Structure Borne Noise

Structure Borne Noise disrupts voiceover quality by traveling through walls and floors, caused by vibrations from various sources.

What is Structure Borne Noise?

Structure Borne Noise is unwanted noise that moves through things like walls and floors. In voiceover work, it can really mess up the sound quality. It happens when something vibrates and makes the air around it vibrate too. Things like fans, motors, and moving parts can cause this noise.

It's important to know the difference between this noise and regular air noise. This noise goes through things, not just through the air. Knowing this helps us find ways to stop it.

To lessen Structure Borne Noise in voiceover, we use a few tricks. We can use special materials to stop vibrations from spreading. Or we can use mounts to keep things from shaking too much. And sometimes, we use special panels to soak up the noise.

Causes of Structure Borne Noise

Structure Borne Noise (SBN) comes from many sources and materials. It makes vibrations go through structures. Knowing why SBN happens helps us lower the noise.

1. Vibrating Surfaces

Vibrating surfaces make a lot of SBN. Things like fans, motors, and pumps vibrate when they work. These vibrations send noise waves through the air.

2. Material Interaction

When materials touch and move or rub, they make SBN. For example, when something hits or rubs against another, it vibrates and makes noise.

Some things change how much air-borne noise (ABN) and SBN there is. In electric motors, ABN is usually more. But, if something changes, SBN becomes a bigger part of the noise.

Harder materials can change how noise spreads. They might make less ABN but more SBN. This is because they let vibrations go through better.

Adding things like housing to electric parts can also change the noise. It can make both ABN and SBN louder because of leaks.

Finding out why SBN happens in a place is important for reducing noise. Knowing how SBN works helps people design better materials and insulation to cut down on noise.

Now we know why SBN happens, we can look at ways to lessen it.

Mitigation strategies for Structure Borne Noise

Managing structure-borne noise is key to a quieter life. There are ways to lessen the noise in different places.

Start by stopping vibrations before they begin. Change how the structure vibrates, keep vibrations from moving, or use smooth surfaces. This cuts down on noise by tackling its source.

Using materials that soak up vibrations is another good idea. These materials turn vibrations into heat, lowering the noise. Also, things like noise absorbers and barriers can help. They soak up sound and turn it into heat, making the area quieter.

Experts in sound are very important too. They help make buildings quiet by following noise rules. Their advice helps make sure the sound stays under control.

These strategies, like stopping vibrations, soaking up vibrations, and reducing airborne noise, really help. They make places quieter, whether they're homes, work areas, or places for fun. This makes life better, reduces annoyance, and keeps everyone happy and quiet.


What is Structure Borne Noise in the voiceover industry?

Structure Borne Noise is unwanted sound that moves through things in the voiceover world. It happens when something vibrates and makes the air around it move. This makes sound waves. This noise can really affect how good recordings sound.

What are the causes of Structure Borne Noise?

Things that vibrate a lot cause Structure Borne Noise. Things like fans, motors, pumps, and when things rub together. These vibrations send energy through things, making noise.

What strategies can be implemented to mitigate Structure Borne Noise in the voiceover industry?

To lessen Structure Borne Noise, there are a few things you can do. You can stop vibrations by changing how things vibrate, or by using surfaces that don't rub together much. You can also use special materials to soak up vibrations.

Using things like sound absorbers, barriers, and layers can also cut down on the noise.

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