
Pre-roll ads captivate audiences before content, enhancing brand recall and engagement, while voice actors elevate marketing through unique audio experiences.

What is Pre-roll?

Pre-roll is a type of ad that plays before the main content in videos, podcasts, and audiobooks. It helps grab the audience's attention and promote products in the voiceover world. This idea comes from the music industry's old method of replacing or erasing early recordings.

Nowadays, pre-roll is key for voice talents who work from home. They use digital tools like Audacity and Adobe Audition to make great recordings. These tools help voice talents do their best work.

Every voice talent needs to know how to use pre-roll well. This skill is important for making great ads, teaching materials, stories, and audiobooks.

The Impact of Internet Pre-rolls

Internet pre-rolls have changed digital ads. They help businesses reach people in a fun and informative way. A study by IPG Media Lab and YuMe found pre-roll ads are less annoying than other types on computers and phones.

Pre-roll ads make a big impact. They help people remember brands and messages better on both computers and phones. People find them more fun and useful than other ads.

A Facebook study showed that even if viewers skip a pre-roll ad quickly, they still remember it. This proves pre-rolls grab attention fast.

Facebook, Twitter, and Vimeo have rules for pre-roll ads. Facebook limits them to six seconds. Twitter charges for ads over three seconds. Vimeo uses third-party players for pre-rolls, making data hard to get. But, pre-rolls are still a key way to advertise online.

Pre-roll videos are usually short, 15 to 30 seconds. Some platforms let them be up to 60 seconds long. This keeps the content quick and to the point, catching viewers' attention.

Some platforms let viewers skip pre-rolls. But even if they do, the ads still work well. They make people remember the brand and what it offers.

Good pre-roll videos grab attention and make people want to learn more. They aim to entertain and engage the audience. This makes them more likely to take action, like visiting a website.

Pre-rolls let businesses show their brand to people who are already interested. They play before the main content, so viewers are ready to listen. This gives businesses a chance to make a strong impression.

Putting pre-rolls in places that match the audience's interests makes them even more effective. This makes the ads feel like part of the content. It helps catch the audience's attention and get them involved.

Hiring a Voice Actor for Your Business

When you want to make your brand sound great, getting a pro voice actor is key. They bring your brand to life in audio. This is true for marketing, videos, websites, or voicemails. The voice actor is like your brand's voice.

You can hire a voice actor through ad agencies, media companies, or marketing firms. But, going straight to a voice talent can save you time and money. It cuts out extra costs and middlemen.

The price to hire a voice actor changes based on things like script length and how you plan to use the recording. You might need to pay for script changes or matching the voice to a video. Check out the GVAA rate guide for help with costs.

By choosing a voice actor, your business can make a memorable audio experience. A good voice actor makes your brand sound unique and connects with your audience. This can really help your marketing do well.


What is pre-roll and how is it used in the voiceover industry?

Pre-roll is a type of ad that plays before the main content. In voiceovers, it helps grab the audience's attention and promote products.

What is the origin of pre-roll in the voiceover industry?

It comes from music's punch and roll technique. Now, pre-roll is key for voice talents working from home with digital tools.

What are some popular DAWs that offer pre-roll functionality?

DAWs like Audacity, Adobe Audition, and others give pre-roll features. They help voice talents make top-notch recordings for ads and more.

How are internet pre-rolls used as advertising tools?

Internet pre-rolls are short ads that play before videos online. They help brands reach people before they watch content and share their message.

How do voice actors contribute to internet pre-rolls?

Voice actors, like Chris Reidburn, bring a skilled voice to pre-rolls. They grab viewers' attention and share the brand's message well.

What are the benefits of hiring a voice actor independently for internet pre-rolls?

Hiring a voice actor directly saves time and money. It means working directly with the talent, speeding up the process and cutting out extra costs.

What factors influence the cost of internet pre-rolls?

The cost depends on the script length, how many times it's used, and the production details. Each project's needs affect the price.

How long does it take to receive voice files for internet pre-rolls?

Voice talents work fast, usually in 1-48 hours. This depends on the script and how it's sent. Businesses get the final voice files quickly.

What is the role of a voice actor in shaping a brand's identity?

Voice actors are key in making a brand's voice and image. They help shape the brand and connect with the audience through sound.

What options do businesses have for hiring voice actors?

Businesses can hire voice actors through agencies or directly. Going direct saves money and time by skipping extra steps.

What factors determine the cost of hiring a voice actor?

The cost varies by script length, how often it's used, and other details. The voice actor's skills and the project's needs also play a part.

What is the turnaround time for receiving voice files when hiring a voice actor directly?

Getting voice files fast depends on the project and the actor's schedule. Working directly usually means a quicker process.

How does hiring a voice actor enhance a business's marketing efforts?

A voice actor adds a unique touch to marketing. A good voiceover strengthens the brand, delivers the message well, and leaves a lasting impression.

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