
Safety measures in the voiceover industry prioritize health, enabling artists to work from home while minimizing COVID-19 risks through testing and sanitation.

What is Safety?

Safety is key in the voiceover world. It keeps voiceover artists and crew safe and healthy. SAG-AFTRA says working from home is the safest, especially with COVID-19 around.

Artists can choose to record from their own studios at home. Employers should help by giving out equipment and tech support. These steps help cut down on COVID-19 risks.

They include recording at home, testing for COVID-19, cleaning, keeping distance, and wearing masks. Experts in health and the industry help make these rules. They update them often with new info and best ways to stay safe.

Recording from Personal or Home Studios

Recording from home is now common in the voiceover world. It lets performers work in a comfy place they know well. Whether it's a pro setup or something simple, home studios offer flexibility and ease.

Some don't have their own gear. That's why companies lend out equipment. This includes things like mics, headphones, and interfaces. And, they should help with tech problems during recordings.

Recording at home means less contact and less risk of getting sick. It helps keep voiceover artists safe and in control. This way, they can work without worrying about viruses.

When using loaner gear, make sure it's clean. Ask for it to be wiped down before you start. Keeping the equipment clean is key for everyone's health.

Backing up data is very important. Voiceover pros should save their audio and other files often. Use hard drives, flash drives, or cloud services to keep your work safe.

Help with tech issues is important, but so is backing up data. Good advice on organizing files and naming them right helps artists keep track of their work.

Recording from home is great for voiceover artists. It's flexible, safe, and easy. With the right equipment and support, they can make top-quality recordings safely and securely.

COVID-19 Testing and Sanitation

To keep the voiceover industry safe, COVID-19 testing and cleaning are very important. We use the latest health science to test for COVID-19. This helps stop the virus from spreading during work.

Everyone going into the studio must get tested for COVID-19 48 hours before work. We don't accept antibody or antigen tests. Everyone must also check their health every day with questionnaires and temperature checks.

Washing hands often helps stop COVID-19 from spreading. Make sure to wash your hands for 20 seconds. Use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol too. These steps keep everyone in the studio safe.

We clean everything often, including surfaces, equipment, and scripts. We give out disposable scripts or show them on screens. This cuts down on touching things that could spread the virus. We also use air filters to keep the air clean.

Air-Way follows strict rules to lower the chance of getting COVID-19. They give out face masks for free and ask everyone to wear them. They also spread out breaks and use video calls when they can.

We quickly adapt to new testing rules in our industry. We have a Zone System that depends on how close people are and if they wear masks. People in Zone A get tested every day. Zone B gets tested once a week, and it depends on the situation. For flying, everyone must test and get the all-clear before the trip.

In the end, testing for COVID-19 and keeping things clean are crucial for a safe voiceover industry. By following these rules, we can keep working safely. And we can keep our team healthy and happy.

Physical Distancing and Personal Protection

To keep everyone safe in voiceover sessions, we must use physical distancing and personal protection. These steps help lower the chance of spreading germs and make a safe place to work.

Keep at least six feet apart during recording. This means changing the studio setup and using signs for distance. Only needed staff should be close to performers, and touching should be kept to a minimum.

Everyone in the studio must wear masks all the time, except when alone in the booth. This includes performers, staff, clients, and directors. Also, face shields should be worn by those giving directions up close.

Each performer should be in their own booth for recording. This greatly lowers the risk of spreading germs. Use remote connections for clients, directors, or staff who aren't in the studio.

With strict distancing and protection, the voiceover industry can be safe. This lets everyone work without worrying about getting sick.


What is the importance of safety in the voiceover industry?

Safety is key for voiceover artists and crew during the COVID-19 pandemic. It helps keep them healthy and safe. By following safety rules, we can lower the risk of getting the virus.

Can voiceover performers record from personal or home studios?

Yes, voiceover artists can work from home if they want. Studios should help by giving out equipment and tech support for recording at home.

What are the COVID-19 testing and sanitation protocols?

Before recording, voiceover artists and studio staff must test for COVID-19. They should wash their hands often and clean surfaces and equipment. Using disposable scripts is also important.

How is physical distancing ensured in the recording studio?

Studios keep people six feet apart to maintain distance. Each performer works alone in a booth. They use remote tech to talk to clients and other team members.

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