
In the voiceover industry, understanding key terms like "Cans" and casting considerations is essential for success.

What is Cans?

In the voiceover world, "Cans" means headphones. These headphones are key for recording. They let voice actors hear themselves and other sounds while they speak.

Cans give voice talents a direct sound feed. This helps them speak clearly and precisely.

Common Voiceover Terms and Their Meaning

The voiceover world is full of special words that voice talents need to know. It's key to know these words to do well. Here are some common voiceover terms and what they mean:


Analog means using old-school recording methods. It's the opposite of digital. But it can also mean old technologies that are no longer used.


Cans are another name for headphones. Voice actors use them to hear their recordings clearly. They look like metal cans, so people call them "cans" too.

Microphone Types

There are many microphones used in voiceovers, each with its own sound. Here are some common ones:

  • Cardioid: This microphone picks up sound mainly from in front and cuts out background noise.
  • Condenser: These microphones are very sensitive and clear. They're often used in professional voiceovers.
  • Dynamic: These microphones are strong and can be used for many things, including voiceovers.
  • Ribbon: Ribbon microphones give a classic sound. Some voice actors like them for their unique sound.


Distortion can mean two things in voiceovers. It can be bad audio quality or a way to change a message in political ads for effect.

Dynamic Range

Dynamic range is the difference between the quietest and loudest sounds in a recording. It's like the difference between whispering and vacuuming. Voice talents can show a big range of sounds.

Echo and Echo Chamber

Echo has different meanings in voiceovers. It's the sound bouncing off surfaces, making it seem repeated. It can also mean repeating a word for emphasis. Echo chambers were rooms for sound to bounce around, but now they mean places where people only hear what they want to.

These are just a few voiceover terms that new and experienced voice actors should know. Knowing these terms helps with talking and working together in the voiceover world.

Considerations for Casting the Right Voice Talent

When picking the right voice talent for your project, think about a few key things. Casting is very important for your voiceover work. This is true for ads, animations, or any audio content.

First, look for a voice actor with the right skills and experience. They should have a nice voice and be good at showing feelings. They need to change their voice for different styles and stories.

Also, think about how tech-savvy they are. Voiceover actors often use high-tech recording gear. So, pick someone who knows about ADR and is okay with using boom mics.

Lastly, think about what your project really needs. Do you need someone who can handle tricky timing or work with special screens? Knowing what your project needs will help you find the best voice talent.


What is the meaning of "Cans" in the voiceover industry?

"Cans" means headphones in the voiceover world. They are key for recording. Voice actors use them to hear their lines and any other sounds. This helps them speak clearly and precisely.

What are some common voiceover terms and their meanings?

The voiceover world has its own language. Here are some terms you should know:

- Voice talent: This is a pro who does voices for things like ads and games.

- Voice actors: They are like voice talents but focus on bringing characters to life.

- VO booth: This is a soundproof room where voice talents record their lines.

- Script: It's the text voice talents read from. It has their lines and directions.

- Director: This person helps guide the voice talent during recording, giving feedback.

- Voiceover demo: A mix of voice samples that shows a talent's skills.

- Lip-sync: This is when recorded voices match a character's lip movements.

- Warm-up exercises: These are vocal exercises done before recording to get ready.

- Breathing techniques: These help voice talents control their breathing during recording.

- Diction: This means speaking clearly and correctly, important for voice talents.

- Timing: This is about speaking at the right pace, fitting the project's rhythm.

What are some key considerations for casting the right voice talent?

When picking a voice talent, think about these things:

- Voice quality: It should match the project's tone and style. It should be nice to listen to.

- Experience: Experience shows a talent's skill and ability to meet project needs.

- Range and versatility: A versatile voice can adapt to different characters and styles.

- Interpretation skills: Understanding the script's emotions and traits is key to a great performance.

- Professionalism and reliability: A reliable voice talent makes working together smooth and positive.

- Budget: The project's budget affects who you can afford to hire.

- Auditions: Auditions let different talents show why they're right for the project.

- Client feedback: Listening to the client's preferences helps find the right voice talent.

- Compatibility: Making sure the voice talent fits the project's schedule is important for success.

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