Revisi Mayor

Revisi Mayor signifies significant script changes in Indonesian voiceover projects, impacting timelines and costs, necessitating clear communication between artists and clients.

What is Revisi Mayor?

Revisi Mayor is a big change in voiceover projects, especially in Indonesia. It means making big changes to over 30% of the script. This means the voiceover artist has to re-record everything affected or the whole project.

There are many reasons for Revisi Mayor. Maybe the client wants something different, or the creative direction changes. Sometimes, big changes are needed for other reasons too. This can make the project take longer and cost more.

It's important for voiceover artists and clients to know about Revisi Mayor. They should talk about revisions at the start of the project. This includes agreeing on how many changes are allowed and any extra costs for big changes. This helps everyone work better together and avoids problems later on.

Key Terms in Voiceover Projects

In the world of voiceover projects, knowing key terms is key. These terms help with clear talks and successful work together. They matter a lot for voiceover talents, clients, and those in the voiceover field. Knowing them helps make projects go smoothly and keeps clients happy.


A license is very important in voiceover work. It lets the client use the voiceover in things like websites, radio ads, and TV ads. It sets rules for how the voiceover can be used and protects both the talent and the client.


The rate is how much money the voiceover talent gets paid. It depends on things like how long the project is, what it's for, and the talent's experience and fame.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

IVR lets computers talk to people using voice or touch-tone inputs. It's used in phone systems to help with things like menus and getting information.

Public Service Announcement (PSA)

PSAs are messages to make people aware of issues or teach them something. They're often made by groups that help people or by government agencies to spread the word about important topics.

Audio Book

An audio book is when someone reads a book out loud for listeners. It lets people enjoy stories and books through audio, like on CDs or online.

Audio Drama

Audio drama tells stories using only sound, like voices, sound effects, and music. It's like a radio play that makes you use your imagination to picture the story.

Company Profile

A company profile tells a little bit about a business. It talks about what the company does, its values, products, and big achievements. It's a way for a company to show who they are to others.

Radio Ads, TV Ads, Digital Ads

These are ads that use sound and pictures to get messages out there. Voiceover talents play a big part in making these ads interesting and convincing.

Public Service Ads (PSAs)

PSAs are ads that help people by teaching them something or making them aware of issues. They're made by groups that want to help people and by government agencies to share important info.

Voice Over Live

Voice over live means doing voiceovers in real time, like at events or on TV. Voiceover talents show off their skills by giving great performances live.


A quotation is a document that tells how much a voiceover will cost. It lists the project details, prices, how to pay, and any extra services or fees.


An invoice asks for payment for voiceover work done. It shows what was done, the price, the total to pay, and how to pay. Invoices help keep payments clear and honest.

Terms of Payment

Terms of payment are the rules for paying for voiceover work. They cover how to pay, when to pay, and any extra charges or discounts for paying early or late.


A rebate is a discount or refund given to a client for being loyal or as a special deal. In voiceover work, rebates might be given for doing a lot of work together or for special promotions.

Front Payment

A front payment is a part of the total payment made before starting a project. It shows the client is serious and helps make sure the talent is ready and available.

Final Payment

The final payment is the last bit of money the client pays for the project. It's when the project is done and makes sure all money matters are settled.

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

An NDA is a contract that keeps secrets safe between voiceover talents, agencies, and clients. It protects sensitive info, secrets, or special ideas shared during the project.

Gentlemen's Agreement

A gentlemen's agreement is an understanding based on trust and respect. In voiceover work, it might be an agreement about project details, when things need to be done, or how to pay.

Pitching Project

Pitching projects means showing ideas or proposals to clients or partners in voiceover work. Talents or agencies show off their skills and fit for a project by sharing their creativity and how they can meet the client's needs.


An audition is when a voiceover talent shows off their skills for a specific role or project. Clients use auditions to see if the talent's voice and style fit the project before choosing them.

Cut Down

A cut down means editing a voiceover to fit a certain time or format. Editors trim the content while keeping the message clear and strong, making sure it still has impact.

Terminology in the Voiceover Industry

The voiceover world has its own special terms. These are about audio production and recording. Knowing these terms helps you move around in the voiceover world better.

Licensing is a big part of voiceover work. Both voice talents and clients need to know the licensing rules. This makes sure the voice is used right and protects everyone's rights.

Rates are also key in the voiceover world. Voice actors and agencies talk about fair rates. These rates change based on the project type. This includes things like IVR, PSA, audio books, and commercials for different media.

There are special terms for making voiceover projects. Clients might ask for a voice artist's profile or radio ads. Service providers give quotes, invoices, and payment terms. Sometimes, voice talents face issues like plosives or sibilance. These might need minor or major fixes to sound good.


What is Revisi Mayor in the voiceover industry?

Revisi Mayor means a big change in voiceover work. It means making big changes to a project, like more than 30% of the script. This could be changing the script, tone, or how it's delivered.

It happens when clients change their minds or want something new. Voiceover artists need to record a lot or the whole project again. They should talk about how many changes are okay and if there's extra cost for big changes.

What are the key terms in voiceover projects?

Important terms include License, Rate, and IVR. Also, PSA, Audio Book, and Audio Drama. There's Company Profile, Radio Ads, TV Ads, and Digital Ads too.

Public Service Ads, Voice Over Live, Quotation, and SPK are also key. So are Invoice, Terms of Payment, Rebate, and Front Payment. Final Payment, Non-Disclosure Agreement, and Gentlemen's Agreement matter too. Pitching Project, Audition, and Cut Down are important as well.

What are the technical terms in the voiceover industry?

Technical terms include License, Rate, and IVR. Also, PSA, Audio Book, and Audio Drama. Company Profile, Radio Ads, TV Ads, and Digital Ads are part of it.

Public Service Ads, Voice Over Live, Quotation, and SPK are important. Invoice, Terms of Payment, Revisi, and Revisi Minor matter too. Revisi Mayor, Wrap, Control Room, Plosive, and Sibilance are technical terms as well.

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