UN style

UN style voiceover enhances videos by softly overlaying another language, preserving the original voice, and breaking language barriers effectively.

What is UN style?

UN style voiceover is a special way to add another voice to a video. It puts another language over the first voice softly. This is often used in movies to make it seem like a character is speaking, even if they don't know the language.

This method started with videos from groups like the United Nations. They used it to add voices in different languages to interviews and stories.

UN style is great for true stories and interviews. It lets viewers understand what's being said while keeping the real voice clear. To do this, you need the original video, script, and translation. Then, the new voice is added to fit the original's speed and feel.

In the voiceover world, being neutral and clear is key for UN style. The voice artist must make the dialogue clear and keep the original speaker's voice strong. This kind of voiceover needs a lot of skill to sound natural.

UN style voiceover is important for breaking language barriers. It makes videos and interviews reach more people. This way, everyone can watch and understand in their own language, without losing the real feel of the production.

Differences between dubbing and voiceover

Dubbing and voiceover are often mixed up, but they are different.

Dubbing means changing the original voice to another language. It needs to match the original voice's tone and feelings. Dubbing is hard work but makes content reach more people and touch them deeply.

Voyzapp leads in dubbing, offering many services like Timed Audio and Lip-Sync dubbing. They have over 35,000 voice artists and translators. Their focus on quality makes dubbing projects perfect.

Voyzapp works with films, e-learning, and corporate shows in many languages. This connects with people from all over the world.

Voiceover is simpler and doesn't try to be the original voice. It shares the message in a new way. There are two types: UN-style and off-screen narration.

UN-style voice-over keeps the original speaker's feel and emotions. Voyzapp has been doing this for over 10 years. They're experts in video game voice overs in over 50 languages.

Voyzapp's voice artists can do full dubbing or just voice over. Their work always meets or beats what clients expect.

Voyzapp's artists have many accents and styles. They work in cartoons, commercials, and corporate videos. They're great at sports promos, station idents, and documentaries.

These artists have voices that are warm, friendly, and engaging. They can be young or sound authoritative. This lets them play many roles well.

Big names like Samsung and BMW work with Voyzapp's voice artists. This shows how good their voiceover services are.

Pros and cons of voiceover and dubbing

When we talk about making content for a global audience, voiceover and dubbing have good and bad points. Let's look at what each has to offer:


Voiceover is great because it's easy on the wallet. It uses fewer voice actors than dubbing. This makes it cheaper for creators. Plus, it's very accurate in translating scripts.

But, voiceover has its downsides. In long videos, having two audio tracks can be a bit much. It might take viewers some time to get used to the voiceover, which could change how they watch the video.


Dubbing makes the video feel more real by matching the actors' lip movements. This is why it's often used in movies and shows.

But, dubbing isn't without its problems. It takes a lot of work and money, needing a full cast and a lot of editing. It's a complex process that takes a lot of time and effort.

Trying to match the skill of a professional voice actor is hard, even with new tech. This means dubbing can be tricky to get right, especially in capturing the original's emotion and skill.

Choosing the Right Option

Choosing between voiceover and dubbing depends on who you're making it for, what it's about, and how much you can spend. Voiceover is good for info or documentaries because it's cheaper and accurate. Dubbing is better for shows or movies that need to pull viewers in.

Finding the right mix of cost, accuracy, and how engaging it is for viewers is key when picking between voiceover and dubbing for reaching a global audience.

Different styles of voiceover and dubbing

Voiceover and dubbing make audiovisual content better and reach more people around the world. There are many ways to do voiceover and dubbing. Each style fits different projects and tastes.

UN-style voiceover adds a new language track while keeping the original voice in the background. It's great for real-life scenes like speeches and interviews. This makes watching in different languages smooth.

Off-camera voiceover, or narration, records voices separately and matches them with the screen. It's used in ads, movies, and documentaries. It helps tell more of the story and pulls viewers in.

Voice replacement dubbing changes the original voices but keeps the feeling and tone the same. It's cheaper and works well for online lessons and training. The new voices don't match the lips, but it's still effective.

Lip-sync dubbing matches the new voices with the actors' lips closely. It's seen in films, TV, and cartoons. This makes the voices and visuals work together perfectly.

There are voice dubbing services in over 100 languages and many professional voice actors. This means there are many ways to make content reach people everywhere. Voiceover and dubbing styles offer creativity and flexibility. They help tell stories and communicate well to global audiences.


What is UN style in the voiceover industry?

UN style in voiceovers means adding another voice in a different language softly over the original one. It's used for interviews and factual content. This way, people can hear the original voice but also understand another language.

What are the differences between dubbing and voiceover?

Dubbing changes the whole voice to another language. Voiceover adds a new voice but keeps the original one quiet in the background. Dubbing must match the original's feelings and lip movements. Voiceover just shares the message without trying to be the original.

What are the pros and cons of voiceover and dubbing?

Voiceover is cheaper and very accurate. It works well for short videos. But, it might be distracting in longer videos.

Dubbing makes watching feel smooth and is great for movies. But, it's harder and more expensive to make.

What are the different styles of voiceover and dubbing?

There are many ways to do voiceovers and dubbings. UN-style is good for real-life videos. Off-camera voiceovers tell us more about what's happening.

There's also voice replacement dubbing and lip-sync dubbing. Voice replacement keeps the original's feel but doesn't match lips. Lip-sync dubbing makes the audio match the actor's lips for a real look.

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