Who Are the Voices in the Game Celeste (2018)?

Discover the voices behind Celeste's characters, including the inspiring journey of Madeline and the emotional depth they bring to the game.

Who Are the Voices in the Game Celeste (2018)?

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Celeste is a popular game that came out in 2018. It touched many with its stories and challenges. But do you wonder who voiced the characters like Madeline, the main character?

This article talks about the talented people who voiced Celeste's characters. It includes Maddy Thorson, the creator's voice, and other performers. They added feeling and life to the characters, making the game memorable.

Join us to learn about the voices in Celeste. We will show you the amazing people who made the game special. Ready to meet the voices of Celeste? Let's go!

Meet Madeline - The Protagonist of Celeste

Madeline is the star of Celeste, a beloved game from 2018. As a main character, she marks a key point for the LGBTQ+ world in gaming.

The game's creator, Maddy Thorson, shared that Madeline is a trans woman. This news came out in 2020, making fans happier with the game's inclusivity.

Madeline takes a tough journey up Mount Celeste, facing her fears and struggles. She meets different folks who help her grow, like Granny and Theo.

The game uses the real voice of Maddy Thorson for Madeline. This decision makes Madeline even more real to players.

Players love Madeline because she's easy to understand and grows a lot. Venture Beat called her the best new character of 2018.

In another game by Thorson, TowerFall Ascension, you can play as Madeline or her dark side, Badeline. This choice lets fans enjoy them even more.

Celeste was a big hit when it came out, liked by many for its story and play. Fans both laid back and hardcore found something to love.

Maddy's adventure helps teach about facing mental health issues and being true to who you are. Players learn to think about others' feelings and enjoy the game more for it.

Lena Raine's music really brings out Madeline's story, which helps with the game's mood and feel.

In all, Madeline's story is a strong point for video games showing diverse and true stories. Her tale highlights important issues, sparking talks and love from many.

Theo - The Social Media-Obsessed Traveler

In the 2018 game Celeste, players follow Madeline up Celeste Mountain. They meet different characters, including Theo, who loves social media.

Theo chats with Madeline, giving her company and some tips. He reminds her that even in hard times, staying connected is important.

Noel Berry is Theo's voice actor in Celeste. His voice brings Theo to life, making the game more real and engaging.

As Theo talks with Madeline, players learn about their struggles and growth. This makes the game's story more touching and real.

Theo shows how human connections matter, even in our tech-filled world. He's a good friend in the game, teaching players about friendship and caring.

Listen to Noel Berry's great work as Theo in Celeste. Join Madeline on her big adventure up the mountain.

Granny - The Wise and Supportive Figure

In 2018's Celeste, Madeline meets Granny, who guides her with wisdom. Granny's advice helps Madeline a lot.

Madeline struggles with her mind but stays strong. Granny cheers her on with wise and kind words.

Celeste has nine chapters. From chapters 2 to 6, Madeline fights her inner self, Badeline. Granny is there to help her through.

Not much is known about Granny's voice actor in Celeste. But, the voice acting makes Granny feel real.

Celeste does a great job showing how Madeline grows. Granny and others teach her to be strong and brave. This makes the game more real and touching.

Players love Granny because she supports Madeline so well. She teaches us how important it is to have someone who believes in us.

Badeline - The Manifestation of Doubt

In the game Celeste, Badeline is a key character. She stands for Madeline's self-doubt and worries. Badeline looks like Madeline but in a dark, gothic way. She shows the fight against fear inside Madeline.

Madeline and Badeline's relationship is super important. It shows how Madeline fights her own doubts. When Madeline faces Badeline, it's like she's trying to get stronger. She wants to beat her fears.

The person who voices Badeline in Celeste is a secret. But Badeline is very important in the game. She makes the story more powerful. Players really understand Madeline's struggles through Badeline.

Celeste is great at talking about doubt and fear. It teaches players about facing their own worries. Badeline shows how believing in yourself can make you grow.

Other Characters in Celeste

Celeste has more than just the main folks like Madeline and Theo. There's Granny and Badeline, too. The game is full of others who help along the way. These include friends and folks who are not playable.

Their parts are important for how the story goes. They make Celeste a deep and fun game to play.

In Celeste, you meet interesting people like Mr. Oshiro. He's a bit troubled. The game talks a lot about being OK with how we're feeling, and these characters help show that.

Main characters are cool, but others make Celeste special, too. They all add to the story's journey and lessons on growing and trying hard.

Everyone you meet makes Celeste feel like a real adventure. What they say and do brings the game to life. It's what makes you love being in the game world so much.

Development of Celeste and Voice Acting Choices

Celeste, released in 2018, has hooked players with its fun play, moving story, and unforgettable characters. Over three years, the game got better and better. The choice of voices really helped to make the characters real.

The team, Maddy Makes Games, did something special with Celeste's voices. They themselves became the main characters' voices. Maddy Thorson acted as Madeline, the game's hero. Noel Berry gave Theo his voice, the character obsessed with social media.

Maddy and Noel really knew the characters well. They designed them, after all. So, their acting made the characters really come alive. This made players feel even closer to Madeline and Theo.

Thanks to the voices the team chose, Celeste's characters felt very real to players. This showed the team's deep care for making a game that truly touches hearts.

Critical Reception and Awards

Celeste came out in 2018 and many people loved it. They praised the game for its fun gameplay and interesting story. It is an indie game that really stands out.

Review sites and game events appreciated the game. Celeste got many nominations and won prizes in indie game categories. Its music, story, and how you play the game impressed everyone.

The game's voice actors did a great job. They made the story feel real and deep. Everyone, including the critics, liked what they did.

Celeste was on many "Best of 2018" lists. It has a lot of fans because of its fun and welcoming story. Many different people like this game.

Celeste also did well at indie game events. People there got to see how creative the developers are. The game's design and story are very special.

Overall, Celeste has won many awards and is loved by fans. It shows how indie games can be great. It's a good example of making a great story in a game.

Legacy of Celeste and the Voice Actors

Celeste, the indie game we love, has made its mark in gaming. The actors who brought it to life are a big reason why. They made us feel every part of the story.

One famous voice in Celeste is Travis Willingham. He's starred in many hit games, showing his amazing skills. Through his voice, he brings characters from all kinds of stories to life.

Travis is not just in Celeste. You might know him as Guile in Street Fighter or Thor in Marvel games. His work has won the hearts of both players and those who review games.

His role in Celeste shows how serious he is about his job. Travis has also worked in games like League of Legends and Disney Infinity. He makes characters we love feel real and alive.

Travis is a big name not only in games but also in cartoons. He has worked in shows like Avengers Assemble and Ultimate Spider-Man. Travis gives characters in these shows a special voice and personality.

In Celeste, Travis shows us his true talent. His skills help make the game feel like a real adventure. He's a key part of what makes Celeste unforgettable for fans.

Celeste's fame is not just about the game itself. It also shows us the power of great voice acting. Thanks to actors like Travis Willingham, the game stands out and wins our hearts.

Fan Reception and Community Impact

In 2018, Celeste, an indie game, took the world by storm. Fans everywhere loved its story, tough challenges, and voice talents.

IGN gave it top scores. And in 2018, the Game Awards gave it multiple wins. Celeste stood out as a top pick of the year.

Lena Raine created the mesmerizing soundtrack. It mixes loud synths with calming pianos. This music brings the game's story to life.

The game talks about anxiety and feeling down. Many players found it comforting. The music matches the ups and downs in the game.

It's not just a game. Celeste also helps bring light to mental health. This is thanks to the deep connection Lena Raine made with the game and her own struggles.

Now, there's a big community around Celeste. Fans love to speedrun and mod the game. They keep finding new, amazing things to do in it.

Celeste has made a big, good mark. Its story, game features, and talented voice cast have won many hearts. It's one of the best in the gaming world.


The game Celeste (2018) is tough but fun, thanks to great voice work. It brings the characters to life for players.

You play as Madeline throughout most of the game. This makes you feel part of her story, which is cool.

Celeste asks for great skill. You must clear every screen perfectly. Mistakes mean starting over, testing how determined you are.

The C-sides have really hard screens. They're short but need a lot of trying. This helps players get better and not give up.

Celeste is different. It doesn't stop you with game-overs. You can keep trying until you make it. This way, you learn without too much pressure.

The game's look fits its challenge. It's like climbing a real mountain. The more you play, the more you learn, and it gets easier.

Celeste isn't a simple game. It's not just relaxing fun. But its challenges are fair and rewarding. It feels good to conquer them.

Celeste has many levels with new moves to learn. This keeps the game fresh and exciting. Every chapter brings something new to master.

There are also strawberries to find. They are a tough but optional challenge. They need extra effort to collect, making the game harder for those up to it.

For the best players, there are harder B-sides. These come after the main game. They push your skills even more, adding long-lasting fun.

Celeste is made for all kinds of players. It even has an "Assist Mode" for those who need it. This lets anyone enjoy the game their own way.

Celeste's music is special, making the game feel magical. The songs make the mountain's mystery come alive. They're some of the best part of the game.

The game also talks about tough subjects like anxiety. This made the reviewer feel for Madeline. Her story is inspiring for anyone going through hard times.

In the end, Celeste isn't just a game. It's a lesson in not giving up, no matter how hard things get. It rewards you for trying and getting better.


The info in this article comes from these sources:

  1. "Who Are the Voices in the Game Celeste (2018)?" report in the Fantasy industry
  2. The official Celeste website
  3. Venture Beat's review of Celeste
  4. Polygon's article on Madeline in Celeste

For more info, check out these sources for details on the voice actors in Celeste (2018). They show how skilled these individuals are. They made the game come alive.

Thanks for reading!