On hold

"On hold" in voiceover means a voice actor is a top choice for a job, impacting both their availability and client decisions.

What is On hold?

In the voiceover world, "on hold" means setting aside a spot for a voice actor. When a voice actor is on hold, they're picked by a client or producer for a job. The client checks if the actor is free before making it official.

Being on hold means the actor is a top choice for the job. It shows they're being seriously thought about. They can't take other jobs while on hold.

Terms like "on hold" and "first refusal" mean the actor is in the running for the job. They should tell casting about any schedule conflicts. Actors can audition for other jobs, but they should tell casting if they get another offer.

How "on hold" is used can change among casting directors. Some might use it the same way, others differently. Voice actors need to know how the casting director they're working with uses these terms.

Advantages of On-hold Messaging in the voiceover industry

On-hold messaging helps businesses and their customers a lot. It makes calls better, cuts down on hang-ups, and makes the brand stronger.

Studies say on-hold messages make people wait 3.5 minutes longer. This gives them important info. With 162 billion calls from mobile phones in 2020, businesses can talk to their customers while they wait.

A survey found that on-hold messages make people stay on the line longer. They also pay more attention to ads and remember things better. This makes customers happier.

On-hold messages can also help sell more stuff. Adding humor to these messages can grab people's attention. This helps make the brand more known.

A good on-hold message can even make money. By telling callers about other products, businesses can sell more things while they wait.

Companies like Snap Recordings offer over 1200 music tracks. This lets businesses make calls that fit their brand and what callers like.

Phonzai has over 100 top voice talents. This means businesses can get messages made fast and save money. They can also make many different call messages quickly.

Using professional messages on hold helps businesses keep more callers. Brands that focus on making customers happy, use professional voices, and work fast can make a good name for themselves.

Bad hold messages can make people hang up. So, it's key to use high-quality voice recordings. This makes a strong first impression and shows you're professional.

In the end, on-hold messaging is great for businesses. It makes calls better, keeps customers interested, helps sell more, and makes the brand stronger. Using it well can make a business look good, make customers happy, and bring in more money.

Examples of On-hold Messaging in different contexts

On-hold messaging is useful in many areas. It can be made for different industries. Let's look at some examples:

For startups, on-hold messages are great for marketing. They can talk about the company's goals, big wins, and what makes them special. Startups can share happy customer stories and news about new products or events. This makes people excited and helps spread the word about the brand.

In consulting, on-hold messages teach and inform. They share tips and stories that show the firm's know-how. By talking about the experts at the firm, it builds trust and shows the firm is a reliable guide.

For digital marketing agencies, on-hold messages show off what they know. They talk about the newest in digital marketing, give tips for getting noticed online, and share success stories. By talking about their special way of doing things, it builds trust and draws in new clients.

These examples show how on-hold messaging can grab the attention of callers in the voiceover industry. It works for startups, consulting firms, or digital marketing agencies. On-hold messages can share important info and make the customer experience better.


What does "on hold" mean in the voiceover industry?

In the voiceover world, being "on hold" means a voice actor has been picked for a job. The client is checking if the actor is free before they book the job.

Why is being on hold important in the voiceover industry?

Being on hold shows a job is special and a top priority. It makes sure the voice actor is free when needed. It also means they can't take other jobs at the same time.

What are the advantages of on-hold messaging in the voiceover industry?

On-hold messages help keep callers interested while they wait. They can tell callers about products or services, helping to make more sales. These messages also make the company seem professional and caring.

How can on-hold messaging be customized in different contexts within the voiceover industry?

On-hold messages can be made for different areas. For startups, they can talk about the company's goals and successes. For consultants, they can share tips and examples of their work.

For digital marketing agencies, they can teach about new trends and offer tips for getting noticed online. They can also show off successful projects they've done.

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