Plus ten

Plus ten boosts voiceover rates by 10%, aiding new talent and experienced actors while providing a pricing guide for fair compensation.

What is Plus ten?

Plus ten means a 10% rate increase in voiceover work. It helps fix the pay gap between new and experienced voice actors. New talent gets a chance to start earning while pros can make more money.

This guide helps voice actors set fair prices worldwide. It uses word count to set prices and drops the old studio fee. This way, voice actors can make more money and keep up with costs of living.

Remember, this guide comes from the author's views and experiences. Use it to help price your voiceover work.

Non-broadcast and Recording Fee - Freelance and P2P Websites

In the voiceover world, there are many chances for voice actors beyond TV and radio. Freelance sites and P2P websites are now big for finding these jobs. They help clients who need voiceovers for things not on TV, radio, or the internet.

Freelance and P2P sites often charge by the 100 words. This way, the cost can change based on the project size. But remember, you might also need to pay extra for recording.

Recording fees are extra money for the voice work. They pay voice actors for their time and effort. This is more common for big projects or if you're working in many languages.

How much you get paid for non-broadcast voiceover work depends on your experience. Beginners might start at $75 per 100 words. Those with more experience could charge $100 or more per 100 words. Experienced voice actors might even get $200 or more per 100 words.

For longer recordings, the extra charge should not be too high, usually about $200. This keeps the cost fair and in line with the project's size and complexity.

Some websites have a tool to help figure out the total cost of a project. This tool looks at the word count, the cost per 100 words, and any extra fees.

Freelance and P2P sites have changed the voiceover world. They connect voice actors with clients who need non-broadcast voiceovers. These sites make pricing clear, helping both voice actors and clients make smart choices. Knowing about the costs of non-broadcast voiceover work helps voice actors use these sites well and show off their skills.

Broadcast License - Freelance and P2P Websites

Many voiceover artists use freelance platforms and P2P websites for their work. These sites help voice actors find clients and make licensing deals easily.

Recent stats show that XX% of voiceover artists use freelance sites for their work. Another XX% go for P2P websites for deals. This shows how popular these sites are in the voiceover world.

Every year, XXXX voiceover projects get licensed on freelance sites. They make an average of $XXXX per project on P2P sites. The number of projects on freelance sites is growing by XX% each year. This shows more people want licensed voiceover work.

Freelance sites now have a XX% share in voiceover licensing. They let voice actors set their own rates and meet clients directly. This gives many chances for licensing their voiceover work.

P2P sites take a XX% commission on voiceover deals. But, voice actors are still happy with freelance sites, with a XX% satisfaction rate. This shows how well these platforms work for voiceover artists.


What is Plus ten in the voiceover industry?

Plus ten means a 10% increase in voiceover rates. It helps new talent start and lets experienced ones earn more.

How does the rate guide help voice talent price their work competitively?

The guide uses word count for pricing. Voice actors can earn more by charging per word and adding a fee. This helps with inflation and living costs.

What does the section on non-broadcast and recording fee cover?

This section talks about pricing for non-broadcast work. Rates are per 100 words. There's also a standard fee added to the broadcast rate.

What are the rates for different experience levels of voice actors?

Rates change with experience. Beginners start at + for 100 words. Intermediates start at 0+, and experts at 0+.

Is there a cap on the recording fee for longer recording sessions?

Yes, the recording fee should not go over 0, even for long sessions.

Is there a price calculator available to determine the total cost of a voiceover job?

Yes, there's a calculator to figure out costs. It looks at word count, price per 100 words, and license fees.

How are voiceover jobs used in ads on TV, radio, or the internet priced?

Pricing is per 100 words. It changes based on usage type and how long it's used.

Is negotiation common in this category?

Yes, negotiating is common. Voice actors should know their minimum rates before making deals.

What should voice actors keep in mind regarding platforms and rates?

Some platforms might not accept certain rates. Voice actors must think about their needs and the client's budget.

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