General transcription

General transcription transforms spoken words into written text, essential for voiceovers and various industries, driving demand and growth.

What is General transcription?

General transcription is key in the voiceover world. It turns spoken words into written text. This service is vital for making spoken words easy to read and access.

It's used a lot in the voiceover field for things like podcasts and interviews. These projects need audio files turned into text, but not for legal or medical stuff.

More people want general transcription now because of new tech and the need for written info. The industry is growing fast, and the Transcription Certification Institute says so.

To be good at general transcription, you need to know your language well. You should have great grammar and spelling skills. You also need to be able to look up words you don't know.

Transcriptionists must listen carefully, even if the speakers are unclear or not professional.

General transcription is wanted in many areas, not just voiceovers. Online learning uses it to make course content easier to learn. News agencies and podcasters also use it to make transcripts.

It helps with lectures, presentations, and videos too. This makes content better for the audience.

But, general transcriptionists don't usually do medical transcription. That needs special medical training. But, with more experience, they can move into medical or legal transcription.

In short, general transcription is key in the voiceover world. It makes spoken words into written text. It's in demand because of new tech and the need for written info. Transcriptionists are vital for many fields.

Skills and Requirements for General Transcription

General transcription means listening to and writing down talks, interviews, and meetings. You don't need special training or a certificate. But, you must have some skills to do well.

Language skills: Loving words and knowing grammar is key. You need to understand English well. You should also be good at listening to different accents.

Listening and transcription skills: You must listen carefully to record talks. This is hard when there are many speakers or the sound is bad. You need to pay close attention to every word.

Research skills: Sometimes, you'll hear words you don't know. Being good at finding answers online helps. This makes sure your writing is correct.

Typing proficiency: You should be fast at typing. Most transcribers type about 50 words per minute. Trying to type 60 WPM or more can help you make more money. Those who type over 70 WPM can earn even more.

Technological competence: You need to know how to use special software and computers. This means you can easily play back recordings and use shortcuts to work faster.

Soft skills: Paying attention to details is important. You should work well on your own and meet deadlines. Being organized and motivated helps you do a great job.

Transcribing certain types of talks can pay more because they need special skills. For example, law and medical transcription can pay up to $25.00 per hour. These fields need experts.

There are tools to help transcribers, like ExpressScribe. It's free and has practice files for legal and medical work. Practicing and getting better at your job is key to doing well.

Hiring a General Transcription Professional in the Voiceover Industry

In the voiceover world, hiring a transcriptionist is a smart move. They make sure spoken words are turned into written words accurately and fast. When you're looking to hire one, think about a few things.

First, decide if you want an in-house transcriptionist or a freelancer. Or maybe you'll use a professional transcription service. Each choice has its own good and bad sides. It depends on what you really need and like.

It's key to tell potential transcriptionists what you need clearly. Talk about how hard the audio is, how fast you need it done, and if they need to know certain things about your industry. This helps make sure you find the best person for the task.

Also, think about your budget and how you feel about sharing private info. Transcription services charge different prices. The pay for transcriptionists can be between $15-$22 an hour, based on how hard the work is and their experience. Also, they might work with private stuff, so check how they keep things safe.


What is general transcription in the voiceover industry?

General transcription turns spoken words into written text. It's key in the voiceover world. It makes spoken words easy to read and use in many areas.

What skills and requirements are needed for general transcription?

You need to know the language well and have good grammar and spelling. You must also be able to look up words you don't know. Plus, you should be very accurate in tough situations.

How can I hire a general transcription professional in the voiceover industry?

Look for a transcriptionist with the right experience and knowledge for your field. You can hire them directly, work with freelancers, or use professional services. Make sure to tell them what you need to find the right one.

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