5.1/10 from 196 ratings. Even so, many kids and their families love watching this show.

5. Featured Review:

A reviewer on IMDb gave it a 5/10, sharing good and bad parts. They showed how special the show is, but also where it could grow.

6. Voice Actors:

The voice actors are amazing. They include Akira Golz and others, making Nella and her friends sound great.

7. Memorable Characters:

The main character, Nella, is a young princess full of life. She is joined by great friends in her adventures.

Together, they have exciting stories that kids love to watch.

8. Trivia Note:

In one episode, closed captions called her "Bella" by mistake. It was a little funny mistake in the show.

Nella the Princess Knight is more than just a show. It's about believing in yourself and having fun. Created by Christine Ricci, with amazing voice actors, it's a special show for kids everywhere.

Impact and Legacy of Nella the Princess Knight

Nella the Princess Knight has left a lasting impact on kids' shows. This empowering princess has won over young hearts. The themes of courage, friendship, and being open to all have hit home with kids and parents.

Nella the Princess Knight stands out for its rich stories. Its bright animation and creative plots make each episode a must-watch. Kids are hooked, waiting for the next adventure every week.

The voices behind Nella the Princess Knight have been key. A skilled cast breathes life into the characters. They make the audience really care, adding to the show's charm and appeal.

Nella's influence goes beyond the TV. Kids can keep playing with her through toys and reading her adventures. The show has also sparked a push for more diverse and strong kids' content.

Nella the Princess Knight has changed children's TV for the better. It's all about welcoming everyone, with fun stories and good lessons. Its legacy will keep pushing for diverse and powerful tales in the animation world.

Other Projects of the Voice Actors in Nella the Princess Knight

The voices in Nella the Princess Knight have done many other cool things. They show how good they are in the world of cartoon making.

Akira Golz, the voice of Nella, was once Alice on Broadway. She tried out for Matilda for three years. This shows how much she loves acting.

When she was Matilda, Akira loved singing "Revolting". She also liked playing Minecraft behind the scenes. This made her time with other kids fun.

Akira talks about working on "Nella the Princess Knight" a couple of times each week. She also talks about learning while acting, both at home and on set. This shows how kids in acting have to stay flexible.

Akira loved watching Dora the Explorer. Her work on Nella the Princess Knight shows how much kids might like this show.

Akira gives advice to kids wanting to act. She says to keep trying. She also talks about what she likes to do in New York, her favorite food, and dream roles.

Other than Akira, Samantha, Mica, and Matthew also help make Nella great. They voice Trinket, Garrett, Clod, and more.

These actors keep making fans happy with their voices. They do a great job in many shows and movies.


The actors in Nella the Princess Knight are amazing. They make the show's characters exciting and real. Everyone loves their work, no matter their age.

Rebecca Soler is one of these talented people. She has worked on many shows, like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. She's also famous for reading books out loud, from authors such as Judy Blume.

Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld is also very talented. You might know her from Pokémon or Yu-Gi-Oh! Besides TV, she's been in movies and video games. She's even done live shows, showing she can do many things in her job.

Akira Golz does Nella's voice in the show. People really like how she plays the brave princess. She's also performed in big plays, like Matilda the Musical.

These actors make Nella the Princess Knight great. Their hard work and talent make the characters feel real. This has made the show a hit everywhere.

In the end, the actors in Nella the Princess Knight are truly skilled. They turn a simple cartoon into a special world. Kids and grown-ups both love what they do.

References and Sources

If you're looking for more on "Nella the Princess Knight," check out these sources:

1. IMDb: Visit IMDb for a close look at the show. You'll get the full cast and crew, user reviews, and more. Everything you want to know about "Nella the Princess Knight" can be found. (source: IMDb)

2. Voiceovers.com: At Voiceovers.com, you'll learn about the talented voice actors. This site has interviews, profiles, and more info on the voice actors. (source: Voiceovers.com)

These sources let you explore "Nella the Princess Knight" even further. You'll find lots of info on the show and its amazing cast.